It Was Not Pea Soup


Verified User

Nutso Nancy is possessed like the little girl who barfed pea soup in The Exorcist. Only Diarrhea Mouth was not in a movie when she shit on God:
Fox has become a tool of government similar to Soviet media. Who is this guy, obviously a foreigner to comment on American politics? Maybe he should look elsewhere. Women sure scare republican and conservative men, they are so insecure when it comes to women. Why is that? Conservative men are so weak it is no wonder Cadet Bone Spurs is their leader.

"The misogyny that shapes every aspect of our civilization is the institutionalized form of male fear and hatred of what they have denied and therefore cannot know, cannot share: that wild country, the being of women." Ursula K. Le Guin

"Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating." Andrea Dworkin

"Mueller’s chronicle of prevarication, moral turpitude, and incompetence is dispiriting, but his presentation of rigorous legal reasoning and strict adherence to statutes, case law, and procedural rules is inspiring. The text serves as an x-ray, revealing a venal politician and a corrupt political system. At the same time, it embodies many of the values that make the United States great: integrity, meticulousness, professionalism, public service, and the rule of law."
Who is this guy, obviously a foreigner to comment on American politics? Maybe he should look elsewhere.

To midcan5: Mark Steyn is a foreigner who was smart enough to leave Socialist Canada.

Incidentally, are you also offended by all those of those illegally aliens who comment on American politics?

And let’s not forget Ilhan Omar who came to this country from Somalia at age 11.

2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar
by Philip Klein
March 06, 2019 09:34 PM

Note that Omar is a parasite from a family of government parasites:

Her grandfather Abukar was the director of Somalia's National Marine Transport and some of Omar's uncles and aunts also worked as civil servants and educators. She and her family fled Somalia to escape the war and spent four years in a Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County, Kenya, near the Somali border.

Worst of all, she knew just where to go when she was 14 years old —— the political party that champions democracy in order to destroy this country.

After first arriving in New York in 1992, Omar's family finally secured asylum in the U.S. in 1995 and lived for a time in Arlington, Virginia, before moving to and settling in Minneapolis, where her father worked first as a taxi driver and later for the post office. Her father and grandfather emphasized the importance of democracy during her upbringing, and at age 14 she accompanied her grandfather to caucus meetings, serving as his interpreter.
After first arriving in New York in 1992, Omar's family finally secured asylum in the U.S.


In their continued efforts to deceive the public, Muslim terrorist-sponsoring groups have engineered an Erebusic plan of subversion that has been successful in its early stages.

I submit that they are in the beginning stages of packing elected offices with Muslim women who are, by all appearance, Americanized. These women do not view themselves as Americans – they view themselves as Muslims. The best example of this is Ilhan Omar, D-MN.

Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit reported this miserable person complained, during a recent House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, that President Trump’s administration is droning the Muslim terrorists “to death” in Africa.

Omar was engaging in word play when she referenced Africa. The truth is she was bitterly angered because our military drones are killing Muslim terrorists in Somalia, which is a Muslim hotbed located in Africa. She continued stating she wanted to “Get into this horrific reign of terror and its spread in Africa.” She lamented that under “President Trump, the number of attacks” against Muslim terrorists has increased. She intimated that the number of Islamic terrorist attacks in Somalia have, according to her, tripled – and it’s because President Trump is killing Islamic terrorists there.

Omar demanded to know what was being done to stop the drone attacks, unambiguously claiming the drone attacks were singularly responsible for the increased Islamic terrorist attacks in Somalia. She said she was an “African” and “we” need to know. As she identified herself as “African,” she patted her chest in affirmation.

This Omar person is the vilest form of myiasis infesting our government today. Her reasoning is singularly loyal to Islam. It was clear by her questioning of the Pentagon official that her concerns and loyalty laid exclusively with the well being of the Islamic terrorists.

We the people of America view her remarks as an insult to our brave military members who were responsible for rescuing her Somalia village.

She came to America under a cloud of falsified documents, the belief that she married her brother to gain citizenship and rumors that the incestuous marriage was not only consummated, but that she bore children from him. As I said, these things are alleged; but with her kind of Muslim, history proves rumors about them are often true. At the very least, the rumors should be thoroughly investigated.

Omar made her way to America after being freed from a Kenyan refugee camp. She has publically reminisced fondly about her the four years she spent in the refugee camp before a path to America was found: “Omar said, she could express her full identity [in the refugee camp]. She felt free to be herself, living amongst like-minded people who looked and believed as she did. When you’re a kid and you’re raised in an all-black, all-Muslim environment, nobody really talks to you about your identity. … You just are. There is freedom in knowing that you are accepted as your full self. So the notion that there is conflict with your identity in society was hard at the age of 12.”

