Is the word conservative going the way of the word liberal?



Is the Word "Conservative" Going the Way of the Word "Liberal?"

In 1964, it was considered a virtue to be a liberal. FDR's legacy was strong. Liberals brought us victory in World War II, social security, voting rights for African-Americans, a tough stance against Communism, and Camelot. On the big issues, the liberal agenda was dominant.

But the divisive Vietnam War, the race struggles of the '60's, women's rights, and finally, the presidency of Jimmy Carter brought an end to the time when being considered a "liberal" was a badge of honor.

Liberals became associated with being soft on crime and softer on defense. Liberals burned bras and loved abortion, they wanted to save the spotted owl at the cost of real jobs, they were welfare queens who took every penny they could from the government while having more and more kids, and most of all, liberals became associated with higher taxes - so that welfare queens could have more kids and get more money from hard working, middle-income Americans.

Today, candidates run from the term "liberal." Liberals want to be known as liberals as much as they want to be referred to as pornographers, which conservatives would say is how liberals prefer to be known.

Today's liberals have found peace with the term "progressive." There are no liberals anymore. There are only progressives.

Conservatives used to be on the fringe, but Ronald Reagan changed all that. He was sunny, optimistic, morning in America after Jimmy Carter's malaise. He brought Democrats to the Republican Party - "Reagan Democrats," the people who voted against their own interests to support a political party that did not want them to have health insurance, good wages, or equal education. The country that voted for Reagan overwhelmingly never sided him on the issues; they sided with Reagan because of his charm.

Reagan and the conservative agenda were considered winners. Conservatives could crow that the Cold War is over, tax rates are at historical lows, welfare queens have traded in their crowns for a paycheck, and Republicans have been in the Oval Office for 20 of the last 28 years.

But today's conservatives, armed with victories, had to find a new agenda. Without Reagan's affable personality, they had to try to settle on winning issues. Conservatives instead settled on an agenda that represents an incredible misreading of where the country stands on the issues. Conservatives went from talking about low taxes, fiscal responsibility, and a strong defense to irresponsible spending, irresponsible wars, ignoring global warming, creationism, big oil, neglecting the basic services of government and, finally, conservatives are now the group that promotes torture.

In the Republican primaries, Mitt Romney determined that he needed to sell his soul to appeal to the conservative - the Rush Limbaugh - wing of his party. It turned out, he was many years behind the times because the talk show hosts do not represent the real Republicans out there, any more than Al Sharpton represented my parents and their view of liberalism.

Real conservatives - real conservatives want to keep taxes low, government responsible, and maintain a strong defense. And there's no reason for conservatives to abhor the environment and distrust science. Those views are products of this very political moment, and many conservatives know it. But those conservatives cannot be heard, because they do not have the power in the Republican Party. Ann Coulter speaks for conservatives.

You can't be a proud conservative anymore, because being a conservative does not mean what it meant 20 years ago, when Reagan's second term ended. George W. Bush destroyed what Reagan built. If W is a conservative, then the word "conservative" is a going to be a four-letter word for a long time, and to confirm it, we just not George Carlin to put in his "Seven Dirty Words" stand-up routine.

John McCain cannot run as far to the right as conservatives want him to run, because if he runs that far right, he will fall off what the right-wing believes to be a flat earth.

Soon, conservatives may not want to be known as conservatives at all. Perhaps they'll be non-progressives. I don't know. I'm not a conservative, so I can't coin the term that best describes their views.

But conservatives are about to enter the long, dark political wilderness. If Senator Obama becomes President Obama, as I expect, the political fights of the last 20 years will recede. There will still be fights, to be sure, but they won't have the same venom they have had for the last couple of decades. Progressivism will rise. The Republican Party will have a fringe on the right, but it will gradually move back toward the center, where it was 30 years ago.

Eventually, conservatism, if it wants to return, will have to enter a political rehabilitation program and emerge with a new identity. It won't look to Ronald Reagan for answers, for the aforementioned reason that much of the country did not agree with Reagan on the issues, but they did agree with his charm, which the far-right (Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter) has none of right now.

If they are smart, conservatives will instead look to Teddy Roosevelt. Pro-business, pro-defense, pro-environment.

But that rehabilitation is years from now. Today's conservatives are yesterday's liberals. And today, there is no such thing as a liberal.
Hope so but doubt it.

Much if not most of America identifies themselves as conservative.

