It seems those Brits really know how to "support the troops"...


Staff member

Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool

By Thomas Harding, Lucy Cockcroft and Brendan Carlin

Injured soldiers who lost their limbs fighting for their country have been driven from a swimming pool training session by jeering members of the public.

The men, injured during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, were taking part in a rehabilitation session at a leisure centre, when two women demanded they be removed from the pool. They claimed that the soldiers "hadn't paid" and might scare the children.

The incident has sparked widespread condemnation. Adml Lord Boyce, a former head of the Armed Forces, said last night the women should be "named and shamed".

"These people are beneath contempt and everything should be done to get their names and publish them in the press," he said. "It is contemptible that people who have given up their limbs for their country should be so abused when they are trying to get fit again."

It comes after calls for the public to do more to welcome home troops back from tours of duty and to recognise the bravery of those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

More at link...
That's pretty sick. No matter how you feel about a war, the soldiers are owed respect, gratitude, and asylum from political bullshit. Shrubbie and Care sent stuff to Captain Jack even though they oppose the war, and that's the right thing to do.

If they want revenge, go after the ivory tower suits that sit in their smokey rooms with their cigars and send out young off to die for their own egos. Don't go after the soldiers.

I was talking to someone from the UK about the wars, and was surprised to find out that they do not glorify the warrior there. What I found so interesting about that is, in that case, there would be no sanctified "The Troops" for politicians to hide behind. Imagine what it must be like to live somewhere and never have to hear "YOu can't say that, it will hurt the troops". "You can't do that, it will hurt the troops".

However, in this case here, this is not about glorifying or not glorifying The Troops, it's about simple human decency. It wouldn't matter where these human beings lost their limbs. These women sound like real pieces of work, they would fit in good on the north shore of LI, turning up their noses at people who were common enough to actually lose a limb.

In other words, they are just dumb bitches.
Hey Damo,

Returning troops strip on airport tarmac after uniform ban
IAN BRUCE, Defence Correspondent January 03 2008
Comment * Read Comments (102)

More than 200 soldiers on their way home from Afghanistan had to strip off their uniforms on the tarmac at Birmingham International Airport and don civilian clothes before being allowed access to the terminal building.

The charter flight was bringing the men back for Christmas leave when it was diverted from its intended destination at RAF Brize Norton because of bad weather, the Ministry of Defence confirmed yesterday.

The incident, which has triggered a barrage of complaints to the MoD and to the company which runs Birmingham International, follows another military diversion blunder highlighted by The Herald yesterday in which 130 Wiltshire-based troops returning from Iraq were left 400 miles from home at Prestwick Airport on Christmas Eve....

Hey WM, hope this isn't warmongering... :clink:
There's that legendary British ideal of fair play coming to the fore once again.

As i read it their objections were less to do with a principled stand on the merits of international conflict, and more to do with some idiotic notion of someone getting something for nothing.

As at least one of these harridans was apparently a mother, i hope she has chosen not to allow her own children to accept any state funding of whatever sort and to immediately repay the maternity benefits, hospital service costs and child benefit which the taxpayer has provided.

If it were me i'd have slapped her round the chops with the old stump.
Nah, I was just wondering what your obsession with Europe and immigrants on the other site was. And the term I used was "fearmongering".

no it wasn't. Twas the reason I said it seemed you had a 'crush' on me, which you must, admit it. Truth will set you free.