Is it "global warming" now--or is it "climate change"?


Well---guess what I juast heard on the raido. News from Washington and NASA. The climate has warmed up from 1980 to 1998, (1934 was actually the hottest year on record) but for almost the last 10 years, it has not risen at all. It is probably ready to drop again as normal.

Now, we can't call it global warming if the globe is not actually warming. Global climate change is going to happen no matter what, and happened long before man was here. If you want to fight climate change--you are fighting mother nature itself--and you will not win.

Watch the global climate activists get really impatient as the globe warms again, and they know they and their friends with the prius had nothing to do with it. Their credibility (which was none to me in the first place) is at stake.

They have to act fast---so they can falsly claim responsibility for saving the planet.

Thats my opinion. My prediction, within the next 5 years from now on out, you will see a feaver pitch of "we must save the planet now--or we will all die" cries----beceause they know time is running out, and the earth will disprove their claims.

Wern't we suppose to be underwater by now?

Oh yea---4 polar bears have been documented as dying cause of thin ice. In 1950, there were about 300 polar bears---now there are thousands (according to Michael Savage anyway). Just something you were not told during the hysteria.

Relax---buy a Mustang and live your life the way you want--not the way some goofy hippy with utopian dreams want you to live.
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I appreciate how much time and emotional investment you have in this.

But, your ten years to late. The debate is over. Stomping your feet on a message board, is a waste of time.

Every government on the planet has recognized that human greenhouse gases are affecting the climate. Every single scientific organization, with expertise in climate science, has agreed that human green house gas emissions are a problem with respect to the climate.
I appreciate how much time and emotional investment you have in this.

But, your ten years to late. The debate is over. Stomping your feet on a message board, is a waste of time.

Every government on the planet has recognized that human greenhouse gases are affecting the climate. Every single scientific organization, with expertise in climate science, has agreed that human green house gas emissions are a problem with respect to the climate.

That is not the information I get. In fact, I heard 19,000 scientists and climatoligists reciently signed a petition with their claim that man is not the casue of the globe warming ten years ago. Several contries are not going with the green flow of slime (sorry, the name of them slips my mind--but I will write it down for you next time I hear it).

The debate is over? LOL. When was it you found that the global warming scare was a hoax? That is when the debate will be over---when the ice thickends (and I hear reports ofd that now), and the earth cycles to a cooling phase again.

My qustion to you is---are you still going to believe in the crises when NBC. CBS, CNBC, The new your times (global cooling in the 70's was the scare there), and all of your other liberial news stations admitt that the planet is getting cooler, and man had no impact? I guess there is no need in your mind to question it even if the earth has been static for almost 10 years now.

If that is what happens--how long will you stay voluntarily in the dark? Bel;ieveng every dooms day report you hear? Ya better start recording this stuff---because it will be very funny 20 years from now.

Buy a hard hat---because you havfe been told that the sky is falling---and you believe it. Al Gore is investing in hard had production also---so your helping his cause of his bottom line.

I don't believe one word you said from you, or anybody you get your information from. The debate if far from over. Humility on the green end will follow.

get new information, and see if the debate is really over.
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I appreciate how much time and emotional investment you have in this.

But, your ten years to late. The debate is over. Stomping your feet on a message board, is a waste of time.

Every government on the planet has recognized that human greenhouse gases are affecting the climate. Every single scientific organization, with expertise in climate science, has agreed that human green house gas emissions are a problem with respect to the climate.

Plus---if the climate has not changed in 9 years as the report I heard said---who won the debate?
Who cares what the majority of scientists think. Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are way more trustworthy than some quack.
Global warming is a mixture of human CO2 amounts and natural cycles the earth goes through. There have been other warm periods in history, including the midevil warm period or even the 1930's for arguments sake. It seems like a lot of people online OUTSIDE of the "weather forum" community seem to believe whatever anybody tells them about global warming, or believe what the "majority" says without doing any of their own research into the subject. I just wonder if these people really know what AO, NAO, EPO, El-nino, la nina, really is and how they affect the earths climate. The earth is warming, but I fail to believe that humans are causing the majority of the warming.
Global Temperatures

* The global annual temperature − for combined land and ocean surfaces – for 2007 is expected to be near 58.0 F – and would be the fifth warmest since records began in 1880. Some of the largest and most widespread warm anomalies occurred from eastern Europe to central Asia.

* Including 2007, seven of the eight warmest years on record have occurred since 2001 and the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 1997. The global average surface temperature has risen between 0.6°C and 0.7°C since the start of the twentieth century, and the rate of increase since 1976 has been approximately three times faster than the century-scale trend.

* The greatest warming has taken place in high latitude regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Anomalous warmth in 2007 contributed to the lowest Arctic sea ice extent since satellite records began in 1979, surpassing the previous record low set in 2005 by a remarkable 23 percent. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, this is part of a continuing trend in end-of-summer Arctic sea ice extent reductions of about 10 percent per decade since 1979.