Israel is criticized around the world for cutting off supplies of water

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Name me another country in the world that receives water, electricity and fuel from another country for free.
Name me another country that relies on supplies from a country when it is dedicated to the destruction of that country and has rained tens of thousands of missiles on that country.

Why doesn't Hamas, as the elected government of Gaza, supply water, electricity and fuel to its citizens?

Israel does not get its water for free - it has to pay huge amounts for desalination and the treatment of sewage and the electricity to drive the desalination and sewage treatment plants. Why doesn't Gaza build desalination and sewage treatment plants with the billions of dollars it receives in aid? Because it uses the money to buy weapons and hundreds of miles of underground concrete tunnels, to enable the destruction of the donor country.

Israel does not get its electricity for free - it has to pay huge amounts for fuel to drive its power plants and to build solar fields. Why doesn't Gaza build power plants and to build solar fields with the billions of dollars it receives in aid? Because it uses the money to buy weapons and hundreds of miles of underground concrete tunnels, to enable the destruction of the donor country.

Israel does not get its fuel for free - it has to pay huge amounts to import fuel. Why doesn't Gaza import fuel with the billions of dollars it receives in aid? Because it uses the money to buy weapons and hundreds of miles of underground concrete tunnels, to enable the destruction of the donor country.

Israel does not run Gaza , Hamas does, Time to take the genocide talking points and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

Arab countries outnumber Jewish countries 25:1.

Muslims control land in the Middle East vs Jewish land area 335:1.

…and the Jews / Israel are not the underdogs and oppressors ?
the West created Israel by carving it out of unwanted land in the the West wants Israel to carry the guilt of what the West did.....
Name me another country in the world that receives water, electricity and fuel from another country for free.
Name me another country that relies on supplies from a country when it is dedicated to the destruction of that country and has rained tens of thousands of missiles on that country.

Why doesn't Hamas, as the elected government of Gaza, supply water, electricity and fuel to its citizens?

Israel does not get its water for free - it has to pay huge amounts for desalination and the treatment of sewage and the electricity to drive the desalination and sewage treatment plants. Why doesn't Gaza build desalination and sewage treatment plants with the billions of dollars it receives in aid? Because it uses the money to buy weapons and hundreds of miles of underground concrete tunnels, to enable the destruction of the donor country.

Israel does not get its electricity for free - it has to pay huge amounts for fuel to drive its power plants and to build solar fields. Why doesn't Gaza build power plants and to build solar fields with the billions of dollars it receives in aid? Because it uses the money to buy weapons and hundreds of miles of underground concrete tunnels, to enable the destruction of the donor country.

Israel does not get its fuel for free - it has to pay huge amounts to import fuel. Why doesn't Gaza import fuel with the billions of dollars it receives in aid? Because it uses the money to buy weapons and hundreds of miles of underground concrete tunnels, to enable the destruction of the donor country.

Israel does not run Gaza , Hamas does, Time to take the genocide talking points and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

Arab countries outnumber Jewish countries 25:1.

Muslims control land in the Middle East vs Jewish land area 335:1.

…and the Jews / Israel are not the underdogs and oppressors ?

Hamas also outlawed the digging of wells by private citizens.

More Gaza Ha Mas ! rocket attacks on Israel of that not so master plan of their not so master race more perfect union of Mohammed Valhalla martyrdom dhimmitude servitude Islam "death to the infidels" with Christiananality pedophilia repeated thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists granted standing Christain Nation SCOTUS from their assassination of JFK "serve the Pope or die" business economics....
Hamas also outlawed the digging of wells by private citizens.

Right now, 97% of the aquifer is either polluted by salt water, or untreated waste water. Either way, they are using way too much well water, and need to limit it. Hamas is using the limited water for themselves, but even a more reasonable government would be required to limit wells.

The simple fact is there is not enough freshwater in Gaza alone for 2.4 million people survive. They need to either pipe in freshwater from elsewhere, or desalinate water(requiring lots of fuel).

I really do not see either solution happening soon., a,by untreated wastewater and pollution.
Name me another country in the world that receives water, electricity and fuel from another country for free.
Red herring. Israel gets $Billions free in aid to cover the cost of their water desalination and fuel to drive its power plants, so that Israel can have water and energy. The agreements have stipulated that Israel provide water and energy to Palestinians. Ask Israel if they want the $Billions in aid to dry up so they don't have to share.

