Is the income tax valid?


New member
Some people claim that the federal income tax is invalid because the constitutional amendment that allowed it supposedly wasn’t properly ratified for one reason or another. Critics of the amendment insist that versions with different punctuation were circulated among the states so no single version of the amendment received the ratification by the necessary 3/4 of the state legislatures.

Should things like punctuation be enough to invalidate the income tax amendment?
The argument is trivial at best, which is why people who make it are constantly ruled against. If you don't believe me, don't pay your taxes, then go into court and make the argument.
The argument is trivial at best, which is why people who make it are constantly ruled against. If you don't believe me, don't pay your taxes, then go into court and make the argument.

a stupid fucking challenge from an intellectually challenged moron. we all know that the supreme court has ruled various times that the government interests are better served than the citizens interest, despite the fact that the constitution clearly states that it isn't. so suck my ass and burn in hell, you judas iscariot.
we all know that the supreme court has ruled various times that the government interests are better served than the citizens interest

And what of societies interests? You try to paint this as a war between you and the big evil government, as if the government weren't simply the collective will of society, and necessary good.
And what of societies interests? You try to paint this as a war between you and the big evil government, as if the government weren't simply the collective will of society, and necessary good.

What if that collective will of society leads the government to ban abortion and civil unions/marriage for Sodomites? If society can use law to redistribute the income of its members for the commonwealth of society as a whole, can society use law to regulate the behavior of its members for the commonwealth of society as a whole?
The public sector has gotten a bad name because much of what passed for government in the past eight years was a way to enrich the wealthy at our expense.

Through a mercenary Congress controlled by the GOP during the Bush years, corporate America received a long list of undeserved benefits in tax breaks, subsidies, no-bid and cost-plus contracts.

Even worse, as sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes on working people were unfairly increased, many important public services were sharply reduced.

Corporate-backed Republican politicians use the anti-government sentiment they have so carefully engineered to kill vital programs that many employers have always despised.

If corporations continued to get their way, OSHA would be gutted, our environmental and labor laws rendered worthless, our public health system dismantled, and the safety net for the disenfranchised only a dim memory.

It’s time for working people to put an end to this nonsense.

Stand with President Obama, who's firmly opposed to privatization and contracting out of public services.

A government that works for us will provide critical goods and services that can not, and should not, be run for profit.

Our kind of government will:

regulate and limit the destructive effects of corporate greed

guarantee everyone a decent job

ensure quality health care for all

rebuild our infrastructure and expand mass transportation

continue to provide high quality postal service

clean up and protect our environment

enforce workplace regulations

provide quality education, housing, and child care for all

protect Social Security

We can fund all of these programs through a more equitable tax system that sharply increases taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

Additional funds can be gained by eliminating unnecessary and wasteful military spending.

Let’s put government to work for us, not for the corporations.
The public sector has gotten a bad name because much of what passed for government in the past eight years was a way to enrich the wealthy at our expense.

Through a mercenary Congress controlled by the GOP during the Bush years, corporate America received a long list of undeserved benefits in tax breaks, subsidies, no-bid and cost-plus contracts.

Even worse, as sales taxes, payroll taxes, and property taxes on working people were unfairly increased, many important public services were sharply reduced.

Corporate-backed Republican politicians use the anti-government sentiment they have so carefully engineered to kill vital programs that many employers have always despised.

If corporations continued to get their way, OSHA would be gutted, our environmental and labor laws rendered worthless, our public health system dismantled, and the safety net for the disenfranchised only a dim memory.

It’s time for working people to put an end to this nonsense.

Stand with President Obama, who's firmly opposed to privatization and contracting out of public services.

A government that works for us will provide critical goods and services that can not, and should not, be run for profit.

Our kind of government will:

regulate and limit the destructive effects of corporate greed

guarantee everyone a decent job

ensure quality health care for all

rebuild our infrastructure and expand mass transportation

continue to provide high quality postal service

clean up and protect our environment

enforce workplace regulations

provide quality education, housing, and child care for all

protect Social Security

We can fund all of these programs through a more equitable tax system that sharply increases taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

Additional funds can be gained by eliminating unnecessary and wasteful military spending.

Let’s put government to work for us, not for the corporations.

From the "Labor Party"