Is my years old predictions of having 3-4 national banks coming true ?


Villified User
Citigroup to buy US bank Wachovia

Wachovia has been hit by problems in the US housing market

Wachovia, the fourth-largest US bank, is being bought by larger rival Citigroup in a rescue deal backed by US authorities.

Wachovia customers were told the action would provide "full protection for all their deposits", and that the bank would continue to operate as normal.

Under the deal, Citigroup will absorb up to $42bn (£23bn) of Wachovia losses.

US authorities said the decision to back the sale had been made "under extraordinary circumstances".

The comment came from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the government body that guarantees the safety of banking deposits.

"This action was necessary to maintain confidence in the banking industry given current financial market conditions," said FDIC chairman Sheila Bair.

Mortgage debt

Citigroup is taking on $312bn of Wachovia loans.
You know dude, I remember that for years Cons and Libertarians laughed at you when you said we were setting ourselves up for financial meltdown.

You're a god damn visionary, dude.
Hold the Mao.
Sorry, for a second, I was channeling Azhat.


P.S. I NEVER laughed at you about this years ago because I agreed with you!

Here come the chickens, home to roost!

I need to get busy. I have two houses that I'm turning over right now. There are bargains to be had everywhere.
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The answer to the title of the thread is no...

There are still over 4000 banks in the US. There are at least 2200 of them that are highly capitalized.
The answer to the title of the thread is no...

There are still over 4000 banks in the US. There are at least 2200 of them that are highly capitalized.
Nor does that number include credit unions, etc. that directly compete with the banks.

Although I do agree that "too large to fail" should mean "time to break this one up".