Israel today looks like a monster

A huge part of our problem in the ME is that the Israelis have been occupying Palestinian land for over forty years by using American Jets, Tanks, Guns and money. But you'll never EVER hear an American politician do anything but praise Israel, because they are so in Israels pocket, that one criticism would end a career.

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin both said at the VP Debate "I Love Israel". Tell me that's not politicians letting their handlers know where they stand.
You can't be anti Jewish and pro Christian. Christianity is structured that way.
Sucking up for the Christian votes Beefy.
You can't be anti Jewish and pro Christian. Christianity is structured that way.
Sucking up for the Christian votes Beefy.

Yup. The evangelical retards running around looking at the bible as a history book. They've got a lot of blood on their hand and the Israelis are laughing all the way to the bank.
israel responded to approx. 200 rocket attacks in the past don't want a response like that, don't bomb the hell out of your neighbor

how is hamas not a monster for bombing israel this week? maybe i'll send 200 rockets into your yard and house and see how you react....i'm sure you would LOVE me and not want to defend yourself....
A huge part of our problem in the ME is that the Israelis have been occupying Palestinian land for over forty years by using American Jets, Tanks, Guns and money. But you'll never EVER hear an American politician do anything but praise Israel, because they are so in Israels pocket, that one criticism would end a career.

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin both said at the VP Debate "I Love Israel". Tell me that's not politicians letting their handlers know where they stand.

arabs fucked up in the 6 days war. Maybe they shouldn't have amassed troops on israel's border and fired from the golan heights.
A huge part of our problem in the ME is that the Israelis have been occupying Palestinian land for over forty years by using American Jets, Tanks, Guns and money. But you'll never EVER hear an American politician do anything but praise Israel, because they are so in Israels pocket, that one criticism would end a career.

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin both said at the VP Debate "I Love Israel". Tell me that's not politicians letting their handlers know where they stand.

when was the land ever palestinian land? after the british mandate? the un? when?

it is surprising you ignore that the arabs lost their land grab, but since they lost, you seem willing to give all back...what planet do you live on?

obama has this to say about israel:

“I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States, my abiding commitment to Israel’s security, and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner.."

Israel finally took the gloves off and opened up a can of whip ass on those fuckers. Hamas started this shit with launching rockets into Israel and it looks like the had enough and said fuck it, kill them all.

Israel finally took the gloves off and opened up a can of whip ass on those fuckers. Hamas started this shit with launching rockets into Israel and it looks like the had enough and said fuck it, kill them all.

You know who you remind me of?

That's right...Mother Theresa of Calcutta. It really is uncanny. Uncanny i tells you.
Israel today does look bad, but they do not look anti-Palestinian, as this is strictly with Gaza and Hamas ruling there and not the Palestinians of the West Bank who they are on ok terms with Fatah ruling.
when was the land ever palestinian land? after the british mandate? the un? when?

it is surprising you ignore that the arabs lost their land grab, but since they lost, you seem willing to give all back...what planet do you live on?

obama has this to say about israel:

“I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States, my abiding commitment to Israel’s security, and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner.."

Oh. SO nobody was there? Why did israel need guns to seize it?

You posted in your other thread that palestinian is a made up national identity. But the point you keep missing is you don't need to be recognized as a discrete nation to have a right not be colonized by Zionist revivalist zealots.
Oh. SO nobody was there? Why did israel need guns to seize it?

You posted in your other thread that palestinian is a made up national identity. But the point you keep missing is you don't need to be recognized as a discrete nation to have a right not be colonized by Zionist revivalist zealots.

If National Socialists had not chased Jews out of Europe, you couldn't say what you just did.

Hmmm, who on this board have we seen who is closest to National Socialism...?

And just for the record, I don't really care either way in their problems, I don't think America should have any involvement either way for either side.
But I also don't think any one side could ever be seen as right in their conflicts, Jews did at some points in history have a majority and rule that area and Palestinians did later. Who could possibly ever be right?
If National Socialists had not chased Jews out of Europe, you couldn't say what you just did.
I think some jews wanted israel too. There were plans for a jewish homeland prior to wwII. see balfour declaration
Hmmm, who on this board have we seen who is closest to National Socialism...?
Im against socialism because it's actually fascism. So you tell me who it is.
And just for the record, I don't really care either way in their problems, I don't think America should have any involvement either way for either side.
Why do you hate jews?
But I also don't think any one side could ever be seen as right in their conflicts, Jews did at some points in history have a majority and rule that area and Palestinians did later. Who could possibly ever be right?

