It may come as a shock but I would love nothing better than to see this forum come together politically


Well-known member
If you want the same,....then by all means post your SERIOUS views and ideas here. But if you come to cause trouble or to troll then PLEASE stay out. Let's see if we can find common ground today,...Im betting there is a lot more than most of us think. ALL are welcome if they come with an open mind and in the spirit of working together. If a small political forum like this cant do it then this country/world is surely done for. Don't let YOU be the one who blows this chance .
I think we may be able to find some common ground in here on health care for instance. I do not claim to have the answers, but I do know that something needs to be done MUCH sooner rather than later.
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I think we may be able to find some common ground in here on health care for instance. I do not claim to have the answers, but I do know that something needs to be done MUCH sooner rather than later.
We need to clean up our food supply. The amount of dangerous chemicals in our food is insane.
We need to clean up our food supply. The amount of dangerous chemicals in our food is insane.
It REALLY is. I for the most part am not an eater of fast food. Every once in awhile if Im super busy I might have just a little bit of the JUNK. Did it the other day in fact,...burger and fries from Mcdonalds. HORRIBLE. Just horrible. Plus I got pissed at myself for even eating that crap. Tasted terrible and felt like injesting pure poison. Wasn't worth 50 cents in my opinion let alone what I paid for it. Honestly,...I wouldn't even want to feed it to my dogs.
Plus,....because Im not used to eating like that it made me feel kind of sick to be honest. I try to eat fairly clean.
If you want the same,....then by all means post your SERIOUS views and ideas here. But if you come to cause trouble or to troll then PLEASE stay out. Let's see if we can find common ground today,...Im betting there is a lot more than most of us think. ALL are welcome if they come with an open mind and in the spirit of working together. If a small political forum like this cant do it then this country/world is surely done for. Don't let YOU be the one who blows this chance .
Let's start with this one. (y)

Music, media, Hollywood, the networks,....almost NONSTOP negative messaging from the day you are born until the day you die when in fact it should be the opposite. Don't think it doesn't shape people and how they think,...IT DOES. It's a free country so we can legislate that sort of thing,... but WE CAN choose to not watch or listen and we should.
Until the far left loons stop trying to use law-fare and assassinating President Trump and burning Tesla cars and dealerships, I don't believe there will be much meeting of the minds.

The haters of the Jewish people and supporters of Hamas, a terrorist group, will continue hating them and trying to kill them.

The two apparent leaders of the Democratic Party are Socialists!

Try reasoning with a Socialist.

"Tilting at windmills."...Don Quixote...futility.
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Let's start with this one.(and)

You didn't start with simply reposted something. So,...actually START with something. What issue would YOU like to find a fix for the most?
If you want to be serious and work together, then maybe start stopping creating troll threads like that one?
O.K,...but you STILL haven't addressed what I asked for in the O P. Now,...what issue would you like to see solved FIRST and what are your ideas for getting it done.
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