It was torture and way worse than admitted


New member
My view is this, instead of waterboarding and having half the country up in arms defending poor muslims. We should have just done what they did. If we had made a few videos of cutting a innocent muslims head off slowly chanting JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL. JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL while holding the poor bastards head up for display, then they wouldnt have had anything to bitch about right ?

But we knew that. We’re back to square one: many Americans knew their government was lying and we were right. The question is: will confirmation that we acted brutally and lawlessly affect the system in any way? Probably not. We torture; we will continue to torture. We are beyond the law and that’s where we want to stay.

The classified study, prepared by the Senate select committee on intelligence, concluded that the CIA’s interrogations, secret detentions and outsourced torture sessions were “brutal, and far worse than the agency communicated to policymakers.”

More suspected terrorists underwent the agency’s post-9/11 treatment, which largely lasted from 2002 to 2006, than the CIA has publicly admitted, according to the report’s findings, which were first reported by McClatchy. Last week, committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein of California stated that the Senate investigated the cases of 100 detainees – dozens more than previously known to have gone through the CIA’s so-called “interrogation, detention and rendition” programs.

In addition to misleading policymakers, the Senate report charges the CIA with selectively and leaking classified and inaccurate information to journalists in order to portray the program in a positive light. …
I think some public hanging of high level officials and middle men in the Intelligence Community would be beneficial. After a trial of course.
It burns out the culture that allows such abuses to happen.

And replaces it with a lynch mob. Whatever you have issue with here is not a capital offense so your call for a trial rings kinda hollow. And you might as well string up any presidents still alive as they all are complicit.
And replaces it with a lynch mob. Whatever you have issue with here is not a capital offense so your call for a trial rings kinda hollow. And you might as well string up any presidents still alive as they all are complicit.

right, because you think we should all just let the government do as they please and be quiet about it.
And replaces it with a lynch mob. Whatever you have issue with here is not a capital offense so your call for a trial rings kinda hollow. And you might as well string up any presidents still alive as they all are complicit.
Are you implying I wouldn't go so far? I've long said we need to institute the charge for Treason of High Office.
My view is this, instead of waterboarding and having half the country up in arms defending poor muslims. We should have just done what they did. If we had made a few videos of cutting a innocent muslims head off slowly chanting JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL. JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL while holding the poor bastards head up for display, then they wouldnt have had anything to bitch about right ?

Or we coulda done what Saddam did with them. We coulda jammed them and their whole families in wood chippers on the public square for all to see. It was very effective for Saddam. There wasn't a known Al-Qaeda in Iraq until we caught Saddam and had him hanged by his neck. Now we hear the joint is crawlin with Al-Qaeda. I reckon that's the unintended consequences of unconstitutionally serving and enforcing UN resolutions, huh?
I think some public hanging of high level officials and middle men in the Intelligence Community would be beneficial. After a trial of course.

Yet, if the muslim fanatics were able to detonate a nuclear device in NYC you and your ilk would be complaining to high heaven about how the intelligence community had failed.

In fact if Clinton had not been so stupid as to tell the Pakistanis that he was sending missles into oasama's camp grounds we very likely would not have had to go through 9/11.

You cannot have it both ways....either we have a tough military and intelligence community or we have weakness and susceptibility to horrific attacks that now thanks to technology even small groups can perpetrate on America.

The military and the intelligence community have a very tough job and fools like you make it even more difficult.
My view is this, instead of waterboarding and having half the country up in arms defending poor muslims. We should have just done what they did. If we had made a few videos of cutting a innocent muslims head off slowly chanting JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL. JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL while holding the poor bastards head up for display, then they wouldnt have had anything to bitch about right ?

But we knew that. We’re back to square one: many Americans knew their government was lying and we were right. The question is: will confirmation that we acted brutally and lawlessly affect the system in any way? Probably not. We torture; we will continue to torture. We are beyond the law and that’s where we want to stay.

The classified study, prepared by the Senate select committee on intelligence, concluded that the CIA’s interrogations, secret detentions and outsourced torture sessions were “brutal, and far worse than the agency communicated to policymakers.”

More suspected terrorists underwent the agency’s post-9/11 treatment, which largely lasted from 2002 to 2006, than the CIA has publicly admitted, according to the report’s findings, which were first reported by McClatchy. Last week, committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein of California stated that the Senate investigated the cases of 100 detainees – dozens more than previously known to have gone through the CIA’s so-called “interrogation, detention and rendition” programs.

In addition to misleading policymakers, the Senate report charges the CIA with selectively and leaking classified and inaccurate information to journalists in order to portray the program in a positive light. …

Did Obama end the water boarding of Navy Seals during training? You do know that they do that don't you? Is that torture?

You are a fool. Hey, but Gitmo is closed and Darla is a Mod. So there is that :)
Yet, if the muslim fanatics were able to detonate a nuclear device in NYC you and your ilk would be complaining to high heaven about how the intelligence community had failed.

In fact if Clinton had not been so stupid as to tell the Pakistanis that he was sending missles into oasama's camp grounds we very likely would not have had to go through 9/11.

You cannot have it both ways....either we have a tough military and intelligence community or we have weakness and susceptibility to horrific attacks that now thanks to technology even small groups can perpetrate on America.

The military and the intelligence community have a very tough job and fools like you make it even more difficult.

Ok there boot, whatever you say.
No one would buy the chanting of Jesus' name in battle because He wasn't a military leader. Part of the reason people rejected Him was perceived uselessness for not being a military champion that could conceivably challenge the Romans in battle.
And replaces it with a lynch mob. Whatever you have issue with here is not a capital offense so your call for a trial rings kinda hollow. And you might as well string up any presidents still alive as they all are complicit.

No, it doesn't ring hollow. That is the sound your head would make.
Where did you come up with lynch mob?
Politicians are above the law?
Why do I waste my time reading your flatulum?