I find it interesting that as she waxed poetically about her time spent in the Kenyan refugee camp, she omitted the rapes and brutality that took place in same. Perhaps it is because it was reminiscent of her village in Somalia. But I digress.

Since she has such cherished fondness for being in a refugee camp overrun with filth and terrorist-driven Muslims, why didn’t she return there when she became of age? Why did she stay in America, a country she so despises?

I assert that she was kept here because domestic Muslim terrorist front groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) are able to use her kind.

She/they can infest government and influence it to legislate favorably for Islam. She can use her congressional platform to advance their anti-Semitic agenda. Her kinds are wrapped in a veneer of feigned Americanism that enables them to get elected to office. Once there they are able to advance the agenda of Islamic terrorists.

In her native village in Somalia, would she be just another sheepherder? She would have lived a life of squalor and disease. And if she forgot her place, she could be publically beaten and/or stoned.

Omar ignores the fact that American military personal were killed defending members of her own family and friends who lived in the village of Mogadishu.

The film “Black Hawk Down” is based upon the true events that involved the very American military that Omar maligns today as being the reason for Muslim terrorists committing heinous acts that are consistent with what they are.

Maybe Omar would have been better off living in squalor as the personal possession of some goat herder with rotten teeth who took baths seasonally. I can say with confidence that America would be better off without her and her kind – specifically those being used by terrorist front groups to further the Muslims agenda.

Return Ilhan Omar to refugee camp she longs for
Posted By Mychal Massie On 05/27/2019 @ 7:40 pm

To midcan5: Mark Steyn is a foreigner who was smart enough to leave Socialist Canada.

Incidentally, are you also offended by all those of those illegally aliens who comment on American politics?

And let’s not forget Ilhan Omar who came to this country from Somalia at age 11.

2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar
by Philip Klein
March 06, 2019 09:34 PM

Note that Omar is a parasite from a family of government parasites:

Her grandfather Abukar was the director of Somalia's National Marine Transport and some of Omar's uncles and aunts also worked as civil servants and educators. She and her family fled Somalia to escape the war and spent four years in a Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County, Kenya, near the Somali border.

Worst of all, she knew just where to go when she was 14 years old —— the political party that champions democracy in order to destroy this country.

After first arriving in New York in 1992, Omar's family finally secured asylum in the U.S. in 1995 and lived for a time in Arlington, Virginia, before moving to and settling in Minneapolis, where her father worked first as a taxi driver and later for the post office. Her father and grandfather emphasized the importance of democracy during her upbringing, and at age 14 she accompanied her grandfather to caucus meetings, serving as his interpreter.
You, of course, hate democracy and blindly support a would be dictator.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

In their continued efforts to deceive the public, Muslim terrorist-sponsoring groups have engineered an Erebusic plan of subversion that has been successful in its early stages.

I submit that they are in the beginning stages of packing elected offices with Muslim women who are, by all appearance, Americanized. These women do not view themselves as Americans – they view themselves as Muslims. The best example of this is Ilhan Omar, D-MN.

Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit reported this miserable person complained, during a recent House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, that President Trump’s administration is droning the Muslim terrorists “to death” in Africa.

Omar was engaging in word play when she referenced Africa. The truth is she was bitterly angered because our military drones are killing Muslim terrorists in Somalia, which is a Muslim hotbed located in Africa. She continued stating she wanted to “Get into this horrific reign of terror and its spread in Africa.” She lamented that under “President Trump, the number of attacks” against Muslim terrorists has increased. She intimated that the number of Islamic terrorist attacks in Somalia have, according to her, tripled – and it’s because President Trump is killing Islamic terrorists there.

Omar demanded to know what was being done to stop the drone attacks, unambiguously claiming the drone attacks were singularly responsible for the increased Islamic terrorist attacks in Somalia. She said she was an “African” and “we” need to know. As she identified herself as “African,” she patted her chest in affirmation.

This Omar person is the vilest form of myiasis infesting our government today. Her reasoning is singularly loyal to Islam. It was clear by her questioning of the Pentagon official that her concerns and loyalty laid exclusively with the well being of the Islamic terrorists.

We the people of America view her remarks as an insult to our brave military members who were responsible for rescuing her Somalia village.

