Is Grind a Slacker? :(


on indefiniate mod break
So I am in a class, and we have to do a group project.

In this group, we have a girl. She is a bit of a control freak, and wants to do everything herself. We have to write a brief summary of what we intend to do, construct a presentation, blah blah blah the whole nine yards.

Anyway I am paired up with another kid in our group and it was our job to do research involving accommodations for cyclists (this is an urban development class).

This kid and I swap back and forth research data that we have come across. We are finding the same stuff overall. It's not difficult work.

Girl decides that we should meet friday to put our paper together at 9-12, cause she has class at 12. I email back, tell her I'm free the entire weekend, but I have class at the time she wants to get together at.

I get no response.

Because she made no effort to forge a compromise, there is not much I can do, and I can't go to the meeting.

I'm not too worried cause the kid has the same research I've done, so I don't bother submitting my end of the research because I feel it's simply redundant to give the same information twice.

Kid emails me his part of the paper that friday, I ask if he would like help in writing it and putting it together. No response.

So I say whatever. Two people in my group now have decided to not include me even though I've made proactive attempts at helping them.

So Monday comes (today) and we are in class. I apologize to one of the guys in my group for not being at the meeting as a matter of formality. One guy seemed cool with it.

Anyway I go up to the girl, say sorry that I couldn't make the meeting etc...

And she goes completely off on me. Accusing me of not doing anything, how it's not a big deal (saying this sarcastically) because she always expects someone in the group not to pull their weight, how she is going to get a good grade anyway so she doesnt care about my apology. Says I've done nothing and completely bitches me out.

We still have a presentation to do, we still have additional research to do, etc... I tell her that I am going to do everything I can to help out.. she doesn't care etc.

I even tell the professor that I didn't contribute much to the paper (though I should have mentioned I didn't really have much of an opportunity) and she implied that I still have other areas to contribute.

So the question is:

A) is grind a slacker? Should he have done his best to get his piece to them despite the fact he was not being included in group decision making?

B) Is this girl a total bitch for not even being civil about it?

C) Both
Keep producing material for the project and helping the project, but do it outside her parameters. Be a productive part of the team but do it outside her control.

You might be able to make her have a stroke, or at least a melt-down.

Always an entertaining bit for a class.
Be yourself if that self is not a slacker and is consistent and honest. Eventually others see others for what they are. Do not retaliate or blame her, be professional and friendly. Very often people like that are driven by their own insecurity and nothing you do matters. I have been in teams, lead teams, and managed teams for more years than you are probably on earth and while there are people who are just a pain in the ass don't make yourself the same.

Advice is advice, in the end it the person who makes it work - or not.
all poli sci classes are easy so long as you don't kill yourself hearing the bleeding hearts day in and day out. Yesterday my professor went on a speech about how it's no big deal to redistribute wealth and that it's shocking to him that some people would have a problem with that (this isn't hyperbole). Then he declared that he's happy that reagannomics and milton friedman may have finally fallen by the wayside.

Even if you agree with the above is it too much to ask that a professor try to conduct himself in an impartial manner? Of course I just sat there used to the propoghanda I have had in the massachusetts school system for all my years.
lesson i learned early on. conform to the values and beliefs of your teachers and bosses and you will do very well in life. keep your true beliefs for the message board.
my closest friends don't know my political beliefs lol. I think one has started to figure it out though cause he pesters me constantly and I can't help but leak information.
all poli sci classes are easy so long as you don't kill yourself hearing the bleeding hearts day in and day out. Yesterday my professor went on a speech about how it's no big deal to redistribute wealth and that it's shocking to him that some people would have a problem with that (this isn't hyperbole)..

Why would it be hyperbole? He seems like a pretty levelheaded guy grind.

And BTW you are a slacker and she wants to do you.
Keep producing material for the project and helping the project, but do it outside her parameters. Be a productive part of the team but do it outside her control.

You might be able to make her have a stroke, or at least a melt-down.

Always an entertaining bit for a class.

You mean like, bang the smart chick in the front row and have her do all the work?