Is Obama a master spyer or a master liar?

Big Money

New member
Now we know how pervasive this NSA spying is:

It not only reaches the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the CIA, the local police and the cellphones and homes of all Americans, it reaches the Oval Office itself.

Yet when the president denies that he knows of this, that denial leads to more questions.

The president claims he can start secret foreign wars using the CIA, secretly kill Americans using drones, and now secretly spy on anyone anywhere using the NSA.

Is the president an unwitting dupe to a secret rats’ nest of uncontrolled government spies and killers?

Or is he a megalomaniacal, totalitarian secret micromanager who lies regularly, consistently and systematically about the role of government in our lives?

Which is worse? What do we do about it?
Just think this bastard President didn’t know anything about Benghazi, didn’t know anything about Fast & furious, didn’t know anything about his Justice Department spying on AP reporters and James Rosen in particular, didn’t know anything about the NSA collecting information on millions of Americans snooping into their e-mails, Facebook accounts and cell phone conversations, he didn’t know anything about the IRS singling out and badgering Tea Party applicants for tax exemption, and now he knows nothing about NSA spying on foreign allied leaders and he knows nothing about the fucked up roll out of Obama-Care the signature achievement of his Presidency.

He’s either a “spyer & a liar” or an incompetent moron. But ya gotta admit the son-of-a-bitch knows how to win elections when faced by a flip-flopping lying Wall Street crony and a sad sack of Arizona neo-con shit and he has a nation full of fucking morons to bribe with socialist programs and teleprompter bullshit.
Give him time. He was a few years left.

The son-of-a-bitch has a ways to go when it comes to killing off and maiming America’s youth in unconstitutional undeclared wars and the fucking Bushwhacker created more unconstitutional socialist and spying programs. Obama Yo Momma only leads in lying, Nixon style scandals and total incompetency. He tied Nixon’s Drug War with Obama-Care, two of America’s greatest disasters.
The only thing the bastard is good at is vacationing and running around the country telling fucking lies like he's running for a third term.