She came to America under a cloud of falsified documents, the belief that she married her brother to gain citizenship and rumors that the incestuous marriage was not only consummated, but that she bore children from him. As I said, these things are alleged; but with her kind of Muslim, history proves rumors about them are often true. At the very least, the rumors should be thoroughly investigated.

Omar made her way to America after being freed from a Kenyan refugee camp. She has publically reminisced fondly about her the four years she spent in the refugee camp before a path to America was found: “Omar said, she could express her full identity [in the refugee camp]. She felt free to be herself, living amongst like-minded people who looked and believed as she did. When you’re a kid and you’re raised in an all-black, all-Muslim environment, nobody really talks to you about your identity. … You just are. There is freedom in knowing that you are accepted as your full self. So the notion that there is conflict with your identity in society was hard at the age of 12.”

I find it interesting that as she waxed poetically about her time spent in the Kenyan refugee camp, she omitted the rapes and brutality that took place in same. Perhaps it is because it was reminiscent of her village in Somalia. But I digress.

Since she has such cherished fondness for being in a refugee camp overrun with filth and terrorist-driven Muslims, why didn’t she return there when she became of age? Why did she stay in America, a country she so despises?

I assert that she was kept here because domestic Muslim terrorist front groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) are able to use her kind.

She/they can infest government and influence it to legislate favorably for Islam. She can use her congressional platform to advance their anti-Semitic agenda. Her kinds are wrapped in a veneer of feigned Americanism that enables them to get elected to office. Once there they are able to advance the agenda of Islamic terrorists.

In her native village in Somalia, would she be just another sheepherder? She would have lived a life of squalor and disease. And if she forgot her place, she could be publically beaten and/or stoned.

Omar ignores the fact that American military personal were killed defending members of her own family and friends who lived in the village of Mogadishu.

The film “Black Hawk Down” is based upon the true events that involved the very American military that Omar maligns today as being the reason for Muslim terrorists committing heinous acts that are consistent with what they are.

Maybe Omar would have been better off living in squalor as the personal possession of some goat herder with rotten teeth who took baths seasonally. I can say with confidence that America would be better off without her and her kind – specifically those being used by terrorist front groups to further the Muslims agenda.

Return Ilhan Omar to refugee camp she longs for
Posted By Mychal Massie On 05/27/2019 @ 7:40 pm

Of course, WND is your typical right-wing propaganda mill.

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Nutso Nancy is possessed like the little girl who barfed pea soup in The Exorcist. Only Diarrhea Mouth was not in a movie when she shit on God:

Pelosi has been looking physically ill of late. In one recent video her face looked like this cartoon:


Diarrhea Mouth always had constipation of the brain. Big surprise! Brainless is in favor of censorship when she is the target, while she never objected to Facebook’s assault on freedom of speech:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) has up to $1 million in Facebook, a company she said on Wednesday was a "willing enabler of Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

Pelosi's sharp criticism of the social media giant was a direct response to its decision to flag an altered video of her as false rather than remove it altogether. She told a local California radio station the decision calls into question whether they "wittingly" conspired with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.

"We have said all along, poor Facebook, they were unwittingly exploited by the Russians," Pelosi said. "I think wittingly, because right now they are putting up something that they know is false."

"I think they have proven—by not taking down something they know is false—that they were willing enablers of the Russian interference in our election," Pelosi said.

Pelosi has been an investor in Facebook since shortly after its initial public offering on May 23, 2012, when her husband purchased between $100,001 and $250,000 worth of stock, according to financial disclosures.

It has been a good investment for Pelosi. The closing share price of Facebook stock on the date of the initial purchase was $32, a fraction of the $183.50 opening share price Wednesday when Pelosi attacked it as a "willing enabler" of Russia.

In her most recent annual disclosure, covering 2017, the investment in Facebook was valued between $500,001 and $1,000,000.

Though Pelosi is yet to file her disclosure for 2018, required periodic transaction reports show her husband significantly increased his Facebook investment last year.

Reports show two purchases of long-term call options on Facebook stock—the first one valued between $50,001 and $100,000 on July 27, 2018, and then a larger $100,001 to $250,000 purchase on October 9, 2018. Both options expire on January 17, 2020, according to the disclosures.

Advertising information now available on Facebook shows that Pelosi has also been an active user of the social media platform, spending nearly $100,000 to run Facebook ads through her campaign and official office.

Pelosi's office did not respond to an inquiry into whether her husband plans to divest from Facebook.

