ISIS-K terrorists arrested in US

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
The FBI, et al., have just arrested 8 Tajikistani ISIS-K terrorists in LA, NYC, and Philly that Joke Bribem's open borders policies let into the US. The 8 had initially been caught illegally entering the US and were released, unvetted by ICE, following Biden administration policies.

Seems Joke and his clown show led by Mayorkas, have fucked up again. Do we really want another four years of this sort of stupidity on immigration policy?
Wait a minute, according to the right’s immigration armageddon, millions upon millions of immigrants are sneaking across the border every hour, so is it really surprising eight suspected ISIS members came across? With the right’s portrait, they must be doing a pretty good job mathematically if only eight got thru

And they were such a threat they didn’t even prosecute them
Wait a minute, according to the right’s immigration armageddon, millions upon millions of immigrants are sneaking across the border every hour, so is it really surprising eight suspected ISIS members came across? With the right’s portrait, they must be doing a pretty good job mathematically if only eight got thru

And they were such a threat they didn’t even prosecute them
If millions of illegals weren't getting into the US, and Biden wasn't hamstringing ICE and BCP, they'd be able to do their job and stop terrorists and criminals from getting in.

As it is, the terrorists and criminals are getting in because:

1. ICE can't do a thorough check on each person they apprehend illegally entering the US.
2. ICE has been instructed to follow 'catch and release.'
3. The terrorists and criminals lie about who they are and aren't being vetted.

So, yes, this is a problem of Biden's making. It is one he and his administration alone created by their open border policies. Biden as a result, has jeopardized the safety and security of the US.
If millions of illegals weren't getting into the US, and Biden wasn't hamstringing ICE and BCP, they'd be able to do their job and stop terrorists and criminals from getting in.

As it is, the terrorists and criminals are getting in because:

1. ICE can't do a thorough check on each person they apprehend illegally entering the US.
2. ICE has been instructed to follow 'catch and release.'
3. The terrorists and criminals lie about who they are and aren't being vetted.

So, yes, this is a problem of Biden's making. It is one he and his administration alone created by their open border policies. Biden as a result, has jeopardized the safety and security of the US.
“if?” Everyday the right and their media are hammering caravan after caravan crossing the border, and now you are saying “if?”

And as I said, given millions crossing pure probability dictates eight are due to get it
There are many reports that CIA/MI6 are ramping up ISIS-K forces in Ukraine, gearing up for a major terrorism program against the Russians. I would not completely put it past the Regime to use false flag terrorist operations in America for fear up purposes after all that we have seen from their paramilitary BLM/ANTIFA, but that would be a huge step.
“if?” Everyday the right and their media are hammering caravan after caravan crossing the border, and now you are saying “if?”

And as I said, given millions crossing pure probability dictates eight are due to get it
If millions weren't crossing--which was my point--then the probability of eight crossing is diminished exponentially.
Over optimism has been a huge problem for me all along, would the Regime conduct terrorist operations in America to drive the Revolution?

That they did 9/11 is not as crazy as I once thought it was.
We were told we can't trust the FBI and they never get the actual bad guys. So that was all lies?
Biden has violated the Constitution and should be impeached. May as well wait until after the November election though.
Wow, Biden caught some terrorists, and the trump supporters are mad.
Well, no, Walter.

Biden has allowed tens of millions of illegals to cross our open borders.

Among them are terrorists who came here to murder Americans.

Do you understand now, Walter?

Poor Walter.