Is the two party system and politics in general destroying America?

Should we get rid of two party politics?

How would we go about getting rid of it? The only thing that could accomplish this would be proportional representation, but this almost inevitably leads to the formation of unstable coalition governments. Besides, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the two party system. One could argue that it worked fine for over two hundred years (except for a brief period in the early 19th century, when we basically had a one party system).
The two party system would work fine if the two parties did not spend their every waking moment just trying to beat the other party.

I'd like to see a 3rd party give them a run for their money and put them back on track.
The two party system is not the problem per se - it is the structure within we have allowed to develop that is causing the problems. It is natural for political groups to gathers at either end of any issue. Pro-this, anti-this, pro-that, anti-that, etc. What has happened here is the party system ahs developed into two organizations (ie: the national party committees) whose primary purpose is their own power. The national committees have too much power in determining who the people are even allowed to vote for. They have the power to enhance the careers of those THEY determine best (for themselves and fuck the U.S.) and to sabotage the careers of those they do not want. The national committees are, quite probably, 90% or more responsible for the continually widening rift between party supporters. It's time to get rid of the national party headquarters.
Its the money that is destroying the system.

Too many wealthy people who are too willing to accept that their money is more important than democracy.

One man one vote not one dollar one vote many dollars many votes.
The country has a multi-party system....the voters (We)_(the citizens) have created the 2 party system by our partisan-ism....
Libertarians, Conservatives, Tea Party, Constitutional , etc. can't get elected unless they run as Republicans...

Socialists, Communists, Liberals, Green Party, Marxists, etc can't get elected unless they run as Democrats....

We have met the enemy, and they are us.

And as Mr. Good Luck says...they have consolidated their power to prevent others from getting a piece of the action ... and WE have allowed it to happen....
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The country has a multi-party system....the voters (We)_(the citizens) have created the 2 party system by our partisan-ism....
Libertarians, Conservatives, Tea Party, Constitutional , etc. can't get elected unless they run as Republicans...

Socialists, Communists, Liberals, Green Party, Marxists, etc can't get elected unless they run as Democrats....

We have met the enemy, and they are us.

And as Mr. Good Luck says...they have consolidated their power to prevent others from getting a piece of the action ... and WE have allowed it to happen....

No. WE are not the enemy. We are the victims. The elitists prefer the two party system so they only have to control the platform of two parties and implement their propaganda dialectic with it.
Case in point. Jared loughner. The only coherent thing is his rants was a very valid concern about fiat currency control of society. The "left" accuses him of being a righty. The right accuses him of being a lefty. And meanwhile his valid concerns go ignored.

But violence is not the answer and murder is wrong. Education about the internationalist fascist eugenics agenda is the answer.
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The country has a multi-party system....the voters (We)_(the citizens) have created the 2 party system by our partisan-ism....
Libertarians, Conservatives, Tea Party, Constitutional , etc. can't get elected unless they run as Republicans...

Hmm. I wonder if that is why Ron Paul runs as a republican?
Its the money that is destroying the system.

Too many wealthy people who are too willing to accept that their money is more important than democracy.

One man one vote not one dollar one vote many dollars many votes.

It is the system that is destroying the system.
The system isn't destroying the country, Democrats are.

No, Democrats aren't. Idiots are. People who would rather stick with their party than face the fact that both of the big two are culpable for the problems facing this country, both are dragging the country down while pointing at the other, both hope you will continue not facing that fact, both are hoping you'll keeping on blaming one or the other and sticking to the party line.
how do you "get rid" of something that no one forces you to have? you pass a law that requires there to be three more parties? you outlaw the two we already have?.....

not only that, but the year after it actually appears we might have a third interest stepping forward the left has done nothing except attempt to quash it.......
how do you "get rid" of something that no one forces you to have? you pass a law that requires there to be three more parties? you outlaw the two we already have?.....

not only that, but the year after it actually appears we might have a third interest stepping forward the left has done nothing except attempt to quash it.......
Not just the left. Of note the republican party's treatment of candidates nominated over the NRC's selection. If the candidate received any supprot at all, it was minimal, while many were outright opposed like Delaware and Alaska. In some cases it was obvious the RNC preferred losing the seat to a democrat than to a TEA party candidate. The only time you will see the DNC and RNC genuinely cooperate with each other is when a third party threatens - and then they both work together to quash it.