NetChoice, an association of internet companies including Facebook, objected to Pelosi's "false and over-the-top" accusation.

"Speaker Pelosi's accusation that Facebook is a ‘willing enabler' of Russian interference in our elections is completely false and appears to be an attempt to use an important national discussion for her own political gamesmanship," said Carl Szabo, the group's vice president.

Szabo also said Pelosi's true aim appeared to be "to frighten platforms into removing any content she feels is unflattering."

Note that the Internet gatekeeper rushed to Diarrhea Mouth’s defense:

Facebook has thus far stood firm on its decision not to remove the video of Pelosi, despite objections from both the Democratic leader and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Pelosi Attacks Facebook As ‘Willing Enabler’ of Russia, Still Owns Up to $1 Million In Company Stock
BY: Brent Scher
May 30, 2019 2:40 pm
Return Ilhan Omar to refugee camp she longs for
Posted By Mychal Massie On 05/27/2019 @ 7:40 pm

Naturalized Americans can be deported.

"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, and most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

"These places need your help badly," he continued. Adding that "you can't leave fast enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements."

Trump to AOC, Omar and Tlaib: Go Back to the 'Totally Broken and Crime Infested' Places You Came From!
By Michael van der Galien
July 14, 2019

As far as I can tell, Ilhan Omar commits more treasonous acts than Lucky Luciano ever did:

Luciano was tried and successfully convicted for compulsory prostitution and running a prostitution racket in 1936 after years of investigation by District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey. He was given a thirty-year prison sentence, but during World War II an agreement was struck with the Department of the Navy through his associate Meyer Lansky in order to protect New York's harbors from Axis U-boats. Dewey almost failed to keep his end of the bargain, and it took months to finally come up with a solution to release Luciano. He was deported to live his life freely outside the U.S.

President Trump should consider asking AG Barr to look into deporting Omar.

Barr might also take a look at crimes Americans Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez might be committing by hiding behind the First Amendment. Like the man said:

“The Constitution is not a suicide pact.” Associate Justice Robert H. Jackson
Naturalized Americans can be deported.

"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, and most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done."

"These places need your help badly," he continued. Adding that "you can't leave fast enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements."

Trump to AOC, Omar and Tlaib: Go Back to the 'Totally Broken and Crime Infested' Places You Came From!
By Michael van der Galien
July 14, 2019

As far as I can tell, Ilhan Omar commits more treasonous acts than Lucky Luciano ever did:

Luciano was tried and successfully convicted for compulsory prostitution and running a prostitution racket in 1936 after years of investigation by District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey. He was given a thirty-year prison sentence, but during World War II an agreement was struck with the Department of the Navy through his associate Meyer Lansky in order to protect New York's harbors from Axis U-boats. Dewey almost failed to keep his end of the bargain, and it took months to finally come up with a solution to release Luciano. He was deported to live his life freely outside the U.S.

President Trump should consider asking AG Barr to look into deporting Omar.

Barr might also take a look at crimes Americans Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez might be committing by hiding behind the First Amendment. Like the man said:

“The Constitution is not a suicide pact.” Associate Justice Robert H. Jackson

Barr should be looking at the many crimes that Trump has committed, instead of becoming an accomplice to his obstruction of justice offenses.
And Trump is doing his best to see that we no longer have a functioning government. He is the most corrupt and inept President in our history.

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President Trump should consider asking AG Barr to look into deporting Omar.

American’s need Omar’s perfect union less than they need her garbage. Deported her and her brand of love back to Somalia will take care of her problem:

“No lies will stamp out my love for this country or my resolve to make our union more perfect,” she said.

Ilhan Omar: ‘I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born’
by Caitlin Yilek
July 13, 2019 04:41 PM
Trump's mother was a chain immigrant, Her brother and other family members sent for her after they were established.
Naturalized Americans can be deported.


As far as I can tell, Ilhan Omar commits more treasonous acts than Lucky Luciano ever did:

Forget treason. The crime of incest should be enough to deport Omar:

BROTHERLY LOVE: REPORT – DNA Testing Confirms Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother – Testing Allegedly Included Ilhan’s Dirty Cigarette Butt
By Jim Hoft
Published August 13, 2021 at 4:00pm


Arthur Schwartz

Is she going to shack up with her brother again? Or the married guy that she’s been hanging out with?

US Rep. Ilhan Omar divorces husband in Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Rep. Ilhan Omar has officially divorced from her husband in Minnesota, just a month after she filed a petition saying there was an "irretrievable breakdown" in their marriage...