It is amazing!


I have always said it is amazing what a free people can do.

I don't want to put too much weight on Palin yet, but think about it. Alaska and Texas are probably the most free states in the union. The last Texas guy turned out to be quite an azz IMO, but it definatly could have been worse.

I just watched Palin's speach for a second time. For a gal from po dunct Alaska, she hit a home run with the consertatives. I can not imagine a better speach. She cut like a knife with logic on Obama and the media. This lady is a natural. The Republican party might have picked her to try to get some disgruntled women voters, but I really don't think they realize the person they got here. She is wound together well, and she is going to be tough to beat IMO. This gal is sharp. You folks are sharp too--but she is wound well.

American may have just found the Rickey Carmichael of politics that will fight for the people. I know, you don't know who RC is. That is a shame. Palin is so good, because she was more free up there. The talent rises to the top in a country like ours, and it is sheer talent that got her the VP nom. She is just like RC----You don't know what is coming now. Palin has a natural ability to rally up the American people---because she is one of them, and she has a big passion to serve them better than anybody else. I am not talking about offering welfare folks.
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