Is Religions a science for dumb people?


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or also those who are easily fooled into believing what they are told and that their God is better than yours.
The premise of an inherent and essential conflict between science and religion is a politically-motivated construct of the 19th century.

Scientific inquiry and religion traditions are asking totally different questions about nature, and about living the authentic life, respectively.

Many or most genuinely devout people understand that the stories presented in the Baghavad Gita, the Hebrew Bible, the NT, the Veda are generally meant to be read figuratively and symbolically. The notion that a strictly literal interpretation of Christian Scripture is to be given privilege over figurative interpretation is largely a historically recent consequence of the Protestant Reformation -- and Protestantism's unfortunate tendency to downplay reason and higher education.

As for the concept of an afterlife, I am not the one with the answer. But Plato and Socrates believed in a transcendent reality beyond our sensory perception of this world. So Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Muslims are in pretty good intellectual company with regard to a transcendent reality, even if they want to squabble about the details.
Science and religion are as far apart as rightys and reality. They have no connection.
Any science, religion, or anything else which doesn't favor the right and nationalism isn't reality to begin with.

Which is why a nationalist state merely needs to stop allowing such dissenters, subversives, denialists, and other varieties of untermensch incarcerated or shot, so that they're no longer allowed to subvert reality, nation, and party with their dangerous, heretical, and otherwise problematic and subversive views.
Any science, religion, or anything else which doesn't favor the right and nationalism isn't reality to begin with.

Which is why a nationalist state merely needs to stop allowing such dissenters, subversives, denialists, and other varieties of untermensch incarcerated or shot, so that they're no longer allowed to subvert reality, nation, and party with their dangerous, heretical, and otherwise problematic and subversive views.

you're an idiot