Israel past, present and future

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bakhshi

Israel past, present and future

“The moral choice turns out to be the most pragmatic.”

Andrey Sakharov

From the very first day of the formation of the State of Israel, its politicians were clearly guided by the words of Ben Gurion “it doesn’t matter what the goyim say, it’s important what the Jews do” and all their activities pursued one goal - to deprive the Palestinian people of their state. From the very first day of the official appearance of the state, the process of expulsion of Palestinians began, including from such large cities as Jaffa and Acre, which were supposed to be part of the Arab state. Millions of Palestinian refugees appeared. Israel motivated the occupation of the territory intended for a Palestinian state by the fact that it has, firstly, a historical right to the entire territory of Palestine, and secondly, a myth about the mental inferiority of the Palestinians and their inability to create a normal state. (1) In this regard, the Palestinian the people need control and it is best to implement this on a reservation, fencing the Palestinians with a concrete wall and barbed wire, which for some reason causes them to frenzied resistance, accompanied by terrorist attacks and the launch of homemade primitive missiles at peaceful Israeli cities.

The Palestinians, who initially did not have the opportunity to create an army, resist with all the methods available to them, characteristic of guerrillas or terrorists, which in principle is the same thing, because the difference between guerrillas and terrorists is the same as between intelligence officers and spies. By the way, it is appropriate to note that Jews were also involved in terrorism during the British Mandate, among whom the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir was listed as terrorists by the British authorities. The most significant terrorist attacks were the bombing of the King David Hotel, which killed 91 people, and the public execution of two British officers. The terrorist Jewish organization Lehi (Israel Freedom Fighters) is responsible for the murder of UN representative Count F. Bernadotte, as well as for a very unsightly and immoral fact, namely the appeal in 1940 to the fascists of Germany and Italy with a proposal to jointly fight against Great Britain . The Lehi military movement later became the Israel Defense Forces. Who knows, maybe Hamas militants will form the basis of the Palestine Defense Army, and Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh or Yahya Sinwar will become the leaders of the Palestinian state. The difference between freedom fighters and terrorists is only in the definition, but not in their methods of fighting.

Having such a powerful ally as the United States behind it, Israel was getting closer to its goal, and the so-called Peace Process, launched in 1991 at the Madrid Peace Conference (2), on which the Palestinians had high hopes, dragged on for a long time to no avail and was buried with murder in 1995 by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin at the hands of a Jewish terrorist (3), and to be honest, with the tacit support of the Israeli public, who considered Rabin a traitor for wanting peace for his people, peace without which Israel has no future.(4)

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Israel's subsequent rejection of the Saudi peace initiative, which was based on the principle of “two states for two peoples,” was the reason for radicalization in the Palestinian environment and the rise to power of Hamas, whose leaders see liberation from apartheid, and quite reasonably, in armed struggle, because No other options, as reality shows, work. From a moral point of view, Hamas is fighting the occupier for the freedom of the Palestinian people; moreover, Hamas’s goal is to implement General Assembly resolution No. 181 of November 29, 1947 on the creation of two states in Palestine - Jewish and Arab, a resolution that has only been half fulfilled. Palestinians have no choice but to achieve freedom through war. Without an army, they are forced to wage a guerrilla war, which, like any war, is accompanied by terror, the victims of which are mainly the civilian population and confirmation of this is the Israeli war in Gaza, which is an integral part of the state of Palestine according to the map of the same UN resolution No. 181:


As a result of annexation and the ongoing seizure of land for the construction of Jewish settlements, crumbs remained of the territory of Palestine, and the territory of the Gaza Strip shrank five times from its original size, which is why it became one of the most densely populated areas in the World.


