Is Obama Running or Is He Just Shilling?


Okay, everyone place your bets. Is Barack Obama going to run for president in 2008 or not? He's on the cover of Time this week and that seems to be the Big Question. It's possible that he's just trying to generate sales for his new book. On the other hand, he may try to challenge Hillary . . . which could be very interesting indeed.

My guess is that he won't. Not this time. Certainly in 2012, if the Republicans retain the white house this time, or 2016 but not 2008. I'm just guessing though: I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find that I'm wrong.

I admit to being quite taken with him. Maybe taken in, but we shall see.
"It's such a relief after all the screaming you see on TV," says Chuck Sweeny, political editor of the Rockford Register Star. "Obama is reaching out. He's saying the other side isn't evil. You can't imagine how powerful a message that is for an audience like this."
I think every dem with any aspirations of every being President is got to be looking at a run right now. It is hard to imagine a time when the pendulum would be swinging more their way, though, give the republicans more time and it's hard to guess what further calamities they could visit upon us.

But Obama if anything, should be looking at a VP slot. I personally believe that a Gore/Obama ticket is formidable. As for him heading the ticket; what’s he done? Besides give an absolutely fabulous speech?

He hasn’t earned it yet to my mind. But then, I am very partial to Gore.