
Verified User
I think that it Islam is an evil "religion; I put the word religion in quotation marks because while it is generally accepted as being a religion, I do not believe that the Koran (it which is Islam's equivalent to the Bible) was divinely inspired. That is, muslim believe that the Koran - which is the central and most sacred scripture of their religion - is, when its text is printed in original Arabic of VERBATIM the word of Allah (the god of Islam) as revealed to Muhammed by the Archangel Gabriel. in other words the Archangel Gabriel tells Muhammed what Allah wants him to write down. The Koran represents everything that Allah wanted to tell humankind in terms of divine guidance and direction. So the Koran is something life the Bible in the sense that both books set down what are the right and wrong things to do, what is good behaviour and what is bad behaviour, and such like.(Where they are very different is in the fact that the Bible is Gods revelation of the truth, while the Koran is a collection of bull-shit written by a (human) maniac; namely, the prophet, Muhammed (who was a sadistic, mass-murdering, paedophile)..

In my opinion, the claim made by Muslims that the Koran is the word of a supernatural transcendent god called Allah, is pure bullshit. The Koran was simply something that Muhammed (who was a violent, fucked-up, psychopathic, warmonger) blew out of his own, hairy, Arab ass-hole. There is no such thing as a supernatural, Islamic god called Allah. And in order be accepted as a bone fide religion you need to have a transcendent, supernatural god. A god that can, at least, be taken seriously, not a god that is clearly a fake-god (like CNN is fake-news). I will prove for you, below, why Allah is obviously a fake god (it's Easy-Peasy).


It's a funny thing that just about every adult in the West (who is not retarded or clinically insane) knows that the book (an autobiographical manifesto) that Adolph Hitler completed in 1925, called Mein Kampf" is just about the most bad-ass and totally fucking evil book that ever came off a printing press. If you had a responsible job with some company in America and one of your nosey colleagues discovered a well-thumbed copy of "Mein Kampf" in one of the drawers of your desk in the main office, you would suddenly have a shit-load of explaining to do for your line-manager. If , that is, you wanted to avoid being fired as a suspected, radical, White Supremacist, neo-Nazi, and domestic terrorist.

It's true that "Mein Kampf" is an evil book - it is full of profoundly immoral material And it is particularly chilling because the blue-print it set down for racial genocide in 1925 was not merely the rhetoric of a raving madman. It became an unspeakable reality when- between 1942 and 1945 - the NAZIs gassed 6,000,000 Jews to death with cyanide in concentration camps.

"Mein Kampf" and the Jewish "Holocaust"are hardly an amusing topics. I have noticed, however, that the American left (in particular that population of "superior", sanctimonious White"liberals") absolutely love to refer to their conservative/Republican political enemies as: "NAZIS", "JACK-BOOTED FASCISTS", "REICH-WINGERS (an allusion to Hitler's "Third Reich"), and so on. The mere mention of "Mein Kampf" would instantaneously "freeze" any card-carrying, White American liberal rigid in a spasm of fury and outraged contempt. (If you happened to live on "Martha's Vineyard" you would immediately lose your membership in the island's Yacht Club - and Obama would never invite you to another Bar-B-Que at his mansion again). What I DO find amusing in the way White American liberals habitually use NAZI trophes to insult and smeer their adversaries as racists and White Supremacists, etc; is that they do not know the Jewish "Holocaust" was not cooked up by Hitler in "Mein Kampf" or in collaboration with any of his Nazi race scientists. The fact is that the "HOLOCAUST" was totally "MADE IN AMERICA" And the Americans who - for all intents and purposes - "made" it, were all very privileged, elite White American Liberals (pillars of the establishment who thought that their own shit didn't stink !).


Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is entirely grounded of the the work of the leading members of America's eugenics movement.[/I] This movement began around the turn of the century and gained considerable momentum over the next 30 (at least) year. In short the American eugenics exerted a profound influence on national life during the first three decades of the 20th century. America was at the forefront of research and development in the field of eugenics and it set the model standards for core eugenics issues like: biological courts; forced sterilisation; segregation and detention for the socially inadequate, and debates on euthanasia. All of the leading figures in the American eugenics establishment, individuals like: Charles Davenport;Leon Whitney and Madison Grant where White, liberal elites of their era. They were cultured "gentleman - scholars" who moved in the upper classes of American society.