What is happening clearly illustrates an indisputable fact that confirms Israel’s political goal to deprive the Palestinian people of their land or, in other words, to send both the Palestinian people and the country called Palestine into oblivion. In this sense, the frank calls of the participants in the debate on the Israeli Russian-language TV channel 9 to expel the Palestinians from Gaza are very indicative. It must be said that Russian repatriates, unlike native Israelis, are unique in their excessive aggressiveness towards Arabs and not only Palestinians. Thus, the popular leader of Russian aliyah, Knesset member A. Lieberman, at the dawn of his political activity, longed for a large-scale war with the Arab world, and first proposed blowing up the Aswan Dam. In the article “Baggage from the Empire, or why we are right-wing here,” I wrote: “Russian” aliya is represented mainly by the intelligentsia, which is phenomenally different from the Israeli, and indeed from the intelligentsia of the whole world, in its right-wing political views, which are more characteristic of representatives of the Israeli shuk, which is regularly Likud leaders are sent before each election. The fact that on the Palestinian issue we look holier than the Pope compared to the native Israelis is explained not by the desire to show them our patriotic feelings, but by the imperial worldview that we had and with which we came from the “Evil Empire”.

Among us, great experts in history, there is an opinion that there is no Palestinian people as such. There are Arabs who came to Palestine and let them go back to where they came from. Thus, following a similar statement, one can extend it to the peoples of Egypt, Libya, Algeria and other Arab countries, and finally implement the idea of transferring the Arabs, driving them all into the Arabian desert, and on even greater grounds, because, for example, in Morocco, they certainly came much later than in Palestine.”

Regarding the historical right of the Jews to Palestine, I would like to remind you that the Jews, as an established people, came out of Egypt when there were no Arabs there at all. In other words, the true homeland of the Jewish people is Egypt. In connection with which, historically, the Jewish people have more rights to Egypt than the Arabs who appeared there millennia later. (6) An irresistible love for free activity and reluctance to be in the status of slaves of the Pharaoh, in which the entire population of Egypt was, was the reason for the mass exodus from the country, where, after more than 200 years of residence, they became a people from the incoming tribe. According to legend, after 40 years of wandering through the Sinai desert, the Jews came to Canaan, where the Philistines lived, and subsequently took possession of the land of the Philistines, Palestine, and formed the Kingdom of Israel, the foundation of which dates back to the 11th century BC. e. around 1030 BC e. After the death of King Solomon (930–920 BC), the kingdom of Israel splits into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.

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Judging by the map, the Gaza region was not historically part of the Israeli state. By the way, the first mention of the word “Israel” was discovered in Egypt on the stele of Pharaoh Merneptah (late 13th century BC) and referred to the people, and not to the country of Israel, which did not exist at all in those days. That is, the word “Jew” carries a more semantic load and comes from a very common Hindi word in the East - “avara” (tramp). Also in Hebrew it means “passed over.” This word also gave the name to the nomadic Turkic people - Avars.

The Jewish kingdoms did not last long. The north was conquered 200 years later by Assyria (721 BC). The kingdom of Judah was later destroyed by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC. and significant by the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity, which began the resettlement of Jews in the countries of the East and West. Since then, Israel as a state has disappeared, and its territory turns out to be part of the Persian Empire, the Empire of Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Empire, with the fall of which for a short period of time 110 - 63 years. BC. The Hasmonean Empire emerges in Judea. Further, this region is controlled by the Great Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Sasanian Empire, the Arab Caliphate, the Seljuk Empire, and finally the Ottoman Empire.

It is important to note the fact that the Persians and Turks treated the Jews very favorably; it was during the Persian Empire that the Jews were allowed to return to Israel and conduct religious ceremonies, and the Second Temple was built at that time. Jewish wandering Radanite merchants controlled the Great Silk Road and trade not only in the Middle East, but also in Khazaria and Crimea. During the expulsion of Jews from Spain, when the Inquisition burned at the stake throughout Europe, the Ottoman Empire accepted Jewish refugees. And right up to the Islamic Revolution, Israel and Iran had excellent interstate relations.

So, Israel as a state, after the Jews captured the land of the Philistines, existed in the history of human civilization for only 300 years. Since then, due primarily to the national mentality, preserving the Faith and traditions, Jews settled in different countries, engaging in trade and usury, preserving in the people's memory information about Palestine as the Motherland, although in fact the homeland of the Jewish people, as I said, is Egypt, in which the Jews , have more historical rights than the Arabs, the existence of which in those distant times in those parts no one had ever heard of.

