It is my great pleasure to show everyone specifically


Verified User
when and how where your ancestry got lost saving humanity's promise of artificial tomorrows when evolving only happens per heartbeat of each lifetime here today.

Your proficiency at ridiculing everyone that doesn't comply to your frame of mind how society should be evolving into tomorrow by relative time semantics historically directing social outcomes always to the advantage of those directing social value of human behavior cradle to grave humanity celebrates day of birth ignoring the 0-9 months from day conceived to born to replace previous 4 generations lived so far.

Devil's Advocates lived since conceived educated after birth they are nothing without humanity giving them something to die for cradle to grave and they carry that mantra adding it to their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren every generation forward today believing they serve a higher purpose than why they are alive as genetically eternally separated in plain sight today...
You're overthinking it!

Whatever "It" is!

Have you tried Ritalin?
I describe how I navigate space daily between everyone else speculating anything else is possible tomorrow when all of humanity's facts are incomplete, one sided radial interpretation to imagine ;life thinking outside a box about the whole evolving process limiting every reproduction to this planets basic principle of adapting as displaced daily or become extinct.

My body has never stayed the origin of my arrival. fertilized cell. MY individual heart didn't start beating until about 20 days after conception and hasn't stopped yet keeping me uniquely alive the rest of those 0-9 months before birth to have humanity educate me that I am not self evidently me after the day left my mom's womb.

I figured out what everyone believes nobody can understand alone. Without being exceptional, exempt, extraterrestrial.