During the first half of the 1920s, Hitler became obsessed with the texts of America's leading eugenicists in works written by :Davenport; Popenoe; Whitney, and Madison Grant among others. He read through their books on eugenics carefully and became a devotee of American eugenics theory. So impressed was Hitler that he sent fan mail to Leon Whitney and Madison Grant in America. Grant had written a book on eugenics, called "The Passing of the Great Race" that became a best-seller in America. Grant's book was such as sensation that famous American novelists like Earnest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald made references to it in their work (F. Scott Fitzgerald discusses it in "The Great Gatsby" Hitler read "The Passing and thought it was brilliant, so he wrote a letter to Grant telling him that he was a genius and that he regarded "The Passing of the Great Race" as "my Bible" and kept a copy of it on his bedside table.

On the particular matter of race the Americans in the national eugenics movement believed that the "Nordic" race (i.e. the native, White, North-West, European peoples) - which Hitler referred to (incorrectly) as the "Aryan Race" - were superior to all other races, especially the coloured races.

In short, had it not been for the American men who pioneered and then developed the field of eugenics - the zealous investigators and ideologues who founded the American Eugenics Society, and who exported their "intellectual property" to many Western European nations , including Germany, there would never have been a Jewish Holocaust. Here is a passage from Madison Grant's "The Passing of the Great Race" (Hitler's favourite book !) that illustrates the kind of "rationale" Hitler applied to his genocial elimination of 6,000,000 Jews....

"Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants (i.e. infants born with serious congenital physical/mental disorders) and the sterilisation of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the OBLITERATION of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."


So,"Mein Kampf"[/] is an evil book. It set out Hitler's intention to wipe the Jewish race from the face of the Earth because they were an inferior race ("Untermenschen") who must be totally exterminated to prevent them from corrupting and degenerating the superior "Nordic" (White NW - European) racial stock.. It turned out this was not just empty bluster. Hitler was deadly serious and he proved it by murdering 6,000,000 Jews in the "Holocaust" That Holocaust was "BORN IN THE USA" through the powerful eugenics movement that began in America at the start of the 20th century.

Most people in the West do not realise that there is another "Mein Kampf" in circulation today It is a book that is read by countless millions of individuals. It is a book that is used to indoctrinate children. It has tortured and murdered far, far more more innocent civilians than were killed in the Jewish Holocaust. This book is responsible for atrocities and violations of human rights that began in the early medieval era and continue right up to this day. This book is categorised as sacred, religious scripture, but it is not. It is a book that preaches hatred, cruelty, physical violence and the continuous waging of war.

This book is called "THE KORAN."

(PS: I've run out of space to prove what I say about the Koran, but I can easily do that if anyone doesn't believe me).
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Right. Because it will be easy to wipe the beliefs of about a third of the world's population. Geebus, some ideas are just stupid. Mainstream them, get them to understand that everybody (including Muslims) do better when the world is not at war, don't give them more reasons to believe that "infidels" just all want to kill them so that they feel that the only solution is terrorism.
Religions are businesses wrapped in a faith package. They compete to expand membership and accumulate more money. Their competition has resulted in serious wars and countries being overthrown. Human lives are spent like loose change.
The leaders know exactly what you know bout the afterlife and why we exist...nothing. They live like potentates off the wealth of the masses. They sell lies. Until the people develop a resistance to religious lies, we will have endless conflicts.
I think that it Islam is an evil "religion; I put the word religion in quotation marks because while it is generally accepted as being a religion, I do not believe that the Koran (it which is Islam's equivalent to the Bible) was divinely inspired. That is, muslim believe that the Koran - which is the central and most sacred scripture of their religion - is, when its text is printed in original Arabic of VERBATIM the word of Allah (the god of Islam) as revealed to Muhammed by the Archangel Gabriel. in other words the Archangel Gabriel tells Muhammed what Allah wants him to write down. The Koran represents everything that Allah wanted to tell humankind in terms of divine guidance and direction. So the Koran is something life the Bible in the sense that both books set down what are the right and wrong things to do, what is good behaviour and what is bad behaviour, and such like.(Where they are very different is in the fact that the Bible is Gods revelation of the truth, while the Koran is a collection of bull-shit written by a (human) maniac; namely, the prophet, Muhammed (who was a sadistic, mass-murdering, paedophile)..

