Israel's unwillingness to mirror Palestinian propaganda is losing it the PR war


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You've got cunts like McMoonshi'ite spouting bollox every day, the Israelis need to fight fire with fire.

The choice of international women's rights organizations to fail to condemn the acts of sexual violence, rape, and sodomy committed against the victims of the October 7 massacre. This stance only changed after a focused and extensive campaign. This denial still resonates in social networks among pro-Palestinian activists.

The publication of the video of the late Shani Louk and the desecration of her body in the streets of Gaza is one of the most shocking videos that was circulated on social networks by Hamas, and it is an example of documentation that created a significant impact on public opinion.

This documentation led to international awareness of her abduction. Some 139 million people watched or used the hashtag of her name on TikTok, a Wikipedia page was opened recounting the story of her kidnapping and murder in captivity, and numerous articles were published in media channels around the world.

It is necessary to publish horrific videos like Shani's or disturbing parts from them. Palestinian propaganda works well because it shows the world, without censorship, the horrors they experience as a result of the war. Israel, which experienced the largest terrorist attack on a nation since September 11, refrains from publishing the authenticated videos in order not to create potential trauma among the general public and to remain sensitive to the victim's families.

Israel's unwillingness to mirror Palestinian propaganda is losing it the PR war
There is no possibility of a genocidal Jewish propaganda victory, maggot;


Your tarred pole awaits.
C'mon maggot- come up with pro-Israel headlines.
How about;
The 17,000 kids deserved it.

Gassing the tunnels is cheaper than bullets.

We'll only allow shipments of dog food

So it's somebody else's country. So what ?

God chose us to do it.

Your Daily Mail can probably do better.
Here ya go, maggot- a real Zionist PR triumphalist vote-winner. They be flocking to your cause;

C'mon maggot- come up with pro-Israel headlines.
How about;
The 17,000 kids deserved it.

Gassing the tunnels is cheaper than bullets.

We'll only allow shipments of dog food

So it's somebody else's country. So what ?

God chose us to do it.

Your Daily Mail can probably do better.
There you go with the same old fucking lies, you just can't help yourself.

serendipshit has become an adherent of the Earl Repetitious and Mendacious Spam doctrine.

It's where all defeated Zion-pumps run to.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
The White House later admitted that Biden had not seen pictures of beheaded children or babies and that the US could not confirm such
reports. Biden instead based his comments on claims made hours earlier by a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
they said.

Poor Earl is a great white. He will swallow anything.