Is this sleazy or what?

I think this is very deceiving and pretty scuzzy of this republican marketing firm....hired by Exxon... Are we "taught" to think what we think by the big corporations propaganda and marketing? Scarey.....

And this is not to say that the Dems have not tried this too...the whole thing of deception through the media as its source is when we found out the administration used our tax dollars to market and promote "no child left behind" through news sources like Armstrong williams, without us knowing it....with no disclaimer....

I think that this has now made me more aware of how the republicans work thru the net.... as they did with Dan Rather's incident...too.... imo.

Tapper's last line in his report is something I've wondered for a long time. Of the people we are talking to on these message boards, how many are regular folks and how many are corporate hired guns or GOP operatives, pretending to be real people and trying to sell us a bill of goods?

In answer to your question, I'd have to say "or what", assuming that "or what" goes way past sleazy.
Tapper's last line in his report is something I've wondered for a long time. Of the people we are talking to on these message boards, how many are regular folks and how many are corporate hired guns or GOP operatives, pretending to be real people and trying to sell us a bill of goods?

In answer to your question, I'd have to say "or what", assuming that "or what" goes way past sleazy.

Ive wondered that myself ... Ive had my suspicions ...., and that goes for both sides of the fence .. especially during election time.
Yes, meee too!

I asked WRL a few years back around election time when he showed up on the board if he was being paid by the GOP.... he never answered my question....hahahaha! So I don't know if that means somethin' or not!? :D

I have also thought many times over that Dixie could also be someone working for the, I swear! It has crossed my mind alot! :D

When Saoirse was posting all the time I thought that she might have been working for the Dem Party.....

I am guilty....of speculating occasionally....!
The whole Dan Rather unraveling, I would bet my bottom dollar, came initially from someone working for the GOP that infiltrated the blogs....with it...

There is no way that it wasn't imo....based on the timing of it all....happening within the hour of the airing....
Man, I wish somebody would pay me to hack their opinions on the world wide internet(s)... ;)