Is Making a Racist Remark Worse Than Wishing Someone Dead?

red states rule

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Liberals do have strange standards. In their world making a racist remark is a sin, but wishing someone dead due to a different POV is acceptable - and common

Is Making a Racist Remark Worse Than Wishing Someone Dead?
By Noel Sheppard (Bio * Archive)
July 16, 2009 - 18:48 ET

Is making a racist remark about President Obama's daughter worse than wishing a conservative talk show host would die?

Such should be asked of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann who on Monday was quite angered by some truly tasteless comments about Malia Obama posted last week at Free Republic.

Yet, back in April when Olbermann published a diary at the liberal website Daily Kos concerning his waterboarding challenge to Sean Hannity, the "Countdown" host wasn't at all outraged by the venomous attacks made on the Fox News star which included some Kossacks wishing he would die.

For those that can stand it, here's a sampling of such commentary:

prefer if you paid for Sean to be parachuted into rural Iraq without backup. Shitbird vs. wild.
Give to netroots for the troops!

by bubbanomics on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 09:54:37 AM PDT [...]

• What does this mean? n/t
by dibsa on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 10:04:50 AM PDT

◦ step by step?

(1) Put Sean on an airplane.
(2) Fit him with a parachute.
(3) About 10 miles outside Falloujah, let him jump.

Give to netroots for the troops!

by bubbanomics on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 10:07:36 AM PDT

■ Ha ha that's not a torture because he will be shot and killed before he gets to the ground
by dibsa on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 10:17:45 AM PDT

■ Only if you don't include him soiling himself on the way down.
It's about WAR PROFITTERING, stupid.

by flyonawall on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 02:32:18 PM PDT

■ he doesn't deserve a parachute, but how about fitting him with a strait-jacket then giving him a shove.
by owendebanks on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 10:26:51 AM PDT

■ One more step. 4) Happy hour! As we drink to being one step closer to democracy.
It's about WAR PROFITTERING, stupid.

by flyonawall on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 02:31:43 PM PDT

■ One missing step: (4) Bailout point must be directly above a starving village.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. -Bertrand Russell

by littlenomad on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 04:16:35 PM PDT

• I'll donate a grand if I can fold the parachute.

by ctkeith on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 10:37:45 AM PDT

Racist comments about a young child is indeed worse than wishing an adult will die. First an adult will always realize that your wish, however vile, cannot come true without action while the child will be negatively effected regardless of how often they repeat "sticks and stones." Attacks on innocence are always worse than attacks on those who are not innocent.

What were the comments that Sean made?
Racist comments about a young child is indeed worse than wishing an adult will die. First an adult will always realize that your wish, however vile, cannot come true without action while the child will be negatively effected regardless of how often they repeat "sticks and stones." Attacks on innocence are always worse than attacks on those who are not innocent.

What were the comments that Sean made?

I've never heard Sean say any such thing.
I've never heard Sean say any such thing.
Me either. Hence I was wondering what he supposedly said.

My post was answering the question and an attempt to gather more information, not accusing Sean.

If an adult made a racist remark towards a child, it is IMO worse than an adult wishing another adult dead. No wish will make me die, but a racist remark that is heard by that child will live on through a lifetime.
Truly shocking stuff there.

  • bubbanomics
  • dibsa
  • flyonawall
  • owendebanks
  • littlenomad
  • ctkeith

Hang your heads in shame.

I'm sure after that flea in their ear, and this public chastisement on a message board they don't visit, these miscreants won't be doing that again in a hurry.

Thank you for this valuable public service.
i'm still waiting to see what remarks were made about this little girl.

Yes, please. I'd like to know what it was that got Olbermann so "angry" that it took only 14 takes to get the right level of "outrage" to show (except on take 6 where the outrage level was right, but he accidentally stuck his finger in the coffee and splashed his clothes necessitating a quick clothing change and reshuffling of items on the desk for more appropriate feng shui that maximizes room between the pointing finger and the coffee cup but still shows a business atmosphere where work is being done by real people.)
Racist comments about a young child is indeed worse than wishing an adult will die. First an adult will always realize that your wish, however vile, cannot come true without action while the child will be negatively effected regardless of how often they repeat "sticks and stones." Attacks on innocence are always worse than attacks on those who are not innocent.

What were the comments that Sean made?

The comments were from posters on the Free Republic website. I found the quotes:

"They make me sick .... The whole family... mammy, pappy, the free loadin' mammy-in-law, the misguided chillin', and especially 'lil cuz... This is not the America I want representin' my peeps.

