Is Obama really a Technocrat?


Is Obama really a Technocrat? I think he may be. I think he, Mark Warner, Chuck Hagel and a few others are really Technocrats more than anything else ...
You know what? Your 3 and 4 word responses reveal that you are about as smart as Jethro Bodine on a Boones Farm hang over.. now do what you do best and go play with yourself.

first, it appears you can't count since my reply was more than three or four words,

second, my question to you was serious because I looked it up and it makes mention of 'experience', something neither obama or warner have. why would you ask a question like that if you knew what a technocrat was?
first, it appears you can't count since my reply was more than three or four words,

second, my question to you was serious because I looked it up and it makes mention of 'experience', something neither obama or warner have. why would you ask a question like that if you knew what a technocrat was?

Elaborate on the word experience...

Look it.. we are on the internet here.. if I didnt know what something meant... I could look it up as you did in a matter of seconds.. so stop being a mere annoyance than anything else. The smarterthanyou shit is silly.

second, Do you know who Mark Warner is? Do you have any idea of his background? Look it up! Same with Hagel... and as far as Obama.... he didnt have any Chief Executive Exp now he is Prez.

My question will be rephrased ... Will Obama Govern in a technocratic way? In what way is that? "Via" the laws that Govern Technology and Science...the laws of probability ... This is what I mean by being a Technocrat ....

I believe some of the sharper political minds of this era will be Technocrats ....
do you even know what a technocrat is?

A technocrat, pictured yesterday.

A technocrat doesn't mean an experienced leader.

jebus h christ on a fucking pogo stick. do I have to do everything for you anti freedom types?

from wikipedia, redirected from technocrat.

Technocracy (bureaucratic), a governmental or organizational system where decision makers are selected based upon how highly skilled and qualified they are, rather than how much political capital they hold. A form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control; "technocracy is described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge"
jebus h christ on a fucking pogo stick. do I have to do everything for you anti freedom types?

from wikipedia, redirected from technocrat.

Technocracy (bureaucratic), a governmental or organizational system where decision makers are selected based upon how highly skilled and qualified they are, rather than how much political capital they hold. A form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control; "technocracy is described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge"

What does freedom have to do with any of this?

Technocracy: A form of government in which engineers, scientists, and other technical experts are in control; "technocracy is described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge". A governmental or organizational system where decision makers are selected based upon how highly knowledgeable they are, rather than how much political capital they hold.

The kind of gov. you seem to be indicating would be "meritocratic", and the wikipedia redirection is a pretty bizarre definition and will probably be edited out soon.

Technocracy: A form of government in which engineers, scientists, and other technical experts are in control; "technocracy is described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge". A governmental or organizational system where decision makers are selected based upon how highly knowledgeable they are, rather than how much political capital they hold.

The kind of gov. you seem to be indicating would be "meritocratic", and the wikipedia redirection is a pretty bizarre definition and will probably be edited out soon.
I hope it's edited soon, because WTF????

anyway, the term technocrat doesn't mean what I think he thinks it means.
I hope it's edited soon, because WTF????

anyway, the term technocrat doesn't mean what I think he thinks it means.

And what do I think it means? I told you ... As exhibited throughout his campaign and now ..putting his Admin together.... I believe that Obama will Govern in a technocratic way .... : In what way is that? "Via" the laws that Govern Technology and Science...the laws of probability ... This is what I mean by being a Technocrat ....

Does Wiki's description of a Technocrat/Technocracy mean that the Government is run by a Scientist or Engineer? Sounds like it but is does not neccessarilty mean so ...

More like the Government will depend heavily on Science and Engineering at making rational decisions.