Is the Surge to the Left Among Young Voters a Trump Blip or the Real Deal?


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Two key Democratic constituencies — the young and the religiously unobservant — have substantially increased as a share of the electorate.

In 2012, white evangelicals — a hard-core Republican constituency — made up the same proportion of the electorate as the religiously unaffiliated: agnostics, atheists and the nonreligious. Both groups stood at roughly 19 percent of the population.

By 2022, according to the Public Religion Research Institute (better known as P.R.R.I.), the percentage of white evangelicals had fallen to 13.6 percent, while those with little or no interest in religion and more progressive inclinations had surged to 26.8 percent of the population.
the young have been successfully brainwashed through gaslighting and propaganda

now we enter the war on reality

“The global capitalist ruling classes are implementing a new official ideology, in other words, a new ‘reality.’ That’s what an official ideology is. It’s more than just a set of beliefs. Anyone can have any beliefs they want. Your personal beliefs do not constitute ‘reality.’ In order to make your beliefs ‘reality,’ you need to have the power to impose them on society. You need the power of the police, the military, the media, scientific ‘experts,’ academia, the culture industry, the entire ideology-manufacturing machine. There is nothing subtle about this process. Decommissioning one ‘reality’ and replacing it with another is a brutal business. Societies grow accustomed to their ‘realities.’ We do not surrender them willingly or easily. Normally, what’s required to get us to do so is a crisis, a war, a state of emergency, or … you know, a deadly global pandemic. During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.”
White working-class people, white evangelicals, white Catholics, and white Christians in general all voted significantly more Republican in 2020 than in 2000. White people with no college education: 56 percent for Bush in 2000, 68 percent for Trump in 2020. White evangelicals who regularly attend church: 75 percent for Bush in 2000, 89 percent for Trump in 2020. White Catholics who regularly attend church: 56 percent for Bush in 2000, 67 percent for Trump in 2020.
Two key Democratic constituencies — the young and the religiously unobservant — have substantially increased as a share of the electorate.

In 2012, white evangelicals — a hard-core Republican constituency — made up the same proportion of the electorate as the religiously unaffiliated: agnostics, atheists and the nonreligious. Both groups stood at roughly 19 percent of the population.

By 2022, according to the Public Religion Research Institute (better known as P.R.R.I.), the percentage of white evangelicals had fallen to 13.6 percent, while those with little or no interest in religion and more progressive inclinations had surged to 26.8 percent of the population.

Hardly a non-partisan organization.

Given their obvious lean to the Left, one would kind of expect that result from them.
What from their website showed they have a left bias?

For example, under "Immigration" they ask this question in a survey:

Are Immigrants a Threat? Most Americans Don’t Think So, but Those Receptive to the “Threat” Narrative Are Predictably More Anti-immigrant

The use of the word "Threat" is designed to move people away from being anti-illegal immigration. Also, note the non-differentiation between legal and illegal immigration in the question. That is clearly a Left leaning position. A centrist position would be to differentiate the two on their legality, something the Left alone avoids and conflates.
For example, under "Immigration" they ask this question in a survey:

Are Immigrants a Threat? Most Americans Don’t Think So, but Those Receptive to the “Threat” Narrative Are Predictably More Anti-immigrant

The use of the word "Threat" is designed to move people away from being anti-illegal immigration. Also, note the non-differentiation between legal and illegal immigration in the question. That is clearly a Left leaning position. A centrist position would be to differentiate the two on their legality, something the Left alone avoids and conflates.

Ok, I really don't give a shit about immigration.
The reds are on the wrong side of abortion, the environment, and guns. Those are very important to the younger voter. It is not just a new wave, but one that will grow.
These kids come from schools that had shootings. They had to do active shooter drills. They are being taught about how guns are destroying the American lifestyle.
Th reds have no way to reach the younger generation.
Well Biden is polling the worst of any democrats in 60 years in the 18-37 range so don’t expect turnout to be very high.

They may not like Trump but they don’t like Biden either who only has a 40% approval rating which is lower than Trump ever had.

Harris is also the most unpopular VP in the history of the US

This will not be a good election for the left
Two key Democratic constituencies — the young and the religiously unobservant — have substantially increased as a share of the electorate.

In 2012, white evangelicals — a hard-core Republican constituency — made up the same proportion of the electorate as the religiously unaffiliated: agnostics, atheists and the nonreligious. Both groups stood at roughly 19 percent of the population.

By 2022, according to the Public Religion Research Institute (better known as P.R.R.I.), the percentage of white evangelicals had fallen to 13.6 percent, while those with little or no interest in religion and more progressive inclinations had surged to 26.8 percent of the population.

That is the Democrats indoctrination at schools at work.
Ok, I really don't give a shit about immigration.

Not the point, which once again proves your inferior intellect. My point was and is, that the question was worded such as to invoke responses that favored the Leftist position on immigration. That is, it was a form of push poll.