It appears the tRump, Russian, Saudi and other barbarics of the world are united.


Verified User
As the saying goes dogs of the shame shit enjoy eating each others shit together as it appears the demonic creatures of the world who are a deplorable and ghastly enemy against civilization have teamed up against the common decency of humanity. This includes at being of a un Godly nature as worthless and finite slaves of the devil, meaning tRump and his ghastly criminal family and GOPer dog sh!t associates in particular.

Russia Completes Its OPEC Takeover With Deal With Saudis

Yet despite the tRump, Russian and Saudi Opec of crud threat, it appears the real America holds its own against its enemies and the enemies of humanity:

America is now the world's largest oil producer
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lol.. the 2 largest producers set the quotas? wow! *shocking*

what's new is the USA is now #3 ( but not OPEC) thanks to Trump's de-regulations
Considering it appears you despise America, LEAVE or never come to it and relocate to Russia or whatever, and at doing America a favor.
Considering it appears you despise America, LEAVE or never come to it and relocate to Russia or whatever, and at doing America a favor.