They are certainly the largest ideological demographic.
The author makes the usual mistake of confusing conservatives with Republicans. The result is a hilariously misinformed column worthy of Emily Latella (oh.... never mind!)

Conservatives haven't changed. Only Republicans have.
Conservatives haven't changed. Only Republicans have.

Some conservatives have changed with them, or some big government liberals have switched labels.

The neocons are a very real faction today, and they stray greatly from conservative values and principles.
Some conservatives have changed with them
I'd imagine there are conservatives who have changed - it's a big country. They may have changed into liberals. As a result, they are no longer conservatives.

I should have said, conservatism hasn't changed.

, or some big government liberals have switched labels.
That's happened a lot. But changing labels doesn't change their philosophy. They're still liberals, by whatever name.

The neocons are a very real faction today,
Yup. Composed mostly of liberals or semi-liberals who have joined the Republican party - see McCain, Bush, etc.)

and they stray greatly from conservative values and principles.
You can say that again.

But the original question was about "conservatives", not liberals in sheeps' clothing.

Conservatism hasn't changed. Only Republicans have.
The author makes the usual mistake of confusing conservatives with Republicans. The result is a hilariously misinformed column worthy of Emily Latella (oh.... never mind!)

Conservatives haven't changed. Only Republicans have.

LOL man.

Liberalism is a proud name in almost every part of the globe except for America.

If the Democrats can kill liberalism, the Republicans can damn well kill conservatism.
Democrats killed liberalism because they were able to implement liberalism (ambitious social programs funded by progressive taxation) and the ideology itself failed.

With the help of conservatives, Republicans took power and implemented something that was very different from traditional conservatism.

From 2000-2008, Republicans have failed America. Not conservatism.

And I am not even a conservative.
Republicans easily could still kill conservatism by getting back into power and repeating their collosal failures. After a 2nd unsuccessful go, whether the Republicans were actually conservative or not, it would be hard for many people to disassociate conservative ideology and failure. That would cause many self-identified conservatives to change.

But the fact that current conservatives are bashing Republicans and appear set for a recordsetting boycott of the November elections makes me doubt that conservatism has lost its appeal.
Conservatism: drug war, more wars, intruding on peoples personal lives, and incessant need to look balsy to hide the fact that most of them are gay/pedophiles.

That's the truth of conservatism, and Democrats faux-liberalism was just idiotic, you brainwashed fool. Reagan hurt America greatly and set us back 100 years.
That's not liberalism, dumbass.

Hey dumbass. Yeah it is.

We're not embarking on one of these fanciful "classical liberalism" discussions.

Modern liberalism holds exactly those values:

Providing a social safety net through programs funded by progressive taxation.

If you don't like modern liberalism, don't call yourself a liberal.
Hey dumbass. Yeah it is.

We're not embarking on one of these fanciful "classical liberalism" discussions.

Modern liberalism holds exactly those values:

Providing a social safety net through programs funded by progressive taxation.

If you don't like modern liberalism, don't call yourself a liberal.

Modern conservatism holds exactly these values:

Intruding on peoples personal lives, raising taxes on the poor to pay for corporate welfare, following lockstep, and fearmongering to drive us into wars.
Conservatism: drug war, more wars, intruding on peoples personal lives, and incessant need to look balsy to hide the fact that most of them are gay/pedophiles.

That's the truth of conservatism, and Democrats faux-liberalism was just idiotic, you brainwashed fool. Reagan hurt America greatly and set us back 100 years.

You'd have to take that up with a Reaganite.

More Americans are conservative than liberal though. That's simply a reality.

The Drug War and the less important wars are deplorable. Legislating morality should be criticized. But liberalism has had as many failures to its name as conservatism.
The reason the Democrats killed American liberalism is because they never implemented it and no one ever knew what it is. It was a great success everywhere it was tried, it was never tried in America.
Modern conservatism holds exactly these values:

Intruding on peoples personal lives, raising taxes on the poor to pay for corporate welfare, following lockstep, and fearmongering to drive us into wars.

You're really not even trying to debate anymore are you?
No. :clink:

I'm just trolling you man.

I kinda hate it. :(

If I wanted to hear ignorant, overly-generalized political opinions I would turn off my computer and talk to my friends.

I come here to get my politic fix. I know your reasons are different, but you could at least try to put up a good defense sometime.
I'm angry because I'm being forced to use Windows right now for stupid reasons... I can't stand this crappy OS.

Haha wtf?

Oh lord I bet this forum is chock full of Mac/Unix users.

I learned on Windows, so I'm just more comfortable with it.