Could you imagine what world leaders must be thinking seeing this kind of street trash and that we paid for this kind of street ghetto trash to go over there?

Poor kids. I hope they're not 'punished with a baby. Hopefully they won't deal cocaine like the Kenyan.

This disgusting display makes me more and more eager for the revolution...

I never actually wnated [sic] to be a pistol before but...

DIRTBAGS! All of them. Our [White House] is now a joke to the rest of the world. We have no respect and this is not going to turn out well, mark my words. We will be hit, and much worse than last time. We are now seen as weak and vulnerable. Ghetto and Chicago thugs have taken over."

Here's the article I copied the quotes from:
The comments were from posters on the Free Republic website. I found the quotes:

"They make me sick .... The whole family... mammy, pappy, the free loadin' mammy-in-law, the misguided chillin', and especially 'lil cuz... This is not the America I want representin' my peeps.

Could you imagine what world leaders must be thinking seeing this kind of street trash and that we paid for this kind of street ghetto trash to go over there?

Poor kids. I hope they're not 'punished with a baby. Hopefully they won't deal cocaine like the Kenyan.

This disgusting display makes me more and more eager for the revolution...

I never actually wnated [sic] to be a pistol before but...

DIRTBAGS! All of them. Our [White House] is now a joke to the rest of the world. We have no respect and this is not going to turn out well, mark my words. We will be hit, and much worse than last time. We are now seen as weak and vulnerable. Ghetto and Chicago thugs have taken over."

Here's the article I copied the quotes from:
Oh, so it was a question of people on Sean's site saying something so that they now wish Sean's death? That sounds like aiming at the wrong target. If you say something here that offends somebody should I suffer the consequences for your statement?

My first question is what guarantees that these remarks were first even made by people who were not trolls looking for a reaction? Secondly, again what guarantees they were not people who only pretend that they are "cons"? Seriously, making judgment based on that is just sad, and getting "outraged" over it so you start punishing your desk, calling them the 'worst people in the world' and then promoting death wishes? A bit over the top.
this again highlights the liberal double standards

letterman can make a joke of little girl being knocked up by a grown man on national television, he can call a Governor a slut..

I saw this all going down with FR and all those comments were deleted when they were alerted by the people on the forum..but the dailykos is the one who is spreading this around..go to their site, if you can stomach it..
Oh, so it was a question of people on Sean's site saying something so that they now wish Sean's death? That sounds like aiming at the wrong target. If you say something here that offends somebody should I suffer the consequences for your statement?

My first question is what guarantees that these remarks were first even made by people who were not trolls looking for a reaction? Secondly, again what guarantees they were not people who only pretend that they are "cons"? Seriously, making judgment based on that is just sad, and getting "outraged" over it so you start punishing your desk, calling them the 'worst people in the world' and then promoting death wishes? A bit over the top.

Not exactly.

Olbermann was up on his high horse the other night about these vile posts from Freepers, but back in April when he challenged Hannity to try waterboarding, some of Olbermann's followers were hoping Hannity would die.

But you are right. Either way, nobody knows who really posted the hateful comments and to get so worked up over it is a waste of time.
Not exactly.

Olbermann was up on his high horse the other night about these vile posts from Freepers, but back in April when he challenged Hannity to try waterboarding, some of Olbermann's followers were hoping Hannity would die.

But you are right. Either way, nobody knows who really posted the hateful comments and to get so worked up over it is a waste of time.
Yeah, that seems my take. It's too easy to get worked up over silly statements.

And if I were Sean I'd take him up on that if I had offered it in the past. I believe Sean is on record stating he would do this, it would be interesting to see his reaction.
Racist comments about a young child is indeed worse than wishing an adult will die. First an adult will always realize that your wish, however vile, cannot come true without action while the child will be negatively effected regardless of how often they repeat "sticks and stones." Attacks on innocence are always worse than attacks on those who are not innocent.

What were the comments that Sean made?

Racist comments on anyone are worse than wishing someone would die, because few people seriously wish the other would die, just that they'd STFU. The "i wish you would die" thing is just hyperbole.
Racist comments on anyone are worse than wishing someone would die, because few people seriously wish the other would die, just that they'd STFU. The "i wish you would die" thing is just hyperbole.

No, the far left liberal moonbats do indded want to see those who oppose them to die. I know it first hand from MFM.

When Tony Snow died, the idiots at the Daily Kos and Dem Underground were jumping for joy

The same happened when other conservatives died

It must be a part of the tolerance liberals are always saying they represent and live by