Name me another country that relies on supplies from a country when it is dedicated to the destruction of that country and has rained tens of thousands of missiles on that country.
When you say "it" are you talking about Israel or Gaza? You must be referring to Israel because only Israel is dedicated to eradicating Palestinians through the IDF raining down warheads and killing children before they can grow up to be adult Arabs; Gaza, on the other hand, is not dedicated to eradicating Israel. The false equating of civilians with terrorists just because they are Arabs is sickening racism of the guno variety, but others on JPP have recently adopted this position as well.

Why doesn't Hamas, as the elected government of Gaza, supply water, electricity and fuel to its citizens?
Because Israel is receiving $Billions to provide those resources. If it weren't for the aid, do you think that the Israelis would give the Palestinians the time of day?

Israel does not get its water for free
I am crying up a river here. Israel gets all of its aid for free.

[Israel] has to pay huge amounts for desalination and the treatment of sewage and the electricity to drive the desalination and sewage treatment plants.
Saudi Arabia has the exact same issues. Perhaps the two countries can form a support group.

Why doesn't Gaza build desalination and sewage treatment plants with the billions of dollars it receives in aid?
Funeral costs for their children are exorbitant these days (assuming the bodies can be fished out of the rubble), and families are finding that they have to bury three or four at a time. There's just not enough money to go around.

Israel does not run Gaza , Hamas does,
The IDF has been running Gaza for a few weeks now. They have totally destroyed the infrastructure and murdered thousands of the civilian population.

Time to take the genocide talking points and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.
Not a single post by Team Israel on this topic is without talk of genocide, i.e. how all Arabs are somehow dedicated to the eradication of Jews, without ever mentioning that the IDF is currently in the process of actually eradicating all the Palestinians, entire families at a time. No ovens or gas chambers are needed because bombs are much quicker.

Arab countries outnumber Jewish countries 25:1.
What would be refreshingly welcome is if you were to take the victim-whining and the virtue-signaling and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

Muslims control land in the Middle East vs Jewish land area 335:1.
There is no such thing as Jewish land or Muslim land. You can't run any of it though a soil analysis and determine its religion.

Anyway, what figures do you get if you calculate atheist land vs Jewish land? What about Israeli land vs. non-Israeli land? Does this whole line of questioning sound stupid to you? If so, why did you "go there" in the first place?
Right now, 97% of the aquifer is either polluted by salt water, or untreated waste water. Either way, they are using way too much well water, and need to limit it. Hamas is using the limited water for themselves, but even a more reasonable government would be required to limit wells.

The simple fact is there is not enough freshwater in Gaza alone for 2.4 million people survive. They need to either pipe in freshwater from elsewhere, or desalinate water(requiring lots of fuel).

I really do not see either solution happening soon., a,by untreated wastewater and pollution.

Maybe if Hamas was more interested in taking care of Palestinians rather than eradicating Jews they could work cooperatively with their neighbors to do just that. And come to find out killing and kidnapping your neighbors civilians isnt an great way of asking for help. Who knew?
Maybe if Hamas was more interested in taking care of Palestinians rather than eradicating Jews they could work cooperatively with their neighbors to do just that. And come to find out killing and kidnapping your neighbors civilians isnt an great way of asking for help. Who knew?

I got to agree with the statement that Hamas is a large part of the problem.
I want to agree with you, but Gaza was an extreme mess before Hamas even existed.

So that means what? Hamas has had full control of Gaza since 2005. In the 18 years between then and now what has Hamas done improve the lives of civilians in Gaza? Oh I know, they decided to use Gaza civilians as shields to wage a PR war against Israel.
So that means what?

It means that Hamas is not "99.9999999999%" responsible for Gaza being a mess. They took a terrible situation and made it far worse. They did not take a situation that is great and turn it bad.
It means that Hamas is not "99.9999999999%" responsible for Gaza being a mess. They took a terrible situation and made it far worse. They did not take a situation that is great and turn it bad.

Right they made it FAR WORSE.