Is it the Oxycontin? Republicans are absolutely Wigging Out...


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
1) One of the great entertainments to watch just before an upheaval election is list of candidates who want to make sure they lose their dignity ahead of losing their seat. Along those lines is Rep. Deborah Pryce, number four in the House leadership who's just announced that "What's happening in Iraq is not a direct reflection on me." And you know it's good because those were actually her prepared remarks her campaign sent CNN after the interview. During the live session, in the midst of answering, she wigged out and declared the interview over.

2) Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA) provides a new model of scandal management -- when confronted with incriminating evidence by a reporter: snatch it away.

3) Ahhh, Representative John Sweeney. The police need his say-so to release the official report of the domestic abuse call that's derailed his campaign. And he says he wants to give it. But somehow, he just can't bring himself to do it.
The more it works for you guys, the better the chance the libertarian-leaners get back the Party.... I will never cheer you guys on, but I do hope we are able to take it back before we have to rebuild everything. There is already enough to do.
The more it works for you guys, the better the chance the libertarian-leaners get back the Party.... I will never cheer you guys on, but I do hope we are able to take it back before we have to rebuild everything. There is already enough to do.

Get the bible-thumping hypocrites out of the GOP, and I might vote for some of them again ;-)
By the time the Bible Belt, Southern Hard Core Bible Thumpers leave the Republican Party; the sun's heat will have dissipated.
Get the bible-thumping hypocrites out of the GOP, and I might vote for some of them again ;-)

Well... Bible thumping hypocrites have to vote for somebody, who would you like for them to lend their support? You say "get them out" as if, we round up all Bible thumpers and shoot them or something, maybe ban them from voting? I'm not really sure... do you have a plan for these people in your picture of democracy?
Get the bible-thumping hypocrites out of the GOP, and I might vote for some of them again ;-)

Well... Bible thumping hypocrites have to vote for somebody, who would you like for them to lend their support? You say "get them out" as if, we round up all Bible thumpers and shoot them or something, maybe ban them from voting? I'm not really sure... do you have a plan for these people in your picture of democracy?

let me answer that question with a question: what has been your plan for "pinheads" and their views, wishes, ande concern in YOUR picture of democracy? Don't we merely need to go back to those threads of yours about the nuclear option to read about your concept of "my way or the highway"?

Why, pray tell, should you expect a bunch liberals to show any more "grace" when they get into power than a bunch of supposed Christians like YOU showed when YOU were in power?
Okay Mainperv, let me try putting Prissy's thoughts in a context you can better understand. If Democrats got rid of the liberal elitist assholes, I might vote for them again. This is all good and well, as for my personal view, but I've really not indicated where I think those people should go. Liberal elitist assholes have to vote, unless we intend to ban them from it, and if they have to vote, who else would they vote for?

It seems to me, blocs of people who vote, do so for a reason. The 'bible thumping hypocrites' are going to vote for someone, we can't disenfranchise them and dis-include them from the political stage completely, any more than we can do this with liberal elitist assholes. Perhaps the Republican party could "get rid of" some of their bible thumpers, if a certain other prominent political party, would adopt some semblance of moral value and ethics?
Why, pray tell, should you expect a bunch liberals to show any more "grace" when they get into power than a bunch of supposed Christians like YOU showed when YOU were in power?

Because even dixie knows that the demoncrats have a lot lower asshole factor than the Rebutllikens do ;)
Why, pray tell, should you expect a bunch liberals to show any more "grace" when they get into power than a bunch of supposed Christians like YOU showed when YOU were in power?

Because even dixie knows that the demoncrats have a lot lower asshole factor than the Rebutllikens do ;)

I appreciate you volunteering to speak for me, but it's really not neccessary. I actually think the assholes are fairly evenly distributed between the parties, but even if they weren't, I think the assholes have to vote for someone. ....Of course, we could join in a bipartisan effort, to ban assholes from voting completely, thus eliminating the assholes from both sides, but that wouldn't be the 'American Way' would it?
Well...take racism, for example. The democrats used to the party of racism. We owned the south and those democrats in the north held their noses and enjoyed all the benefits that having a large bloc of southern democrats afforded the rest of the party agenda. All we had to do to keep that bloc voting on our side on issues such as labor law and social security and minimum wage and tax policy was turn a blind eye to the racial inequity that was institutionalized in the south, and throughout the nation. Starting in 1948, with Hubert Humphrey's speech at the Democratic National Convention, the democratic party put racists within their ranks on notice that they had better change their ways or find some other party.

And the southern racists DID find another party: the republican party. And that is why the south votes for republicans now.

And because the democratic party took a stand against racism, I think that made us a better party, even if we had to sacrifice some of our strength and cede it to you all.

If YOU told the religious right to back off or find a new party, that you would NOT pander to their anti-women's rights, anti-gay rights, theocratic agenda, you all might lose their votes, although my guess is they would just stay home because they certainly would find no democrats that would be more appealing to them..... but we both know that you will be unable to do that...because you really NEED the religious right and you really cannot live as a party without them. So...democrats got rid of the racists, but you will not get rid of the religious intolerant bible-thumpers.
They don't have to get out, they just have to lose central control of the party.
the difference was, the racists in the democratic party were NEVER in control of the party, so we were able to give them the ultimatum that we did.... the religious right IS in control of the republican party so the ultimatum will have to come in the form of an insurrection from within. It may very well take this impending fall from grace and the follow on banishment to the hinterlands that happens in '08 to get such an insurrection to gain any critical mass.