Is Obama the Messiah?

Yes, liberals have a religion.

Their "supreme being" is the Earth.

The "Devil"?...George Bush!

Nothing but Mother Gaia can reduce a liberal to the misty-eyed, contemplative reverence that the rest of humanity reserves for a sentient, omnipresent deity.

All humans are guilty of "sin" - by existing.

The enlightened ones (liberals all) know that mankind is inherently evil, and like the Spanish Inquisitioners, they work tirelessly to root out the flat-Earthers who refuse to recant their evil American ways.

To get to the liberal "Heaven", a Prius - or better yet, a bicycle - are the preferred indulgences.

Since liberals famously eschew the outmoded notions of accountability and personal responsibility, there is no liberal "Hell" per se, just unending guilt for living in an industrialized modern society.

Carbon credits are penances.

ANWR is the liberal's Mecca, which must be unsullied by the feet of unbelievers.

The role of priesthood is assumed by "environmentalists", who liberals credit with a mysterious and omniscient infallibility.

Anyone who questions the canonical theology of the liberal religion is a heretic, and must be converted, or reeducated.

High gas prices a problem? They aren't high enough yet, according to some, who are willing to bankrupt our economy, create vast new bureaucracies, and deprive Americans of their freedom of lifestyle choices to prove their faith in the liberal dogma of "global warming".

Leading Democrats have stated that raising taxes (and thereby the pump price) of gasoline is something they desire to do for the good of all.

If your fellow citizen won't voluntarily see the light, raise prices until they can't afford to buy gas anymore.

No doubt those misguided, bitter, gun-clinging knuckledraggers in flyover country can be forced to abandon their cars and trucks for the excellent mass-transit systems that currently exist in rural America.

As long as they produce enough biofuel for Tipper's hybrid, they'll be allowed to live.

The Cardinal of Carbon Credits, Saint Al, who shares Nobel-prize-winner status with Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat, warns his flock that autos are "a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely to confront."

That's why the Assumption of Obama must herald the first step in the reduction of arrogant America to third-world economic status. Only by suffering can the United States be redeemed!

Punish the sinners! All hail Gaia!
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