Is gridlock a good thing?

Big Money

New member
The Founders intentionally created a legislative, and governmental, system where it was hard to enact bad ideas.

Our ruling elites have a burden of persuasion, built right into the Constitution, that the laws they seek to enact are all (or at least mostly) to the good.

Legislation should be difficult.

The Obama administration, from the president on down, has sought to circumvent its Constitutional burden of persuasion.

It has done so through duplicity, as in “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” — an aggressively repeated claim that has won the president Politifacts’ “Lie of the Year.”

The Obama administration also has sought to circumvent the Constitutional burden of persuasion through abuse of the regulatory process.

Bipartisanship, in the system designed by the Founders and currently being trampled by progressives, is something to be reserved for really good ideas.

The “American Way” simply is not amenable to the jejune notions of Romantic Utopians such as those of our dear “progressives.”

Gridlock is a brake for bad laws.

The American people simply will not, absent deception, connive in “the end of prosperity.” Gridlock is a feature, not a bug. It protects us, mostly.
Gridlock is a good thing and our form of Government was designed to allow for it. I look at it this way; the less these dimwit politicians legislate, the better off we all are.

Of course to the low information crowd this is inconceivable; they'd like to see a dictatorship where their party is guaranteed permanent power and enact every well intentioned program invented by man.
The Founders intentionally created a legislative, and governmental, system where it was hard to enact bad ideas.

Our ruling elites have a burden of persuasion, built right into the Constitution, that the laws they seek to enact are all (or at least mostly) to the good.

Legislation should be difficult.

The Obama administration, from the president on down, has sought to circumvent its Constitutional burden of persuasion.

It has done so through duplicity, as in “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” — an aggressively repeated claim that has won the president Politifacts’ “Lie of the Year.”

The Obama administration also has sought to circumvent the Constitutional burden of persuasion through abuse of the regulatory process.

Bipartisanship, in the system designed by the Founders and currently being trampled by progressives, is something to be reserved for really good ideas.

The “American Way” simply is not amenable to the jejune notions of Romantic Utopians such as those of our dear “progressives.”

Gridlock is a brake for bad laws.

The American people simply will not, absent deception, connive in “the end of prosperity.” Gridlock is a feature, not a bug. It protects us, mostly.

This will be the first time I have said you are right on anything. Maybe you are learning more, this is a decent post. Most of your posts are trash, glad I found this one.

Obama came into office with a RECORD agreement

Following Bush, it wasn't too hard to look like an "American God". Bush was absolute trash and put us on the curb of a Depression worse than the great depression, he admitted that himself.

So ever since the Right noticed "we completely sold out to Corporations and sold out America" they realized they had to FILIBUSTER everything this new President does.

In the process of "Everything Obama does is wrong" America has paid the price, because it's no longer "whats good for America should be". It's now "Whatever Obama says is wrong and all he wants is control".

I'm a "Conservative spending right winger" mixed with a "liberal freedom leftist" kind of guy.


The "left" isn't spending because of the gridlock is what I use to think. Until I researched what states are spending more Federally without paying it back and it's the RED states that spend and don't pay the bill.

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOT SPENDING AND SPENDING AND NOT TAXING. THE RIGHT HASN'T FIGURED THAT DIFFERENCE OUT YET. The Left is Controlling this argument because they are all paying their share. The Right Wing states, mostly the Libertarian and Tea party states, are refusing to pay their taxation. America is built on Taxation, you have to pay it or fight it, you can't just not pay it.....
The Founders intentionally created a legislative, and governmental, system where it was hard to enact bad ideas.

Our ruling elites have a burden of persuasion, built right into the Constitution, that the laws they seek to enact are all (or at least mostly) to the good.

Legislation should be difficult.

The Obama administration, from the president on down, has sought to circumvent its Constitutional burden of persuasion.

It has done so through duplicity, as in “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” — an aggressively repeated claim that has won the president Politifacts’ “Lie of the Year.”

The Obama administration also has sought to circumvent the Constitutional burden of persuasion through abuse of the regulatory process.

Bipartisanship, in the system designed by the Founders and currently being trampled by progressives, is something to be reserved for really good ideas.

The “American Way” simply is not amenable to the jejune notions of Romantic Utopians such as those of our dear “progressives.”

Gridlock is a brake for bad laws.

The American people simply will not, absent deception, connive in “the end of prosperity.” Gridlock is a feature, not a bug. It protects us, mostly.

Considering the complete corruption of the Duopoly parties and their total disregard for our Constitution their hatred of one another and the gridlock thereof is our only defense left politically to ward off the fucking insanity they proliferate.

Gridlock now and always!!! Shutting down a fucking insane government is sanity of the grandest magnitude!!!

“Don’t vote, it just encourages the bastards!”(P. J. O’Rourke)
This will be the first time I have said you are right on anything. Maybe you are learning more, this is a decent post. Most of your posts are trash, glad I found this one.

Obama came into office with a RECORD agreement

Following Bush, it wasn't too hard to look like an "American God". Bush was absolute trash and put us on the curb of a Depression worse than the great depression, he admitted that himself.

Explain this moron!!!

So ever since the Right noticed "we completely sold out to Corporations and sold out America" they realized they had to FILIBUSTER everything this new President does.

In the process of "Everything Obama does is wrong" America has paid the price, because it's no longer "whats good for America should be". It's now "Whatever Obama says is wrong and all he wants is control".

