It is me, again

The sophisticated genius that I am locked myself out of whatever the last username/account I had so I created this one. Hopefully it will stick.

Yurt, the one and only.

Aloha brothers and sisters.
Wish my Avi was my picture, but it is not. I lost all my photos when I was in Hawaii. I sent a few to friends, so asking if they can send back, but I don't know if they are avi quality. I am not a good picture taker. My ex-wife did all the photography. It is what it is.
I am trying to change my life in RL and online. Didn't think online mattered, but woke up this morning thinking it does matter. Just because I am somewhat anonymous doesn't mean I get a pass for being who I am (for example, some may consider me an asshole, though i've been told that in RL as well, but online I tend to be more of an asshole because I am anonymous).

My goals are simple, get in better shape like I was in college. I hiked Eagle Cap, 2X. And I should be proud of that. I was in my mid 20s, doubtful I could go half way now, but I am capable of such things. Yeah, I am writing this more for me than you. I lived in the South Pacific on a remote island with no running water etc... for one year (not Mormon). 200 feet visibility though. Swam with sharks nearly everyday. So beautiful. Showered with a bucket and pitcher, no need to heat the water. Did have a propane stove, thank goodness, else it was an old tire rim filled with coconut shavings for fuel.

Graduated with a professional degree. Though I don't always live up to such standards. But I did that, I got that degree and my family was (shocked) happy for me. And I can still improve on my life despite being in my mid 40s.

Maybe life isn't over (as I have believed for the past few years). Maybe it has just begun.
I am trying to change my life in RL and online. Didn't think online mattered, but woke up this morning thinking it does matter. Just because I am somewhat anonymous doesn't mean I get a pass for being who I am (for example, some may consider me an asshole, though i've been told that in RL as well, but online I tend to be more of an asshole because I am anonymous).

My goals are simple, get in better shape like I was in college. I hiked Eagle Cap, 2X. And I should be proud of that. I was in my mid 20s, doubtful I could go half way now, but I am capable of such things. Yeah, I am writing this more for me than you. I lived in the South Pacific on a remote island with no running water etc... for one year (not Mormon). 200 feet visibility though. Swam with sharks nearly everyday. So beautiful. Showered with a bucket and pitcher, no need to heat the water. Did have a propane stove, thank goodness, else it was an old tire rim filled with coconut shavings for fuel.

Graduated with a professional degree. Though I don't always live up to such standards. But I did that, I got that degree and my family was (shocked) happy for me. And I can still improve on my life despite being in my mid 40s.

Maybe life isn't over (as I have believed for the past few years). Maybe it has just begun.
“Seek your Bliss”, Yurt, best wishes.
The sophisticated genius that I am locked myself out of whatever the last username/account I had so I created this one. Hopefully it will stick.

Yurt, the one and only.

Aloha brothers and sisters.

Did you strangle the shallow impostor Yurts or are they still alive, huddled in a deep dark crevice w/in the occipital lobe just waiting for their next escape??