It Should Be FREE!


College education shouldn't be free. The government should actually PAY people who want one to get one! People with a college education is said to be good for society in general. So why shouldn't society pay for it. Instead of expecting students to deep into debt to get one. Also, many of the other developed countries offer a free college education. If they can do it, we should be able to do it.

This next thing should be free. Healthcare. Just like it is in most other of the developed countries. But in the U.S., screwing people up the ass seems to be the way to go. I remember hearing of one drug that had been around for quite some time having the price for it being raised by 100,000%! Also in the countries that provide free health care, not only is it often better than ours, but they pay less for it! I will show you a chart that shows what percentage of the GDP of various countries that provide free health care goes towards paying for that healthcare. The U.S. doesn't do very well.

Universal Healt Care Costs.jpg

There are two major things here in the U.S. that prevent this from happening. First, having the poor suffer gives the wealthy more to feel superior about. And it helps drive people to commit the filth that they often have to do to become rich and protect themselves from such things. Secondly, this is the point that you are programmed to dislike. A miltiethnic society. Which they don't have too much of a problem with (yet) in those countries that provide free health care. Such as Japan. And the better Whites make things for themselves, the more filthy non-whites will try to "share" (steal) it. Such as the illegal invaders from Central America trying to get into the U.S. Or all of the muslim scum from Africa or the Middle East trying to get into Europe. (With much help from the jews)
At any time, feel free to tell me why. But try to keep it short and too the point.

Both inevitably turn into totalitarian states. So far, the best national system of government seems to be Federal Constitutional Republic with a regulated Capitalist economy and a socialist safety net for the sick, elderly and minors.

Socialism, as a national economic system doesn't work on a planet with limited resources. Once technology allows unlimited energy and the ability to turn any form of matter into another (think Star Trek replicator or 3D Printer) then there is the possibility Socialism can work but there will always be those who aren't happy with it so the outlet is off-planet colonies.
College education shouldn't be free. The government should actually PAY people who want one to get one! People with a college education is said to be good for society in general. So why shouldn't society pay for it. Instead of expecting students to deep into debt to get one. Also, many of the other developed countries offer a free college education. If they can do it, we should be able to do it.

This next thing should be free. Healthcare. Just like it is in most other of the developed countries. But in the U.S., screwing people up the ass seems to be the way to go. I remember hearing of one drug that had been around for quite some time having the price for it being raised by 100,000%! Also in the countries that provide free health care, not only is it often better than ours, but they pay less for it! I will show you a chart that shows what percentage of the GDP of various countries that provide free health care goes towards paying for that healthcare. The U.S. doesn't do very well.

View attachment 14519

There are two major things here in the U.S. that prevent this from happening. First, having the poor suffer gives the wealthy more to feel superior about. And it helps drive people to commit the filth that they often have to do to become rich and protect themselves from such things. Secondly, this is the point that you are programmed to dislike. A miltiethnic society. Which they don't have too much of a problem with (yet) in those countries that provide free health care. Such as Japan. And the better Whites make things for themselves, the more filthy non-whites will try to "share" (steal) it. Such as the illegal invaders from Central America trying to get into the U.S. Or all of the muslim scum from Africa or the Middle East trying to get into Europe. (With much help from the jews)

Why is society having to pay for something you say is free?