Israeli archaeologists discover unique ancient seal affirming biblical account of Jerusalem 2,700 years ago


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So... Hebrew script 2,700 years ago... And these Palestinian squatters arrived when?....They didn’t even have a religion until about 1,400 years ago...

Everywhere they dig in the middle east they mostly turn up evidence of Israel.....Funny how that works.

So... Hebrew script 2,700 years ago... And these Palestinian squatters arrived when?....They didn’t even have a religion until about 1,400 years ago...

Everywhere they dig in the middle east they mostly turn up evidence of Israel.....Funny how that works.
Archeology also proves indigenous Americans were here thousands of years before European Americans, so what's your point?

I believe Israel has a right to exist, but pointing to archeology has almost nothing to do with sovereignty and self determination in the 21st century.
Now that is very cool. Someday I need to get out there and visit some of the museums. Well, once there is some semblance of peace there... Don't want to become a political hostage in my near retirement age...

So... Hebrew script 2,700 years ago... And these Palestinian squatters arrived when?....They didn’t even have a religion until about 1,400 years ago...

Everywhere they dig in the middle east they mostly turn up evidence of Israel.....Funny how that works.
You should get a life and stop all the HATE- YOU HATEFUL IDIOT!
Why did Native Americans not believe in land ownership?

The Earth is understood by Native Americans as a living, sentient being, and, therefore, no one can claim ownership.

So they didn't own it!!!!!
No one ever asks ....what about Indian Tribe X that got booted out by Indian Tribe Y? - should Y pay reparations to X?
They didn’t even have a religion until about 1,400 years ago...
That is not how society works. People form religions. The Palestinians have had a religion for as long as Palestinians have existed. There were first Christian Palestinians, and then Muslim Palestinians(with a Christian minority).

There is a question of how the transition happened. One of three things happened: the Christian Palestinians converted to Muslim Palestinians, the Christian Palestinians were replaced with new Muslims, or some combination of the two.

Where did Christian Palestinians come from? It appears there were Pagan Palestinians before Christian Palestinians.

It is such a tiny piece of land, but it is the most fought over tiny piece of land.
I am still trying to figure out why we need solid evidence for our existence. We exist, shouldn't that be enough? We are absolutely recorded to have existed for 2,800+ years, shouldn't that be enough?

Was there a Unified Monarchy of Israel? Who knows for sure, but there definitely was a Kingdom of Judah. There definitely was a Judaea Province of the Roman Empire. This are historical certainties.

There are real questions whether Jerusalem was ever the capital of ancient Israel, and if it was it was only for about 70 years. BUT, it is absolutely certain that Jerusalem was the capital of Judah, and the religious capital of the Jewish people.

Indians DIDNT own LAND...they roamed on it, did not believe in land ownership
Some Native Americans did roam, but that was mostly after Europeans introduced the horse. Many more Native Americans had farms, that they protected as their own property. Even those who roamed often considered land to be owned by the tribe, and zealously defended it from intruders.
This thread is actually in the right forum, but that is strange.

Archaeological discoveries of a tiny kingdom that was destroyed 2,600+ years ago is important to modern current events. Let that sink in.
For instance, does anyone care about the Kingdom of Edom? It was around at the same time, slightly bigger population, but no one cares.