In my opinion, the claim made by Muslims that the Koran is the word of a supernatural transcendent god called Allah, is pure bullshit. The Koran was simply something that Muhammed (who was a violent, fucked-up, psychopathic, warmonger) blew out of his own, hairy, Arab ass-hole. There is no such thing as a supernatural, Islamic god called Allah. And in order be accepted as a bone fide religion you need to have a transcendent, supernatural god. A god that can, at least, be taken seriously, not a god that is clearly a fake-god (like CNN is fake-news). I will prove for you, below, why Allah is obviously a fake god (it's Easy-Peasy).


It's a funny thing that just about every adult in the West (who is not retarded or clinically insane) knows that the book (an autobiographical manifesto) that Adolph Hitler completed in 1925, called Mein Kampf" is just about the most bad-ass and totally fucking evil book that ever came off a printing press. If you had a responsible job with some company in America and one of your nosey colleagues discovered a well-thumbed copy of "Mein Kampf" in one of the drawers of your desk in the main office, you would suddenly have a shit-load of explaining to do for your line-manager. If , that is, you wanted to avoid being fired as a suspected, radical, White Supremacist, neo-Nazi, and domestic terrorist.

It's true that "Mein Kampf" is an evil book - it is full of profoundly immoral material And it is particularly chilling because the blue-print it set down for racial genocide in 1925 was not merely the rhetoric of a raving madman. It became an unspeakable reality when- between 1942 and 1945 - the NAZIs gassed 6,000,000 Jews to death with cyanide in concentration camps.

"Mein Kampf" and the Jewish "Holocaust"are hardly an amusing topics. I have noticed, however, that the American left (in particular that population of "superior", sanctimonious White"liberals") absolutely love to refer to their conservative/Republican political enemies as: "NAZIS", "JACK-BOOTED FASCISTS", "REICH-WINGERS (an allusion to Hitler's "Third Reich"), and so on. The mere mention of "Mein Kampf" would instantaneously "freeze" any card-carrying, White American liberal rigid in a spasm of fury and outraged contempt. (If you happened to live on "Martha's Vineyard" you would immediately lose your membership in the island's Yacht Club - and Obama would never invite you to another Bar-B-Que at his mansion again). What I DO find amusing in the way White American liberals habitually use NAZI trophes to insult and smeer their adversaries as racists and White Supremacists, etc; is that they do not know the Jewish "Holocaust" was not cooked up by Hitler in "Mein Kampf" or in collaboration with any of his Nazi race scientists. The fact is that the "HOLOCAUST" was totally "MADE IN AMERICA" And the Americans who - for all intents and purposes - "made" it, were all very privileged, elite White American Liberals (pillars of the establishment who thought that their own shit didn't stink !).


Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is entirely grounded of the the work of the leading members of America's eugenics movement.[/I] This movement began around the turn of the century and gained considerable momentum over the next 30 (at least) year. In short the American eugenics exerted a profound influence on national life during the first three decades of the 20th century. America was at the forefront of research and development in the field of eugenics and it set the model standards for core eugenics issues like: biological courts; forced sterilisation; segregation and detention for the socially inadequate, and debates on euthanasia. All of the leading figures in the American eugenics establishment, individuals like: Charles Davenport;Leon Whitney and Madison Grant where White, liberal elites of their era. They were cultured "gentleman - scholars" who moved in the upper classes of American society.

During the first half of the 1920s, Hitler became obsessed with the texts of America's leading eugenicists in works written by :Davenport; Popenoe; Whitney, and Madison Grant among others. He read through their books on eugenics carefully and became a devotee of American eugenics theory. So impressed was Hitler that he sent fan mail to Leon Whitney and Madison Grant in America. Grant had written a book on eugenics, called "The Passing of the Great Race" that became a best-seller in America. Grant's book was such as sensation that famous American novelists like Earnest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald made references to it in their work (F. Scott Fitzgerald discusses it in "The Great Gatsby" Hitler read "The Passing and thought it was brilliant, so he wrote a letter to Grant telling him that he was a genius and that he regarded "The Passing of the Great Race" as "my Bible" and kept a copy of it on his bedside table.