This so-called “NEW” President had his party in total control of the Congress for the first two years of his first term, what did he accomplish? Why Obama-Care of course. How’s that working out for ya Goober?

I'm a "Conservative spending right winger" mixed with a "liberal freedom leftist" kind of guy.

What you truly are is a socialist moron promoting extortion of the most productive and the bribery for votes of the lesser productive with the extortion loot. You’re a neo-communist jerkoff.

The "left" isn't spending because of the gridlock is what I use to think. Until I researched what states are spending more Federally without paying it back and it's the RED states that spend and don't pay the bill.

How do you explain the fact moron that nearly every State has a “balanced budget amendment” whereby they MUST balance the State budget? How the fuck do red States balance the budget without paying the bills idiot?


The majority of the left Goober don’t pay anything they get paid by the government in return for their left-ass vote.

The Right Wing states, mostly the Libertarian and Tea party states, are refusing to pay their taxation. America is built on Taxation, you have to pay it or fight it, you can't just not pay it.....

I’ll remind you moron that GOVERNMENT IS FORCE. Government holds the gun in the back that will put anybody’s fucking ass in jail for ”refusing to pay their taxation.” Name names Goober!!! Who are the libertarians and right-wingers in jail for not paying their taxes?????

You’re not only a hypocrite and a moron, you’re also a fucking liar and total bullshitter!!!
If gridlock is good, then disbanding Congress entirely would be better? How about anarchy? wouldn't that be "best" according to that progression?
There are a lot of issues we need to address that can be approached in a bipartisan manor. Protecting our power grid from an electromagnetic pulse generated by a rouge nation such as North Korea or Pakistan would be one. But seriously...we need to fire Boehner as speaker of the house. Either Cantor or Pelosi would be an improvement.
If gridlock is good, then disbanding Congress entirely would be better? How about anarchy? wouldn't that be "best" according to that progression?

Difficult does not mean impossible, maineman. This is a form of logical fallacy. You've built a straw man, and didn't even bother to give it clothes to disguise it's form.
Difficult does not mean impossible, maineman. This is a form of logical fallacy. You've built a straw man, and didn't even bother to give it clothes to disguise it's form.

if gridlock is the GOAL for republicans, why even HAVE a congress that meets at all?
if gridlock is the GOAL for republicans, why even HAVE a congress that meets at all?

This is a better disguised straw man, but still a straw man. Nobody has made that argument but you, you are simply arguing against your imagination. It's real easy to do that. You pretend somebody says something absurd then in your mind you are the "hero" who "vanquishes" the ridiculous argument. The problem is, nobody said it but your own imagination.
If I think something is "good", I aspire to achieve it.... don't you?

This here is the either/or fallacy on top of a straw man fallacy. While there is a wide range of stuff that "good" can mean, maineman chose the absurd one, propped it up, and gave himself the "championship" ring in his own mind fighting off an argument nobody has made.

Good in this instance would more likely mean "not necessarily bad" than "this is our 'new' goal", but maineman decides to say that there are only two options, although there are myriad meanings available.

Simplifying an argument and arguing what nobody has said makes arguing easy, but the only person you beat is your own imagination.
so big phony doesn't actually WANT gridlock? Is that why he asked if it were a good thing or not? If it WERE a good thing, it would seem that he would want to see it come to fruition. Why is this illogical?
If gridlock is good, then disbanding Congress entirely would be better? How about anarchy? wouldn't that be "best" according to that progression?

Gee; another painfully stupid inept post from the dunce.

Here's a better idea; how about if we, the sheeple, forced our politicians to stay within the intent of the Constitution and implemented term limits?

What a dishonest Dunce. You give "stupid" a bad name.
There are a lot of issues we need to address that can be approached in a bipartisan manor.


That isn’t what the debate is about however; there was plenty of bi-partisan legislation during the Bush Administration. Liberal Democrats aren’t interested in bi-partisan solutions, they are interested in forcing their opponents to agree with their programs and paint them as demagogues if that don’t go along.

Protecting our power grid from an electromagnetic pulse generated by a rouge nation such as North Korea or Pakistan would be one.

What the hell is a rouge nation?

So how would North Korea or Pakistan send an electromagnetic pulse powerful enough to knock out our power grid?

But seriously...we need to fire Boehner as speaker of the house. Either Cantor or Pelosi would be an improvement.

Who is this “we” you speak of? Are you speaking for “you Liberals”? You’ll have to win an election to do that.

As for Pelosi; she was a massive failure as Speaker who served a mere four years and lost the House to a Republican landslide. Not to mention she is dumber than a doorknob.

Just what the forum needed, another illiterate leftist dunce making clueless claims and comments.
This here is the either/or fallacy on top of a straw man fallacy. While there is a wide range of stuff that "good" can mean, maineman chose the absurd one, propped it up, and gave himself the "championship" ring in his own mind fighting off an argument nobody has made.

Good in this instance would more likely mean "not necessarily bad" than "this is our 'new' goal", but maineman decides to say that there are only two options, although there are myriad meanings available.

Simplifying an argument and arguing what nobody has said makes arguing easy, but the only person you beat is your own imagination.

Good luck arguing with the dishonest idiot. He's not interested in honest dialogue; just spamming threads with his repugnant, dishonest stupidity.