Israel is not a colonial state. If anything, it’s the reverse

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
A distorted narrative painting Israel as a country of “colonisers” has become an accepted truth, particularly among a generation whose concept of global politics has been formed by social media sized snippets.

It is a tawdry falsehood. Given that many Israelis were driven out of surrounding Middle Eastern countries and many others were survivors of the Holocaust, branding them “colonial” is laughable – but also deeply dangerous.

My own grandfather was nine when, in 1935, his parents managed to get him out of Mashhad in north-east Persia (now Iran) – a city where being Jewish was punishable by death – to the safety of Jerusalem, where his grandparents lived. Following pogroms in Mashhad a century earlier, those who weren’t murdered or didn’t manage to escape were forced to convert.

This generation whose concept of global "colonizing" politics being formed by social media snippets comes
totally from the Leftist media and from anti Semite progressives of the Democrat 'SQUAD' in congress. The
SQUAD has it's followers and anti American-anti Israel protestors causing all kinds of problems in blue cities
as they scream from the River to the Sea. Good to see you realizing that it's today's Democrat party that is
pushing this anti Semitism through the roof.
This generation whose concept of global "colonizing" politics being formed by social media snippets comes
totally from the Leftist media and from anti Semite progressives of the Democrat 'SQUAD' in congress. The
SQUAD has it's followers and anti American-anti Israel protestors causing all kinds of problems in blue cities
as they scream from the River to the Sea. Good to see you realizing that it's today's Democrat party that is
pushing this anti Semitism through the roof.
And for over 2000 years it has been the christer goy, I remember as a child Jewish kids being chased because we killed their man god 🤪 , Now goyim love us? 😂

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered. 🖕
And for over 2000 years it has been the christer goy, I remember as a child Jewish kids being chased because we killed their man god 🤪 , Now goyim love us? 😂

Philosemitism: A term referring to the exaggerated or grandiose “love” displayed by Christian conservatives toward Jews, which often involves the adoption of certain Jewish practices, Despite profuse statements of support for Jews and Israel, Christian Zionist philosemitism coexists with conspiratorial antisemitism and with a stated end-times goal to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, after which Jews must convert to Christianity or be slaughtered. 🖕
Perhaps you can tell me which Christian president did more for the state of Israel than all the other presidents combined?

HINT: This is the man who Made America Great once, and is about to do it again, and he also made peace throughout
the Mideast and put ISIS into a hole. HINT#2: He's a Republican.
A distorted narrative painting Israel as a country of “colonisers” has become an accepted truth, particularly among a generation whose concept of global politics has been formed by social media sized snippets.

It is a tawdry falsehood. Given that many Israelis were driven out of surrounding Middle Eastern countries and many others were survivors of the Holocaust, branding them “colonial” is laughable – but also deeply dangerous.

My own grandfather was nine when, in 1935, his parents managed to get him out of Mashhad in north-east Persia (now Iran) – a city where being Jewish was punishable by death – to the safety of Jerusalem, where his grandparents lived. Following pogroms in Mashhad a century earlier, those who weren’t murdered or didn’t manage to escape were forced to convert.

because many are white Europeans who have no actual Jewish lineage, they just like playing god's favorite people in the realpolitik narrative, donning Jew face several generations in a row.