It is so hard to get credit!!!!


Just open your postal mail. There were another two offers in my mail box today ------- 6 grand here--8 grand there.

I thought banks were not lending? One was CityBank. I keep getting offered money to borrow. Don't you folks always get those offers? I never take them.
I have about a 6 inch stack of those fake credit cards. They are handy for spreading body filler and such.
I got two offers today also. Three yesterday. Probably at least two every day the rest of the week, and the same next week.

Of course, those with scores under 700 may see a drop in offers. But that is not a bad thing as we need to start minimizing personal debt. People with good scores usually minimize their debt - hence the good scores.
I got two offers today also. Three yesterday. Probably at least two every day the rest of the week, and the same next week.

Of course, those with scores under 700 may see a drop in offers. But that is not a bad thing as we need to start minimizing personal debt. People with good scores usually minimize their debt - hence the good scores.

Right on right on. It is just common sense man. Some did not get a good helping I guess. They rode the gravey wave--and hit the peer.--and the whole damn thing was started and protected by mental liberial democrats. The lending should not have gone any further than no down payment with a 700 score or better. At least that would have taught people how to keep a good credit score and stay out of debt, so they can get a home. But noooooo---the insane socialists had to give them away (while lining their own pockets), with no decipline required. I am not paying for that shit.
Right on right on. It is just common sense man. Some did not get a good helping I guess. They rode the gravey wave--and hit the peer.--and the whole damn thing was started and protected by mental liberial democrats. The lending should not have gone any further than no down payment with a 675 score or better. At least that would have taught people how to keep a good credit score and stay oput of debt, so they can get a home. But noooooo---the indane socialists ad to give them away, with no decipline required. I am not paying for that shit.
Not quite the way I would describe it. The economic equality minded liberals certainly were a factor in the present crisis, but the big business open market conservatives were right in there helping push the idea of new markets for the lending industry and how it helps the economy by increasing purchasing ability of all.

Partisan democrats and republicans alike are going to be part of the problem if they are going to continue with the "It's all their fault" finger pointing because the problem is not the the result of one sided politics, nor is it the result of recent (in the last 25 years) fiscal policy and maneuvers. We have been living on a credit society since before we dropped into the Great Depression. And everything done since then, including being put on war economy in WWII, has added to the problem by using band-aid approaches. Each maneuver was an attempt to smooth out the problems inherent in a credit society. Each one was only temporarily successful in avoiding or alieviating the imbalances brought about by living on credit. Each one has been progressively more invasive, and each success lasts a shorter time before new and greater readjustments are needed.

And both parties are guilty of taking the easy, short term way out of problems, looking not at real economic health, but rather at just enough patchwork to get reelected.

Oh--your just scared to go out and take care of yourself. your a welfare case.

Karl Marx---right? Or is that Lennon? Doesn't matter---both commies are dead--as it should be.
Nope. Just abolish fiat currency. It's hard for statists to imagine having to wait to carry out their grand social designs, instead of making their money right away and putting it on the back of the tax payer, but the world would be a better place.