Is Poverty a Major Threat to National Security?

I'm Watermark

Is Poverty a Major Threat to National Security?
the government must believe so, since DHS has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 light armored personnel vehicles. they must be gearing up for riots from the impoverished.
the government must believe so, since DHS has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 light armored personnel vehicles. they must be gearing up for riots from the impoverished.

Poverty is not a threat to national security. However the difference between the poor and the rich most definitely IS a threat. There is a tipping point and it is the aim and skill of those who govern to keep the wealth gap just below that tipping point. When that point seems to be inevitable our governments frighten us into submission with tales of enemies and danger. If it goes too far the government uses force in the form of the police to quell dissent. The police control dissent and they make possible the governance of the poor by the rich. The police are not there for you!
Poverty is not a threat to national security. However the difference between the poor and the rich most definitely IS a threat. There is a tipping point and it is the aim and skill of those who govern to keep the wealth gap just below that tipping point. When that point seems to be inevitable our governments frighten us into submission with tales of enemies and danger. If it goes too far the government uses force in the form of the police to quell dissent. The police control dissent and they make possible the governance of the poor by the rich. The police are not there for you!
you freely admit this, yet support the governments taking away of arms necessary to the peoples defense of their life and freedom. why?
Poverty is not a threat to national security. However the difference between the poor and the rich most definitely IS a threat. There is a tipping point and it is the aim and skill of those who govern to keep the wealth gap just below that tipping point. When that point seems to be inevitable our governments frighten us into submission with tales of enemies and danger. If it goes too far the government uses force in the form of the police to quell dissent. The police control dissent and they make possible the governance of the poor by the rich. The police are not there for you!

We have a growing class of people that can't afford food, housing or education. How, may I ask, is that not a threat to national security?
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We have a growing class of people that can't afford food, housing or education. How, may I ask, is that not a threat to national security?

If everyone was in the same boat there may well be discontent but it is the difference between the haves and the have nots that is dangerous to society. That is the battleground. The poor on food stamps are merely one of the symptoms. How do you help the poor? Feed them? No. Give them jobs? No.
You help the poor by making it possible for them to live their lives on (to use a metaphor) a level playing field. You help the nation by helping the poor earn enough money to spend and save and enough pride to hold their heads as high or higher than their employers.