Is Newt right?

Is Newt right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Big Money

New member
The biggest near-term unintended consequence of the Obama Democrats' decision to destroy the Senate filibuster will be the repeal of Obamacare.

Under the old Senate rules, a minority could use the filibuster to block undesired change.

It required 60 votes to run over a determined minority.

Now, with one clever move, the Obama Democrats have lowered the bar from 60 votes to 51.

The Democrats will try to say they have only eliminated the filibuster for certain cases involving presidential appointees, not legislation.

But what they have really eliminated is a longstanding principle of the Senate.

With a simple majority, Republicans could soon push through dramatic changes like the replacement of Obamacare because a liberal minority would have no tools to stop it.

In 2016, every Republican candidate for House, Senate, and president will be asked if he or she is committed to replacing Obamacare in the first 100 days. Virtually all of them will pledge to do so.

The opportunity for a breakout from the entire obsolete bureaucratic structure is now enormous. This makes the 2014 and 2016 elections among the highest stakes of any in recent memory.

When Obamacare disappears with a simple majority vote in the Senate, thank President Obama and Senator Reid.
That of course is contingent on the premise that the Republicans could win back both Houses of the Congress and the Presidency. According to polls, (if you like polls), the Republicans have a competency rating at least as low as the Democrats and even this totally incompetent and lying-ass fucking President.

I think the last time government “repealed” anything was the repeal of prohibition 80 years ago.

But there’s no law yet forbidding Republicans from dreaming.

Oh yeah! According to the Republicans I’ve listened to they don’t just want to repeal Obama-Care, they want to replace it with another unconstitutional “Republican” fuck-up. Maybe somebody should remind them that there’s no authority in the Constitution for the feds to operate a healthcare program, huh?

BTW, Gingrich is a fucking BIG government RINO neo-con.
"Newt" and Paul Ryan and Rick Perry and Snake Rubio are not right about anything. They are all amnesty queens.

This is your typical republican party and your alternative choice to social club B, the Democrats.

"Newt" is a carpetbagger congressman from Georgia, a state he's not from and he was an army brat who became a right wing big government neocon.

And he supports amnesty.
we will stomp your cheating ID laws into the ground

we will stop you from making fewer and fewer days people can vote.

we will STAND IN LINES for days to vote when you keep all the machines in the warehouse instead of allowing the people who BOUGHT THEM to use them.

America now knows you cheat in elections.

were going to fight your cheating asses.


gulp the tar
LOL, wait until the Democrat Senators facing reelection next November have to face the voters with the albatross of Obamacare around their necks...and the second round of millions of plan cancellations ordained by the law should hit right about then...the 'Crats have nowhere to run. Didn't they ALL vote for this failure of a law?

Careful you don't under estimate the lying and bribery skills of the Democrats. They just finished making an ass out of your RINO NEO-CON candidate in the last election when Larry, Mo or Curly should have run this lying incompetent bastard out of office.
We'll see...Dems facing reelection are so scared already that they pressured Obama to move the implementation date...
We'll see...Dems facing reelection are so scared already that they pressured Obama to move the implementation date...

And what happens at election time in 2014 if the website is fixed and people are signing up and millions more are now on Medicaid through Obama's racket plan and Democrats are reminding the minions about the media's designated "REPUBLICAN" government shutdown?
Would those events and tactics stop the millions of cancellations decreed by Obamacare...or lower the higher premiums that millions will be forced to pay by Obamacare?
I seem to recall in Civics 101, that repealing legislation - any legislation - had to be signed by the president, or vetoed by the president. If he were to veto anything, it would take a two thirds majority in both chambers to vote to override. 51 in the senate is a pretty meaningless number for the republicans vis a vis repealing anything as long as Obama sits in the oval office.
That's about all you klansman can muster
Wake me up when your competitive for the white house
Right now you are white noise
That's about all you klansman can muster
Wake me up when your competitive for the white house
Right now you are white noise

seems to me that I recall that the impeachment of Clinton cost the republicans the majority in the house... let's HOPE they try to repeat that performance with Obama.
Would those events and tactics stop the millions of cancellations decreed by Obamacare...or lower the higher premiums that millions will be forced to pay by Obamacare?

Are you forgetting the millions of new holders of an Obama Medicaid policy and the Obama subsidies he can dish out to anybody and everybody he wants because he’s decided that he’s really “KING” of America and he alone can make and change law, Congress be damned? Then there’s those ever loyal Democrats out there that don’t mind paying more if it keeps Democrats in control of government. Then there’s Obama himself spewing his convincing rhetorical horseshit convincing folks that their new Obama policies are sooooo much better than the crap the insurance co’s were selling them and now BIG Mommy government is making sure they’re covered with beautiful comprehensive Obama style perfection. Then there’s the leftist majority media to sell the horseshit and bribery to the fucking minions. Then there’s the fucking idiot Republicans who are experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

One year is forever in politics. The mood of morons changes with the last 30 second political add. Predicting future victories is folly and stupidity. The only thing in your favor therewith, is the fact that the nation is dictated to by a duopoly making your odds always 50-50.
Are you forgetting the millions of new holders of an Obama Medicaid policy and the Obama subsidies he can dish out to anybody and everybody he wants because he’s decided that he’s really “KING” of America and he alone can make and change law, Congress be damned? Then there’s those ever loyal Democrats out there that don’t mind paying more if it keeps Democrats in control of government. Then there’s Obama himself spewing his convincing rhetorical horseshit convincing folks that their new Obama policies are sooooo much better than the crap the insurance co’s were selling them and now BIG Mommy government is making sure they’re covered with beautiful comprehensive Obama style perfection. Then there’s the leftist majority media to sell the horseshit and bribery to the fucking minions. Then there’s the fucking idiot Republicans who are experts at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

One year is forever in politics. The mood of morons changes with the last 30 second political add. Predicting future victories is folly and stupidity. The only thing in your favor therewith, is the fact that the nation is dictated to by a duopoly making your odds always 50-50.

You have a point.

Perhaps the millions of employer-sponsored insurance cancellations that are coming next year will remind the voters of the rank incompetence and dishonesty of the Obama regime.

And, of course, don't underestimate his prowess at producing new disasters as he goes...:rofl2: