Is There Ever Any Real Justice At The Top Levels Of The Federal Government?


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Will Hillary Clinton ever have to answer for her inexcusable conduct as Secretary of State leaving American diplomats in Libya severely lacking for security and refusing to send in military force when the American consulate in Benghazi was under terrorist attack? Where was the President of the United States when upgrading security for American diplomats in Libya was ignored and denied? Where was the President of the United States when the Benghazi terrorist attack was under way? Does the “buck stop” anywhere in this corrupt inept administration?

Is the left-wing media and even some Democrats in Congress finally getting curious about the Benghazi incident? Are they finally now discovering that their cover up of the incident and protection of this corrupt administration is failing and it’s time to fess up?

Then there’s Attorney General Erik Holder and the “Fast & Furious” gun running scam that armed Mexican Drug Cartels with American weapons and murdered an American border agent. Will Holder ever be held responsible for that corrupt scam that endangered Americans along our southern border?

Is there really ever any real justice for America and Americans when the top level bureaucrats and politicians in the federal government turn up to be incompetent idiots and crooked bastards?
Will Hillary Clinton ever have to answer for her inexcusable conduct as Secretary of State leaving American diplomats in Libya severely lacking for security and refusing to send in military force when the American consulate in Benghazi was under terrorist attack? Where was the President of the United States when upgrading security for American diplomats in Libya was ignored and denied? Where was the President of the United States when the Benghazi terrorist attack was under way? Does the “buck stop” anywhere in this corrupt inept administration?

Is the left-wing media and even some Democrats in Congress finally getting curious about the Benghazi incident? Are they finally now discovering that their cover up of the incident and protection of this corrupt administration is failing and it’s time to fess up?

Then there’s Attorney General Erik Holder and the “Fast & Furious” gun running scam that armed Mexican Drug Cartels with American weapons and murdered an American border agent. Will Holder ever be held responsible for that corrupt scam that endangered Americans along our southern border?

Is there really ever any real justice for America and Americans when the top level bureaucrats and politicians in the federal government turn up to be incompetent idiots and crooked bastards?

Yes, she did. Although I'm sure you don't remember because she ripped the idiots a new one...

Who did she “rip a new one” Howey?

Fact is when she testified the fact that her talking points hadn’t yet been revealed to have been edited 12 times to conceal the fact that she knew from the very get-go that Al-Qaeda elements were responsible for the Benghazi attacks. Why does any of that matter? Because a campaigning President Obama was running around the country telling American voters that Al-Qaeda was eliminated under his watch and Osama BinLaden was dead trying to make himself the “Al-Qaeda Eliminator.” Now we know her talking points were a cover up to protect Obama’s campaign lies

The fact still remains that somebody in the State Department denied beefed up security for the consulate. Somebody told the military to “stand down” during a 7 hour attack. Whistle blowers are now claiming there was time and military security available to save the now dead Americans.

Gregory Hicks second in command in Libya dropped the dime on the State Department and his orders from Department lawyers to not testify.

Benghazi has legs Howey! The truth is coming out. Her Majesty Hillary may well be in front of the congressional hearings again Even the left-wing media is now asking questions about Benghazi and picking up on the lies and cover up. We shall see how Her Majesty manages to “rip a new one.” Maybe, just maybe Howey the lying bitch will get ripped, huh?
Who did she “rip a new one” Howey?

The idiots she shut up.

Fact is when she testified the fact that her talking points hadn’t yet been revealed to have been edited 12 times

Those were CIA talking points.

Because a campaigning President Obama was running around the country telling American voters that Al-Qaeda was eliminated under his watch and Osama BinLaden was dead

He said "And today, Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead." He did not say al Qaeda was eliminated.

The fact still remains that somebody in the State Department denied beefed up security for the consulate. Somebody told the military to “stand down” during a 7 hour attack. Whistle blowers are now claiming there was time and military security available to save the now dead Americans.

Gregory Hicks second in command in Libya dropped the dime on the State Department and his orders from Department lawyers to not testify.


Hicks recanted his testimony and the whistleblowers were proven wrong.

Chaffetz told Fox News that "we had people that were getting killed, we had people who are willing to risk their lives to go save them and somebody told them to stand down."

But it’s clear from Hicks’ testimony that four Americans "getting killed" in Benghazi were already dead when the decision was made to keep the special forces team in Tripoli. The mortar attack was over. A Defense Department drone watched overhead in Benghazi as Libyan militia members helped Americans get to the airport.

Chaffetz, however, says the team was available to go save "people that were getting killed," calling the order to stand down "sickening and depressing and disgusting." His office clarifies he meant that the team might have prevented additional casualties if attacks had continued — an explanation utterly missing from his national TV appearance. We rate the claim False.

Benghazi has legs Howey! The truth is coming out. Her Majesty Hillary may well be in front of the congressional hearings again Even the left-wing media is now asking questions about Benghazi and picking up on the lies and cover up. We shall see how Her Majesty manages to “rip a new one.” Maybe, just maybe Howey the lying bitch will get ripped, huh?

You're fucking insane. And obviously don't have the intelligence to debate.
Benghazi lost hil' her prez campaign!!
Obama threw her under the bus, BUT AT THIS POINT, what does it matter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who did she “rip a new one” Howey?

Fact is when she testified the fact that her talking points hadn’t yet been revealed to have been edited 12 times to conceal the fact that she knew from the very get-go that Al-Qaeda elements were responsible for the Benghazi attacks. Why does any of that matter? Because a campaigning President Obama was running around the country telling American voters that Al-Qaeda was eliminated under his watch and Osama BinLaden was dead trying to make himself the “Al-Qaeda Eliminator.” Now we know her talking points were a cover up to protect Obama’s campaign lies

The fact still remains that somebody in the State Department denied beefed up security for the consulate. Somebody told the military to “stand down” during a 7 hour attack. Whistle blowers are now claiming there was time and military security available to save the now dead Americans.

Gregory Hicks second in command in Libya dropped the dime on the State Department and his orders from Department lawyers to not testify.

Benghazi has legs Howey! The truth is coming out. Her Majesty Hillary may well be in front of the congressional hearings again Even the left-wing media is now asking questions about Benghazi and picking up on the lies and cover up. We shall see how Her Majesty manages to “rip a new one.” Maybe, just maybe Howey the lying bitch will get ripped, huh?

Howard is hoping that the Obama administration will be able to bury her involvement in this and that it will be forgotten by the time the campaigns begin, for the next presidential election.
Obamas admin are using Hil as a scapegoat!!
Dumb fuck libs are too indoctrinated to see it!!
The idiots she shut up.

Looks to me Howey that Mr. Johnson made a valid point only to be answered by a cornered bitch mongrel buck-tooth dog, the answer being “what difference does it make?” Here’s what difference it makes Howey, King Barry Barrack was touring the country at the time and debating the other fucking idiot Romney for the Presidency. Barry’s campaign theme was how tough he’d been on Al-Qaeda and his claim that Al-Qaeda was no longer a threat to America and he and his lackey Joe Biden were slobbering all over the voters how ole Barry Barrack had knocked off Osama BinLaden. Walla!!!! All of a sudden Al-Qaeda knocks off 4 Americans in Benghazi. Walla!!! The fucking cover up begins. All of a sudden nobody is allowed to talk to members of Congress and a leftist lawyer has to be present at every interview of witnesses. All of a sudden nobody knows or remembers who told the military to “stand down” during the attack and we still don’t know who did that. All of a sudden according to the Democrats, Republicans in Congress are responsible for the lack of security at Benghazi because they voted to cut spending on diplomatic security. When in fact, there was still more money available for diplomatic security and a Clinton State Department witness even testified that a lack of available funds was never an issue in the Benghazi security deficiency.

Those were CIA talking points.

They were until the fucking Clinton State Department edited them 12 fucking times Howey. Then they became Her Majesty Hillary’s talking points, huh Howey????

He said "And today, Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead." He did not say al Qaeda was eliminated.

“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt” Howey. You can deny all you like that the major theme in Obama’s reelection was his eliminating the Al-Qaeda threat. But you can’t cover up the fact that it’s the answer to Her Majesty’s question of “what difference does it make?” It made plenty of difference in the reelection of one of America’s most corrupt idiot Presidents and his corrupt fucking administration.


Hicks recanted his testimony and the whistleblowers were proven wrong.

Where in the Tampa Bay Time article do we find any “recanting” of the Hicks testimony? Where do we find any proof that the whistleblowers were wrong? How did a “drone” determine who was already dead and who wasn’t?

"We determined that Lieutenant Gibson and his team of special forces troops should go. The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired. They were exhausted. We wanted to make sure the airport was secure for their withdrawal. As Col. Gibson and his three personnel were getting in the cars, he stopped. And he called them off and told me that he had not been authorized to go. The vehicles had to go because the flight needed to go to Tripoli, I mean, to Benghazi. Lt. Col. Gibson was furious. I had told him to go bring our people home. That's what he wanted to do. … So the plane went. I think it landed in Benghazi around 7:30."

Who told Gibson not to go Howey?

Chaffetz told Fox News that "we had people that were getting killed, we had people who are willing to risk their lives to go save them and somebody told them to stand down."

Chaffetz, however, says the team was available to go save "people that were getting killed," calling the order to stand down "sickening and depressing and disgusting."

Why wasn’t sufficient security for Benghazi provided in the first place Howey? Was Her Majesty’s State Department a fucking bunch of incompetents Howey? If Queen Hillary can’t even run a State Department Howey, can anybody trust her to “take that call in the middle of the night” she talked about when campaigning for the Presidency? Where the fuck was Barry Barrack when all of this was going down Howey? How come nobody seems to remember or know what his actions were in this incompetent murder event?

You're fucking insane. And obviously don't have the intelligence to debate.

You’re not proving that very well Howey. If your only argument is to attack your opponent you must have your back to the wall and your tail between your legs, huh Howey?
You're fucking insane. And obviously don't have the intelligence to debate.

Embassy Security Is Not Responsible
Brett Schaefer
October 11, 2012 at 10:02 am
There has been some back and forth between Republicans and Democrats over funding for security in Libya in the wake of Ambassador Chris Stevens’s death. Republicans have questioned whether the State Department had adequate security to protect the ambassador, and Democrats have countered that Republicans tried to cut funding for embassy security. What does the budget record show?
According to the fiscal year (FY) 2013 Congressional Budget Justification Department of State Operations (p. 11), overall funding for those programs has increased sharply over the past decade. Indeed, Worldwide Security Protection is more than double what it was a decade ago. Despite reductions from budget peaks in FY 2009 and FY 2010, both budget lines are higher than in FY 2008. (continues below chart)
You're fucking insane. And obviously don't have the intelligence to debate.

Comparing FY 2011 actual funding versus the FY 2012 estimate, there appears to be a reduction in Worldwide Security Protection and Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance. But that reduction does not account for additional funding in FY 2012 from Overseas Contingency Operations funds amounting to $236 million for Worldwide Security Protection (p. 63) and $33 million for Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance (p. 467). As a result, total funds for Worldwide Security Protection for FY 2012 are estimated to be $94 million higher than in FY 2011, while Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance is estimated to be $61 million less than FY 2011. Together, there is a net increase.

Comparing FY 2011 actual funding versus the FY 2012 estimate, there appears to be a reduction in Worldwide Security Protection and Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance. But that reduction does not account for additional funding in FY 2012 from Overseas Contingency Operations funds amounting to $236 million for Worldwide Security Protection (p. 63) and $33 million for Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance (p. 467). As a result, total funds for Worldwide Security Protection for FY 2012 are estimated to be $94 million higher than in FY 2011, while Embassy Security, Construction and Maintenance is estimated to be $61 million less than FY 2011. Together, there is a net increase.

