Is there anyone, at this point, who cannot see through the Clintons?


New member
Post debate:

Hillary: “I’m with Harry Truman on this — if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Just speaking for myself, I am very comfortable in the kitchen.”

Bill: “Well, they’ve been beating up on her for 15 months. I didn’t hear her whining when he said she was untruthful in Iowa. And, you know, they said some pretty rough things about me, too. But, you know, this is a contact sport. If you don’t want to play, keep your uniform off.”

Did anyone not hear the near constant whining from the Clinton campaign about media bias, including "always getting the 1st question in debates?" Didn't anyone hear her bring up "Saturday Night Live" about 18 times as 'proof' that she was getting unfair coverage?
This clinton game is pretty pitiful. I guess bill is paying his due for Monica :)

The bill presidency was not too bad though.
But perhaps it was good only because the republicans were too preoccupied with screwing him to screw us much.
[ame=""]YouTube - Hillary Clinton is Wicked Funny[/ame]
Is there anyone just one year ago on the "D" side that wouldn't have defended the Clintons to their grave?
I was a Clinton supporter prior to her break with reality... Now I cannot even bring myself to support her even if her name is on the ballot in Nov.
Is there anyone just one year ago on the "D" side that wouldn't have defended the Clintons to their grave?

Sure. Me. I can find you a link, if you'd like, from the FP site, where I said I would never vote for Hillary Clinton. A few links, actually.

Kind of uncalled for & generalizing, Damo, as well as inaccurate...another "devil's advocate" thing with you?
My thinking about bill is that secretly he doesnt want his wife to win... he doesnt want the personal scrutiny that comes along with livin on Pennsylvania ave... seriously .. could you go without sex for four and possibly eight years...
I still think it would be very entertaining to watch the rush's and such of the world if Hillary is elected. good entertainment value.
A couple of truly bullshit reactions from conservatives on this thread.

This is how people become hacks; this is why there are koolaid drinking fools in the world who refuse to acknowledge realities about "their side." Any time someone tries to post criticism about "their side," they get a snide Little Acorn saying "well, it's nice to see you stupid Democrats catching up with the rest of us," or Damo with a snide "all Dems defended the Clintons to the grave." So why should they post criticism?

Screw you guys. I've never been a "big fan" of Hillary's, have stated often over the past year that I would never vote for her, and never feel a need to defend "my side" to the bitter end. I have criticized everyone - Reid, Pelosi, Dean, the party in general, and I've got the links to prove it.
Sure. Me. I can find you a link, if you'd like, from the FP site, where I said I would never vote for Hillary Clinton. A few links, actually.

Kind of uncalled for & generalizing, Damo, as well as inaccurate...another "devil's advocate" thing with you?
Jokes often are. I hope you are "outraged" like the Marines with the photograph.
Heard that Bill really doesn't want her to be president.....that is why he is opening his mouth and sticking his foot in at times that he knows times that actually hurt her run for presidency a great deal.... this person was saying sure he is out their trumpeting for her but he has to do that or it would look bad.... but he has made some political mistakes that a 5 year old would know not to do, let alone the champion of champions, politician, as Bill is.... and the only way to explain it, is that he really doesn't want to be first gentleman for the next eight years having the spotlight on him or on him and his extracuriculum activities....? :D

When I first heard this I thought, no way, but when this person went on giving examples of some of the things that Bill has done and said that ultimately hurt Hillary's campaign, it made me give second thought to it....I can say that much...

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My thinking about bill is that secretly he doesnt want his wife to win... he doesnt want the personal scrutiny that comes along with livin on Pennsylvania ave... seriously .. could you go without sex for four and possibly eight years...

Heard that Bill really doesn't want her to be president.....that is why he is opening his mouth and sticking his foot in at times that he knows times that actually hurt her run for presidency a great deal.... this person was saying sure he is out their trumpeting for her but he has to do that or it would look bad.... but he has made some political mistakes that a 5 year old would know not to do, let alone the champion of champions, politician, as Bill is.... and the only way to explain it, is that he really doesn't want to be first gentleman for the next eight years having the spotlight on him or on him and his extracuriculum activities....? :D

When I first heard this I thought, no way, but when this person went on giving examples of some of the things that Bill has done and said that ultimately that hurt Hillary's campaign, it made me give second thought to it....I can say that much...

She didn't need Bill to screw this for her. I mean, seriously. Making up sniper stories? Who would do that other than somebody running for County Coroner or something?
"She didn't need Bill to screw this for her. I mean, seriously. Making up sniper stories? Who would do that other than somebody running for County Coroner or something?"

She was agains vote counting before she was for it.. she was for NAFTA before she was against it.. she was for, I mean, she was against ... er um.. I really dont know where she was on colombian trade...she was for caucuss sites in casinos in Nevada before she was against em... she was for caucusses before she said they dont count.. she was for being onstage with Obama before she was proclaiming shame scant hours after making the initial comment... will the reall hillary please stand up...
Aww just say it Jeepers. Hillary has turned into a Republican.
Except she hasn't. This is insane. She hasn't moved her positions since she started her campaign. You all just moved your perception. Now you see her as the R's have for so long.