To be continued.

As you know, the Arabs appeared in Palestine after the victory over Byzantium in 634 and since then did not leave it until the Jews began to expel them in 1948, in connection with the UN decision to create two states. Thus, if the Jews who came to Palestine from Sinai created a state that lasted only 300 years, then the Arabs of Palestine as part of the Arab Caliphate before its fall in 1258 were on this land for more than 600 years, plus another 690 years as part of the Seljuk and then Ottoman empire, so the claim that Jews have more rights to this territory is highly questionable. As a result of Israel's occupation of all of Palestine, the Arab state did not exist, and for 77 years now the Palestinians have been waging an unsuccessful struggle with Israel for their state. It must be said that the blame for what happened lies entirely with the UN, which made a fatal mistake for which both Arabs and Jews are paying. First, it was necessary to introduce international forces to the envisaged border of the division of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states in order to avoid inevitable bloodshed.(7)

Here it is appropriate to recall some very unsightly moments from a moral point of view related to the history of the creation of a state for Jews, which are not usually remembered. The fact is that, having set out to create a state, the Jews considered various countries, and in this regard, the Jews came closest to organizing such a state on the territory of the Soviet Crimea.

It just so happened that the duty of the so-called Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, organized during the war at the instigation of Stalin, was to establish contact with the rich and influential Jewish community of America, which could provide financial assistance to the Soviet Union in its fight against Nazi Germany. The Kremlin's initiative was gladly received by American Jews, but the intended assistance turned out to be not selfless. The leaders of the JAC, who received direct financial support, seemed to feel like great political figures, writing a letter to Stalin in which they requested the creation of a Jewish Socialist Republic in Crimea, mind you, not an autonomous region, but a union republic. In order to appease American Jews, the Father of All Nations ordered the deportation of the indigenous people of Crimea in May 1944, making it clear by this act that Crimea was being prepared for a future Jewish state. However, when the war ended, Stalin shot the entire Anti-Fascist Committee in its entirety. (8) However, subsequently Stalin assisted in the organization of the Jewish state in Palestine, which, according to his calculations, would be socialist. It must be said that it initially became such, but over time it turned into a mafia-socialist one, in which there is no market competition. Israel is essentially a semi-theocratic state, because religion is not separated from the state, which is nonsense for a democratic state. Numerous religious parties take an active part in parliament and government, moreover, the laws of Halakha are included in the country's legislation, and, who knows, under certain circumstances, the Jewish state can transform into the Jewish Republic of Israel, like the Islamic Republic of Iran. (9)

Recently, the opinion of the world community has changed, today it has become more influential, and the words of Ben Gurion “it does not matter what the goyim say, it is important what the Jews do” do not work today. The latest war in Gaza, marked by an unprecedented number of civilian casualties, caused outrage among the world community. Anti-Israel demonstrations have taken place in democratic countries, and even in Israel itself, rallies and numerous demonstrations do not stop for the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza and the resignation of the Netanyahu government, which does not find an answer to the important question of how he imagines the future status of Gaza. Moreover, it is not known when Netanyahu’s promised release of the hostages and victory over Hamas will be fulfilled. In the meantime, literally every day of the war brings sad news about the death of Israeli soldiers in Gaza, and the worst thing that can happen is if the state of Palestine becomes a reality and the untimely death of young people turns out to be in vain.

