Is The Republican House Doomed?


A recent poll indicates a Republican majority in the house may be gone come next year.

Why Republican battleground seats are at risk:

The Republican and Tea Party brands are toxic. In seats held by Republicans, almost half rate the Republican Congress and Tea Party negatively. The Democratic Party enjoys a net 6-point favorability advantage over the Republican Party in these Republican seats.

Republicans are increasingly out of touch on key budget priorities, including taxes, and voters know it. Majorities want their named member to ask the wealthiest to pay a greater share of taxes. Indeed, the biggest concern is that their member sides with the rich and big corporations ahead of the middle class.

Voters are fed up with the gridlock in Washington and they see Republicans as the main driver of it. By more than two-to-one (64 to 30 percent), these voters want their Republican incumbents to work with President Obama, not stop him from advancing his agenda – that margin is up 21 points from last summer in the presidential-year Republican battleground. An uncompromising Republican Congress, only focused on blocking Obama’s agenda, ranks among voters’ top concerns in these districts.

Voters are looking to implement and improve the health care reform law, not repeal it. Republicans’ obsession with repeal is out-of-step with voters in even these Republican-held districts. In the most competitive seats, voters favor implementing the law over repealing it by 8 points.

Seniors are a potentially big story. Seniors broke heavily for Republicans in 2010, and they are a disproportionate voice in off-year elections. This survey shows the race tied with them, which would be a huge turnaround. And it is seniors who move the most after the attacks in the survey.
I tend to lean slightly Right, but I'm fully aware of the Right's corporate ties and how they use funds to puppet around their party. Listening to Romney tell Americans we should stop "regulations" while in bed with chemical dumping plants who were top donors was basic. Listening to Romney state we need to stop regulations on Coal, while in bed with the big donors in Coal was pretty basic too.

The Right doesn't speak for itself anymore. And the Libertarians are probably/possibly worse. The Right is out of control.

I plan to vote for Rand Paul at this point, but for some reason I think I will vote Left AGAIN....I think the Right Will shoot themselves in the foot like always..
Good! So the Republican bastards get booted out and maybe the Republican Party gets rid of all of those fucking neo-cons like Carl Rove, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and the rest of those BIG government war mongering CIA snooping bastards.

What this country needs is total Democrat control of all of the State Governorships, every State legislature, have a Democrat filibuster proof majority in the Senate in Washington and a super majority in the House Of Representatives.

The death of the Republican neo-con Party as we know it would be a God-Send.

Total Democrat control of all of government would be a God-Send because it will bring this disaster to a head and we Americans can get on with the inevitable revolution and reconstruction of our “Constitutional Republic” so very quickly once the fucking Democrats finish this bribery state off.

Democrat control of anything puts the Democrats on a suicide path just like the Republicans. Bush and the neo-cons killed off the Republicans. Now it’s time for the BIG government socialist bastard Democrats to kill off the fucking Democrats.
its possible.....rule of thumb is that the party in power loses seats......the Democrats have consistently shown themselves to be powerless.......