Why do you hate jews?
Im really not an extremist. all I want is sound money policy and as much protectionism as it takes to disincentivize slave labor abroad.

But since fiat money is the lynchpin in global totalitarianism, and human slavery is the goal of the ruling class, i am painted as an extremist.
A huge part of our problem in the ME is that the Israelis have been occupying Palestinian land for over forty years by using American Jets, Tanks, Guns and money. But you'll never EVER hear an American politician do anything but praise Israel, because they are so in Israels pocket, that one criticism would end a career.

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin both said at the VP Debate "I Love Israel". Tell me that's not politicians letting their handlers know where they stand.

True .. AND, you'd have to be in the Israeli government to be surrounded by more jewish politicians and operatives than Barack OBama .. who isn't going to make a peep in criticism of the Israeli government, regardless of what they do.
when was the land ever palestinian land? after the british mandate? the un? when?

it is surprising you ignore that the arabs lost their land grab, but since they lost, you seem willing to give all back...what planet do you live on?

obama has this to say about israel:

“I’m here on this trip to reaffirm the special relationship between Israel and the United States, my abiding commitment to Israel’s security, and my hope that I can serve as an effective partner.."

"Effective partner" my ass. Obama is Israel's bitch .. just like every other American president, with the exception of Carter.

Israel is in more violations of UN Resolutions than ANY nation in history .. surely you remember UN Resolutions .. which we used to invade Iraq and many Americans, possibly even you, applauded.

American taxpayers continue to pour BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on the colonialist created welfare state of Israel, without which it would perish.

When was the land Palestinian?

Are you serious?
A huge part of our problem in the ME is that the Israelis have been occupying Palestinian land for over forty years by using American Jets, Tanks, Guns and money. But you'll never EVER hear an American politician do anything but praise Israel, because they are so in Israels pocket, that one criticism would end a career.

Joe Biden and Sarah Palin both said at the VP Debate "I Love Israel". Tell me that's not politicians letting their handlers know where they stand.

It was pretty shocking. Even more shocking is the fact that the mainstream press offered no criticism or even commentary on such a transparent relationship between the two.

The U.S. government needs to stop arming Israel. Period.
ISRAEL, WRONG. - Ezra Klein

"This is the paragraph that I can't get out of my head:

'Hamas had in recent weeks let it be known that it doubted Israel would engage in a major military undertaking because of its coming elections. But in some ways the elections have made it impossible for officials like Mr. Barak not to react, because the public has grown anxious and angry over the rocket fire, which while causing no recent deaths and few injuries is deeply disturbing for those living near Gaza. '

No deaths and few injuries. "Deeply disturbing." Hamas lacks the technology to aim its rockets. They're taking potshots. In response, the Israeli government launched air strikes that have now killed more than 280 Palestinians, injured hundreds beyond that, and further radicalized thousands in the Occupied Territories and millions in the region. The response will not come today, of course. It will come in months, or even in years, when an angry orphan detonates a belt filled with shrapnel, killing himself and 25 Israelis. At which point the Israelis will launch air strikes killing another 70 Palestinians, radicalizing thousands more, leading to more bombings, and so the cycle continues.

The rocket attacks were undoubtedly "deeply disturbing" to Israelis. But so too are the checkpoints, the road closures, the restricted movement, the terrible joblessness, the unflinching oppression, the daily humiliations, the illegal settlement -- I'm sorry, "outpost" -- construction, "deeply disturbing" to the Palestinians, and far more injurious. And the 300 dead Palestinians should be disturbing to us all.

There is nothing proportionate in this response. No way to fit it into a larger strategy that leads towards eventual peace. No way to fool ourselves into believing that it will reduce bloodshed and stop terrorist attacks. It is simple vengeance. There's a saying in the Jewish community: "Israel, right or wrong." But sometimes Israel is simply wrong."
"Effective partner" my ass. Obama is Israel's bitch .. just like every other American president, with the exception of Carter.

Israel is in more violations of UN Resolutions than ANY nation in history .. surely you remember UN Resolutions .. which we used to invade Iraq and many Americans, possibly even you, applauded.

American taxpayers continue to pour BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on the colonialist created welfare state of Israel, without which it would perish.

When was the land Palestinian?

Are you serious?

LOOOL, your map has it belonging to the kingdom of israel :pke:

so some map says something and you blindly follow it without realizing that the map says the area belongs to israel