The number of countries recognizing the state of Palestine is increasing, but Israeli society is not ready to come to terms with the idea that the Palestinians will live in their own state, and this fact is well understood by Netanyahu, who is forced to continue a senseless war for control over the entire territory of Israel, including the so-called fiction, that is, the Palestinian autonomy, which is actively being built up with Jewish settlements and even cities. Another 10 to 20 years of apartheid, which is exactly what we can call the conditions created by Israel on the territory designated for a Palestinian state in accordance with the same UN resolution No. 181, and such a concept as Palestine and the Palestinian people will become history. As you know, the Arabs appeared in Palestine after the victory over Byzantium in 634 and since then did not leave it until the Jews began to expel them in 1948, in connection with the UN decision to create two states. Thus, if the Jews who came to Palestine from Sinai created a state that lasted only 300 years, then the Arabs of Palestine as part of the Arab Caliphate before its fall in 1258 were on this land for more than 600 years, plus another 690 years as part of the Seljuk and then Ottoman empire, so the claim that Jews have more rights to this territory is highly questionable. As a result of Israel's occupation of all of Palestine, the Arab state did not exist, and for 77 years now the Palestinians have been waging an unsuccessful struggle with Israel for their state. It must be said that the blame for what happened lies entirely with the UN, which made a fatal mistake for which both Arabs and Jews are paying. First, it was necessary to introduce international forces to the envisaged border of the division of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states in order to avoid inevitable bloodshed.(7)

Here it is appropriate to recall some very unsightly moments from a moral point of view related to the history of the creation of a state for Jews, which are not usually remembered. The fact is that, having set out to create a state, the Jews considered various countries, and in this regard, the Jews came closest to organizing such a state on the territory of the Soviet Crimea.

It just so happened that the duty of the so-called Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, organized during the war at the instigation of Stalin, was to establish contact with the rich and influential Jewish community of America, which could provide financial assistance to the Soviet Union in its fight against Nazi Germany. The Kremlin's initiative was gladly received by American Jews, but the intended assistance turned out to be not selfless. The leaders of the JAC, who received direct financial support, seemed to feel like great political figures, writing a letter to Stalin in which they requested the creation of a Jewish Socialist Republic in Crimea, mind you, not an autonomous region, but a union republic. In order to appease American Jews, the Father of All Nations ordered the deportation of the indigenous people of Crimea in May 1944, making it clear by this act that Crimea was being prepared for a future Jewish state. However, when the war ended, Stalin shot the entire Anti-Fascist Committee in its entirety. (8) However, subsequently Stalin assisted in the organization of the Jewish state in Palestine, which, according to his calculations, would be socialist. It must be said that it initially became such, but over time it turned into a mafia-socialist one, in which there is no market competition. Israel is essentially a semi-theocratic state, because religion is not separated from the state, which is nonsense for a democratic state. Numerous religious parties take an active part in parliament and government, moreover, the laws of Halakha are included in the country's legislation, and, who knows, under certain circumstances, the Jewish state can transform into the Jewish Republic of Israel, like the Islamic Republic of Iran. (9)

Recently, the opinion of the world community has changed, today it has become more influential, and the words of Ben Gurion “it does not matter what the goyim say, it is important what the Jews do” do not work today. The latest war in Gaza, marked by an unprecedented number of civilian casualties, caused outrage among the world community. Anti-Israeli demonstrations have taken place in democratic countries, and even in Israel itself, rallies and numerous demonstrations do not stop for the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza and the resignation of the Netanyahu government, which does not find an answer to the important question of what he imagines the future status of Gaza to be. Moreover, it is not known when Netanyahu’s promised release of the hostages and victory over Hamas will be fulfilled. In the meantime, literally every day of the war brings sad news about the death of Israeli soldiers in Gaza, and the worst thing that can happen is if the state of Palestine becomes a reality and the untimely death of young people turns out to be in vain.

The number of countries recognizing the state of Palestine is increasing, but Israeli society is not ready to come to terms with the idea that the Palestinians will live in their own state, and this fact is well understood by Netanyahu, who is forced to continue a senseless war for control over the entire territory of Israel, including the so-called fiction, that is, the Palestinian autonomy, which is actively being built up with Jewish settlements and even cities. Another 10 to 20 years of apartheid, which is exactly what we can call the conditions created by Israel on the territory designated for a Palestinian state in accordance with the same UN resolution No. 181, and such a concept as Palestine and the Palestinian people will become history. This situation explains the desperate and completely unequal struggle of the Palestinians with Israel and its patron, the United States, however... .

