Is Obama smart enough to be President?

How many times did Dan Quayle misspell 'potato' before the biased media and leftist hate culture branded him an idiot-for-life?

Obama’s list of gaffes includes:

"There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Ala., because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born." The Selma March in 1965 led to his birth in 1961?

"And just in case you missed it, this week, this week there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people dead. An entire town destroyed. I talked to somebody in the governor's office, Gov. Sebelius, who I was going to be traveling with in New Orleans had to fly back. Found out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 percent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process in Kansas because all the equipment's been left behind in Baghdad. That is a metaphor for what's happening. Think about what we could do with the $275 million a day that we are spending in Iraq right here in Richmond." The Kansas tornadoes in May 2007 killed 12 people, not “ten thousand”.

Obama posited that Arabic translators deployed in Iraq are needed in Afghanistan. “We only have a certain number of them and if they are all in Iraq, then its harder for us to use them in Afghanistan,” Obama said. Afghans do not speak Arabic.

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience here today"...He sees dead people!

"My grandfather signed up for a war the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed, fought in Patton's army. He saw the dead and dying across the fields of Europe; he heard the stories of fellow troops who first entered Auschwitz and Treblinka". Both Nazi death camps were in Poland. No American troops entered the camp until years after the war.

"Thank you, Sioux City. I said it wrong. I've been in Iowa for too long. I'm sorry." Sioux Falls is in South Dakota.

"I’ve now been in 57 states, I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.” The United States of America has 50 states.

Obama paid a visit to Mount Rushmore and asked about a famous scene in “North by Northwest,” that depicted a hair-raising climb on Rushmore’s presidential sculptures. “How did they get up there in the first place?” he asked ranger Wesley Jensen. “They didn’t. It was a movie set,” Jensen told him. “Pretty spiffy, isn’t it,” said Obama. Maybe Obama's friends in Hollywood can explain before they bug out for Canada or Italy.

Is it racist to point these blunders out?
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Well certainly it's easy to pass Harvard Cum Laude. Anyone could do it. Republicans just usually don't because they're oppressed by minorities.
Well certainly it's easy to pass Harvard Cum Laude. Anyone could do it. Republicans just usually don't because they're oppressed by minorities.

Seems to me, graduating from Harvard AND Yale wasn't enough to make Bush smart. All of a sudden, you pinheads want to trot out education credentials?

Obama has made more gaffs than a stoned Courtney Love at the Grammy's. If he makes many more, it will prompt the Democrats to use the rally cry... Win One for The Gaffer!

Excellent post! :cof1:
Seems to me, graduating from Harvard AND Yale wasn't enough to make Bush smart. All of a sudden, you pinheads want to trot out education credentials?

He got into Yale on a legacy admission, which is affirmative action for the rich. And he did extremely poorly. Not exactly cum laude.
He got into Yale on a legacy admission, which is affirmative action for the rich. And he did extremely poorly. Not exactly cum laude.

Well he did as well or better than John Kerry, we know that for certain. Not sure about how he got in, but then, I'm not sure how Obama got in either, and I figure he probably caught a break because of his minority status. Nevertheless, the most prestigious university in the country doesn't admit idiots, so the fact they went should be good enough, whether they finished cum laude or please lawdy.

You don't need to be attacking Bush's education here, he's not running for office... The only reason I brought it up is because you've already argued the point that education credentials mean very little. In fact, you just proved you still have your notes! It hasn't dawned on you that your constant bragging about Obama's Cum Laude Harvard status, is contrary to your position regarding Bush's education credentials? I guess that's the beauty of being a two-faced liberal, you can argue a point until you are blue in the face one day, and the next, argue the counter-point... all the while, insisting you are right.
Well he did as well or better than John Kerry, we know that for certain. Not sure about how he got in, but then, I'm not sure how Obama got in either, and I figure he probably caught a break because of his minority status. Nevertheless, the most prestigious university in the country doesn't admit idiots, so the fact they went should be good enough, whether they finished cum laude or please lawdy.

You don't need to be attacking Bush's education here, he's not running for office... The only reason I brought it up is because you've already argued the point that education credentials mean very little. In fact, you just proved you still have your notes! It hasn't dawned on you that your constant bragging about Obama's Cum Laude Harvard status, is contrary to your position regarding Bush's education credentials? I guess that's the beauty of being a two-faced liberal, you can argue a point until you are blue in the face one day, and the next, argue the counter-point... all the while, insisting you are right.


fuick you idiot
your a ruckin idiot...

Seems to me, graduating from Harvard AND Yale wasn't enough to make Bush smart. All of a sudden, you pinheads want to trot out education credentials?

Obama has made more gaffs than a stoned Courtney Love at the Grammy's. If he makes many more, it will prompt the Democrats to use the rally cry... Win One for The Gaffer!

Excellent post! :cof1:

I have to agree that Bush's butchering of the English language was over played and you are right, he is a Yale grad and holds a Harvard MBA.....but to be honest, that's hardly in the same league as graduating cum laude from Harvard with a Juris Doctorate. Hilliary and Obama are the two of the best educated candidates in both fields this political season, excepting Mit Romney.
this is better than comedy central, some indisbutebly junior college drop out wants to call out a Harvard Cum Laude. LOFL thanks
So it's OK to think that America has 57 states, that Sioux Falls is in Iowa, that a birth was due to an event that occurred years later - as long as the person has a degree from an Ivy League school?

No doubt it's a sign of extreme intelligence to claim that 10,000 people were killed in a disaster when in fact only 12 died.

Perhaps only an elite group of intellectuals can visualize dead veterans in an audience, and transport American troops through space and time to liberate concentration camps.

I wonder what would have been said about George Bush, another Ivy Leaguer, had he made the same statements...

The left has just been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Hypocrisy.
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It is "strange" to say there are 57 states?

Not really, considering how grueling this campaign has been. Only a fool would think Obama really thinks that is how many states there are in the union.

You sound like someone who is so fed up with 7+ years of Bush criticism that you couldn't wait to jump on the 1st few gaffes from a Democrat to "prove" that they all mis-speak. The thing is, Obama's gaffes are a very small % of what he says, and the rest of what he says is universally acknowledged as incredibly articulate, and very intelligent.

Bush has no such "fall back" to rely on. Even though he rarely speaks in public, you can always count on a gaffe or 2 when he does, and they're never sandwiched in between anything that could remotely be called insightful, and certainly not articulate.
When Qualye misspelled potatoe I defended him. I sait it was a common misspelling and was blown way out of purportion.

Bush is not a bright or inquiring mind. It is obvious by the mistakes he has made in his administration.

He sought loyalty over competance. His first concern was for himself and his own protection and not the concerns of the American people and our countrys best interest.
If he had picked the best people to actually do the job instead of the person most loyal to him then we would not be in this mess we are right now.

Hes not an idiot but hes a shallow and self interested man with no real love of this country.

You will get Obama and you can do all the whining that you want to and Im sorry but I will just laugh at you and find it pretty funny. You insisted on hiring some rich spoiled guy who can never admitt he has made a mistake which keeps him doing the wrong things over and over and over.

Now we will have a real regular American who understands what the peopel face in this country and will work for the mass majority and not just the people of priviledge.
Hes smarter and better grounded.