It Is Passed Time To


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Release the tapes of the Hur interview of Biden

If Biden is OK there is no reason to not release the tapes. If Biden is cognitively impaired the public needs to know it. It is pass time for the public to see the tapes that WE PAID FOR. Garland is trying to effect the election by hiding the tapes from the public. We need to see the long pauses and the confusion for ourselves not just the sanitized transcripts of the interview.
Release the tapes of the Hur interview of Biden

If Biden is OK there is no reason to not release the tapes. If Biden is cognitively impaired the public needs to know it. It is pass time for the public to see the tapes that WE PAID FOR. Garland is trying to effect the election by hiding the tapes from the public. We need to see the long pauses and the confusion for ourselves not just the sanitized transcripts of the interview.

Probably not point as the entire world saw brandon on stage. Hurr's conclusion was on full display.