On the particular matter of race the Americans in the national eugenics movement believed that the "Nordic" race (i.e. the native, White, North-West, European peoples) - which Hitler referred to (incorrectly) as the "Aryan Race" - were superior to all other races, especially the coloured races.

In short, had it not been for the American men who pioneered and then developed the field of eugenics - the zealous investigators and ideologues who founded the American Eugenics Society, and who exported their "intellectual property" to many Western European nations , including Germany, there would never have been a Jewish Holocaust. Here is a passage from Madison Grant's "The Passing of the Great Race" (Hitler's favourite book !) that illustrates the kind of "rationale" Hitler applied to his genocial elimination of 6,000,000 Jews....

"Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants (i.e. infants born with serious congenital physical/mental disorders) and the sterilisation of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the OBLITERATION of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."


So,"Mein Kampf"[/] is an evil book. It set out Hitler's intention to wipe the Jewish race from the face of the Earth because they were an inferior race ("Untermenschen") who must be totally exterminated to prevent them from corrupting and degenerating the superior "Nordic" (White NW - European) racial stock.. It turned out this was not just empty bluster. Hitler was deadly serious and he proved it by murdering 6,000,000 Jews in the "Holocaust" That Holocaust was "BORN IN THE USA" through the powerful eugenics movement that began in America at the start of the 20th century.

Most people in the West do not realise that there is another "Mein Kampf" in circulation today It is a book that is read by countless millions of individuals. It is a book that is used to indoctrinate children. It has tortured and murdered far, far more more innocent civilians than were killed in the Jewish Holocaust. This book is responsible for atrocities and violations of human rights that began in the early medieval era and continue right up to this day. This book is categorised as sacred, religious scripture, but it is not. It is a book that preaches hatred, cruelty, physical violence and the continuous waging of war.

This book is called "THE KORAN."

(PS: I've run out of space to prove what I say about the Koran, but I can easily do that if anyone doesn't believe me).

Right. Because it will be easy to wipe the beliefs of about a third of the world's population. Geebus, some ideas are just stupid. Mainstream them, get them to understand that everybody (including Muslims) do better when the world is not at war, don't give them more reasons to believe that "infidels" just all want to kill them so that they feel that the only solution is terrorism.

Glad you want to look sane again

How long will that last?
Religions are businesses wrapped in a faith package. They compete to expand membership and accumulate more money. Their competition has resulted in serious wars and countries being overthrown. Human lives are spent like loose change.
The leaders know exactly what you know bout the afterlife and why we exist...nothing. They live like potentates off the wealth of the masses. They sell lies. Until the people develop a resistance to religious lies, we will have endless conflicts.

Large organized religion

Religion is fine

Don’t let religion run anything

Religion when organized creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over others lives

Believe whatever is in your heart

Stop organizing

Climate Change is an evil Marxist religion based on HATE, intolerance and the compulsion to destroy capitalism. While it is generally understood as being a religion, I do not believe that the Communist Manifesto (Marxism's equivalent to the Bible) was divinely inspired. That is, warmizombies believe that destroying capitalism - which is the central and most sacred goal of their faith - when its unabridged text is printed, represents all the misery that Marx wanted to impose on humanity in the name of making everything "fair." In my opinion, the claim made by warmizombies that capitalism must be destroyed and that human activity is a catastrophic threat to the planet (although it might already be too late) is pure bullshit. The Manifesto was simply something that Marx (who was a lazy-ass whiner that never wanted to add value to society in any way) blew out of his own, hairy, loser ash-sole. There is no such thing as a magical byproduct of petroleum or natural gas that has the magical superpower to create energy out of nothing. And in order be accepted as a bone fide religion, you need to have worshipers who can suspend critical disbelief, accept the proscribed miracles of the religion and remain obedient to the faith.