America, which usually vetoes resolutions condemning Israel, is essentially pursuing a policy of double standard. On the one hand, America unconditionally supports Ukraine in its fight against fascist Russia, which intends to destroy Ukraine and the Ukrainian people (10,11,12), on the other hand, it covers Israel, whose goal is to wipe Palestine and its people off the face of the earth.

Increasing global condemnation of Israel is forcing America to adopt a more cautious policy, as evidenced by President Biden's op-ed in the Washington Post, which suggested that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could be resolved by creating two states for two peoples.(13)

One thing follows from this: America’s policy regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will no longer consist of unilateral support for Israel. And, most paradoxically, the terrorist organization Hamas led to this outcome! After all, it was Hamas that forced the world community to talk about the creation of a Palestinian state.

The Hamas ideology defeated the ideology whose goal was to create the state of Israel throughout the former Palestine. It should be noted here that the ideology of Zionism was deliberately modified, because initially it was intended to create a state for the Jews, which was accomplished, but the ideology did not include a strategy for the destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian people.

To be continued:

Today, politicians in Tel Aviv are forced to reckon with the international community, otherwise Israel may find itself isolated, which is detrimental for a country that is not self-sufficient. Israeli society must abandon the idea of owning the land of the Palestinian people. Only peace with its neighbors is the key to a future for Israel. The Jewish state, freed from the confrontation with the Palestinians, will finally acquire the Constitution long promised to the people with a clear separation of all three branches of government, and the separation of religion from the state, which is an indispensable condition for any democracy. Israeli society must understand that a market economy is the only way to the country's prosperity, and not the established mafia economy of Israel with half government companies, legally protected from competition with the world market. Such an economy cannot be competitive on the world market; moreover, it impedes the influx of investment.

Israeli society has significant scientific and technological potential, especially after the Great Aliyah, but this alone is not an indispensable condition for prosperity. It is necessary to create production on this basis, but in this regard not everything is going well. Thus, there are many startups in Israel, but their successful developments always become the property of other countries. The startup sees its goal as obtaining a patent for the development and quickly selling it well, without bothering with the production of a new product. But without production there can be no prosperity of the country. Only production creates jobs and ensures the country's wealth. I would like to address a well-known fact in which the national mentality was of decisive importance. So in Germany, banks ended up in the hands of Rothschild, and production in the hands of Krupp. It was production that ensured the prosperity of the country, and not the money of Rothschild, who moved to America. The Jews have money only to make money; Jews have been engaged in usury since ancient times; the Germans have money in order to organize the production of goods and, by selling them, expand production, which provides work for the population and its well-being, as a whole and for the entire country. Having financial capital is not yet an indispensable condition for well-being; in conditions of general hunger, no one will sell you bread for a mountain of gold.

Israel has all the conditions to become a leading country in the field of high technology, following the example of South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, which, thanks to the smart policies pursued by the leaders of these countries, organized the production of competitive goods, which brought the people of these countries out of a miserable existence. In Israel, politicians are only concerned with the struggle for power and protecting mafia production from the world market; there is a kind of symbiosis that ensures the well-being of the authorities and the owners of banks and manufacturing enterprises.

Today, the people of Israel are faced with a choice on which their fate depends: either continue a senseless war that leads to nowhere, or deal with internal problems in order to become the second Singapore in the Middle East.

1. The main myth of the state of Israel.

2. Peace process, moratorium and other “Jewish things.”

3. On the question of who killed Rabin. Israel. Our country. 04.12.1996.

4. Peace and democracy are the future of Israel. Israel. Our country. 09.18.96.

5. Baggage from the empire or why we are right here. Israel. News of the week. 10/24/2002.

6. Facts, national mentality and historical justice.

7. The UN's fatal mistake.

8. Whose Crimea.

9. Sephardic revolution or the Jewish Republic of Israel. Israel. Our country.09.14.20001.

10. Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is its Fuhrer.

11. Russia's war with Ukraine.

12. State-forming people and their Fuhrer or Ukraine and further down the list.

13. Two states for two peoples.