Blah blah blah

More doctored figures from the Heritage Organization.
Blah blah blah

More doctored figures from the Heritage Organization.

im DeMint's Heritage Foundation is busy at work figuring out how to make sure Republicans are completely marginalized in 2014. As their faux scandals fall apart as rapidly as they're concocted, DeMint's minions are instructing Eric Cantor and John Boehner to please, please just keep attacking the president and forget about governing altogether.

Joy Reid at The Grio:

In a letter to members of Congress, which was obtained by NBC News, Heritage Action for America, the lobbying arm of the Heritage Foundation (which recently found itself in hot water over the racial IQ theories of the co-author of their widely panned immigration reform study, Jason Richwine, who resigned from the think tank last Friday), urged Republicans on Capitol Hill not to govern, and instead, to focus on the would-be “scandals” plaguing the Obama administration.

The letter, which is addressed to House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, trumpets the negative media buzz surrounding the White House, saying that, “for the first time, the activities of the Obama administration are receiving a sustained public vetting. Americans’ outrage over Benghazi is amplified by the Internal Revenue Service’s intimidation of conservative grassroots organizations and a cascade of negative headlines. There is the real sense the Obama administration has been less than forthright with the American people, the press and lawmakers.”
Blah blah blah

More doctored figures from the Heritage Organization.

All of the government's numbers are there Howey and you'll have to prove they're doctored. The argument and the questions remain the same Howey. WHO oversaw the inadequate security in Benghazi? Who gave the order to “stand down” who edited the talking points 12 times? How much responsibility for the fatal pathetic failure belongs Her Majesty Queen Hillary? Where the fuck was your Messiah and Savior Obama when it all went down Howey? Who supplied the weapons to Al-Qaeda that killed Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans in Benghazi Howey? Who’s idea was it for America to intervene in the Libyan Civil War Howey?
Blah blah blah

More doctored figures from the Heritage Organization.

“Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation is busy at work figuring out how to make sure Republicans are completely marginalized in 2014. As theirfaux scandals fall apart as rapidly as they're concocted, DeMint's minions are instructing Eric Cantor and John Boehner to please, please just keep attacking the president and forget about governing altogether.”

Yeah right Howey!!!! They’re falling apart so much that now the imbarrassed leftist media is finally asking the same questions of corrupt Hillary and Obama’s IRS.
All of the government's numbers are there Howey and you'll have to prove they're doctored. The argument and the questions remain the same Howey. WHO oversaw the inadequate security in Benghazi? Who gave the order to “stand down” who edited the talking points 12 times? How much responsibility for the fatal pathetic failure belongs Her Majesty Queen Hillary? Where the fuck was your Messiah and Savior Obama when it all went down Howey? Who supplied the weapons to Al-Qaeda that killed Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans in Benghazi Howey? Who’s idea was it for America to intervene in the Libyan Civil War Howey?

Asking Howey such pointed questions is like running a footrace with a one-leg man. Only with Howey you will likely get a answer that is completely devoid of truth and/or sense.. Brainwashed people such as he can not help themselves. Stupidity comes with the indoctrination they so happily volunteered for.
Asking Howey such pointed questions is like running a footrace with a one-leg man. Only with Howey you will likely get a answer that is completely devoid of truth and/or sense.. Brainwashed people such as he can not help themselves. Stupidity comes with the indoctrination they so happily volunteered for.

Just ask a leftist questions and you soon see who they really are. They’re even more absurd dishonest and corrupt than the rightist and that’s no easy task.
All of the government's numbers are there Howey and you'll have to prove they're doctored. The argument and the questions remain the same Howey. WHO oversaw the inadequate security in Benghazi? Who gave the order to “stand down” who edited the talking points 12 times? How much responsibility for the fatal pathetic failure belongs Her Majesty Queen Hillary? Where the fuck was your Messiah and Savior Obama when it all went down Howey? Who supplied the weapons to Al-Qaeda that killed Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans in Benghazi Howey? Who’s idea was it for America to intervene in the Libyan Civil War Howey?

All of those points have been disproven in each of the four hundred and seventy two threads you've started on this in the past week.

Give up. Pick up your marbles and go home to mommy.