It's a funny thing that just about every adult in the West (who is not retarded or clinically insane) knows that the IPCC is just about the most totally fucking evil organization that ever intended to spread Marxism.
If you had a responsible job with some company in America and one of your nosey colleagues discovered a well-thumbed copy of an IPCC report in one of the drawers of your desk in the main office, you would suddenly have a shit-load of explaining to do for your line-manager.
Religions are businesses wrapped in a faith package. They compete to expand membership and accumulate more money. Their competition has resulted in serious wars and countries being overthrown. Human lives are spent like loose change.
The leaders know exactly what you know bout the afterlife and why we exist...nothing. They live like potentates off the wealth of the masses. They sell lies. Until the people develop a resistance to religious lies, we will have endless conflicts.

...and your religions are at the center of them.
I think that it Islam is an evil "religion; I put the word religion in quotation marks because while it is generally accepted as being a religion, I do not believe that the Koran (it which is Islam's equivalent to the Bible) was divinely inspired. That is, muslim believe that the Koran - which is the central and most sacred scripture of their religion - is, when its text is printed in original Arabic of VERBATIM the word of Allah (the god of Islam) as revealed to Muhammed by the Archangel Gabriel. in other words the Archangel Gabriel tells Muhammed what Allah wants him to write down. The Koran represents everything that Allah wanted to tell humankind in terms of divine guidance and direction. So the Koran is something life the Bible in the sense that both books set down what are the right and wrong things to do, what is good behaviour and what is bad behaviour, and such like.(Where they are very different is in the fact that the Bible is Gods revelation of the truth, while the Koran is a collection of bull-shit written by a (human) maniac; namely, the prophet, Muhammed (who was a sadistic, mass-murdering, paedophile)..

In my opinion, the claim made by Muslims that the Koran is the word of a supernatural transcendent god called Allah, is pure bullshit. The Koran was simply something that Muhammed (who was a violent, fucked-up, psychopathic, warmonger) blew out of his own, hairy, Arab ass-hole. There is no such thing as a supernatural, Islamic god called Allah. And in order be accepted as a bone fide religion you need to have a transcendent, supernatural god. A god that can, at least, be taken seriously, not a god that is clearly a fake-god (like CNN is fake-news). I will prove for you, below, why Allah is obviously a fake god (it's Easy-Peasy).


It's a funny thing that just about every adult in the West (who is not retarded or clinically insane) knows that the book (an autobiographical manifesto) that Adolph Hitler completed in 1925, called Mein Kampf" is just about the most bad-ass and totally fucking evil book that ever came off a printing press. If you had a responsible job with some company in America and one of your nosey colleagues discovered a well-thumbed copy of "Mein Kampf" in one of the drawers of your desk in the main office, you would suddenly have a shit-load of explaining to do for your line-manager. If , that is, you wanted to avoid being fired as a suspected, radical, White Supremacist, neo-Nazi, and domestic terrorist.

It's true that "Mein Kampf" is an evil book - it is full of profoundly immoral material And it is particularly chilling because the blue-print it set down for racial genocide in 1925 was not merely the rhetoric of a raving madman. It became an unspeakable reality when- between 1942 and 1945 - the NAZIs gassed 6,000,000 Jews to death with cyanide in concentration camps.

"Mein Kampf" and the Jewish "Holocaust"are hardly an amusing topics. I have noticed, however, that the American left (in particular that population of "superior", sanctimonious White"liberals") absolutely love to refer to their conservative/Republican political enemies as: "NAZIS", "JACK-BOOTED FASCISTS", "REICH-WINGERS (an allusion to Hitler's "Third Reich"), and so on. The mere mention of "Mein Kampf" would instantaneously "freeze" any card-carrying, White American liberal rigid in a spasm of fury and outraged contempt. (If you happened to live on "Martha's Vineyard" you would immediately lose your membership in the island's Yacht Club - and Obama would never invite you to another Bar-B-Que at his mansion again). What I DO find amusing in the way White American liberals habitually use NAZI trophes to insult and smeer their adversaries as racists and White Supremacists, etc; is that they do not know the Jewish "Holocaust" was not cooked up by Hitler in "Mein Kampf" or in collaboration with any of his Nazi race scientists. The fact is that the "HOLOCAUST" was totally "MADE IN AMERICA" And the Americans who - for all intents and purposes - "made" it, were all very privileged, elite White American Liberals (pillars of the establishment who thought that their own shit didn't stink !).


Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is entirely grounded of the the work of the leading members of America's eugenics movement.[/I] This movement began around the turn of the century and gained considerable momentum over the next 30 (at least) year. In short the American eugenics exerted a profound influence on national life during the first three decades of the 20th century. America was at the forefront of research and development in the field of eugenics and it set the model standards for core eugenics issues like: biological courts; forced sterilisation; segregation and detention for the socially inadequate, and debates on euthanasia. All of the leading figures in the American eugenics establishment, individuals like: Charles Davenport;Leon Whitney and Madison Grant where White, liberal elites of their era. They were cultured "gentleman - scholars" who moved in the upper classes of American society.

During the first half of the 1920s, Hitler became obsessed with the texts of America's leading eugenicists in works written by :Davenport; Popenoe; Whitney, and Madison Grant among others. He read through their books on eugenics carefully and became a devotee of American eugenics theory. So impressed was Hitler that he sent fan mail to Leon Whitney and Madison Grant in America. Grant had written a book on eugenics, called "The Passing of the Great Race" that became a best-seller in America. Grant's book was such as sensation that famous American novelists like Earnest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald made references to it in their work (F. Scott Fitzgerald discusses it in "The Great Gatsby" Hitler read "The Passing and thought it was brilliant, so he wrote a letter to Grant telling him that he was a genius and that he regarded "The Passing of the Great Race" as "my Bible" and kept a copy of it on his bedside table.

On the particular matter of race the Americans in the national eugenics movement believed that the "Nordic" race (i.e. the native, White, North-West, European peoples) - which Hitler referred to (incorrectly) as the "Aryan Race" - were superior to all other races, especially the coloured races.

In short, had it not been for the American men who pioneered and then developed the field of eugenics - the zealous investigators and ideologues who founded the American Eugenics Society, and who exported their "intellectual property" to many Western European nations , including Germany, there would never have been a Jewish Holocaust. Here is a passage from Madison Grant's "The Passing of the Great Race" (Hitler's favourite book !) that illustrates the kind of "rationale" Hitler applied to his genocial elimination of 6,000,000 Jews....

"Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants (i.e. infants born with serious congenital physical/mental disorders) and the sterilisation of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the OBLITERATION of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."


So,"Mein Kampf"[/] is an evil book. It set out Hitler's intention to wipe the Jewish race from the face of the Earth because they were an inferior race ("Untermenschen") who must be totally exterminated to prevent them from corrupting and degenerating the superior "Nordic" (White NW - European) racial stock.. It turned out this was not just empty bluster. Hitler was deadly serious and he proved it by murdering 6,000,000 Jews in the "Holocaust" That Holocaust was "BORN IN THE USA" through the powerful eugenics movement that began in America at the start of the 20th century.

Most people in the West do not realise that there is another "Mein Kampf" in circulation today It is a book that is read by countless millions of individuals. It is a book that is used to indoctrinate children. It has tortured and murdered far, far more more innocent civilians than were killed in the Jewish Holocaust. This book is responsible for atrocities and violations of human rights that began in the early medieval era and continue right up to this day. This book is categorised as sacred, religious scripture, but it is not. It is a book that preaches hatred, cruelty, physical violence and the continuous waging of war.

This book is called "THE KORAN."

(PS: I've run out of space to prove what I say about the Koran, but I can easily do that if anyone doesn't believe me).

You are a myopic idiot.
We just have to hope that the extremists in nearly all religions become fewer and fewer.
Especially the ones who believe that their deity uses physics violations to punish humanity for using petroleum and natural gas to strengthen the economy.
Especially the ones who believe that their deity uses physics violations to punish humanity for using petroleum and natural gas to strengthen the economy.

No effective economy has ever been created or sustained through "green" energy. Countries like India especially need fossil fuels and natural gas to prosper. They have no compelling reason to avoid petroleum or natural gas.
As a secular humanist,
I think it's madly absurd to criticize one inane religion
while subscribing to another.

Today, there is no religion as dangerous as Islam. Not that ALL Muslims are at risk of blowing themselves up in a crowded public area, but there is a larger subset of Islam who would blow themselves, or would highly support such action, than any other religion. So, as far as committing your life to one sky wizard over that of a different religion, yes, it really is absurd. As far as the topic of religions that most need to be wiped out, I think Islam easily wins that one.