It will be broadcast on CSPAN...


Staff member
How many times did he say it?

[ame=""]YouTube- President Obama Making C-SPAN Promise 8 Separate Times[/ame]
It's beat; he made the promise, and he's President. There is no excuse for not finding a way to do this...
It's beat; he made the promise, and he's President. There is no excuse for not finding a way to do this...

At this point, there are two choices: a process televised on C-SPAN that produces no bill or the standard practice that produces a bill that can pass. It seems to me that everyone involved has decided the latter is the preferred option. I imagine that if the White House asked Pelosi and Reid to televise the negotiations they told the WH to fuck off if they actually want a bill. It'll be hard enough to get a bill that will pass both houses without adding the extra complication of televised negotiations.

And for those that want to call me an apologist, I've already conceded that Obama was completely full of shit on the C-SPAN thing. I agree with you. I'm just examining why he hasn't pressured Congress into televising the negotiations.
Even worse, he doesn't have the excuse of only being an executive previous and therefore not knowing the regular process.

Of course this bill isn't going through the regular process, because if it did they'd have to allow Rs to actually put forward amendments which would force further votes which would then likely be on CSPAN....
At this point, there are two choices: a process televised on C-SPAN that produces no bill or the standard practice that produces a bill that can pass. It seems to me that everyone involved has decided the latter is the preferred option. I imagine that if the White House asked Pelosi and Reid to televise the negotiations they told the WH to fuck off if they actually want a bill. It'll be hard enough to get a bill that will pass both houses without adding the extra complication of televised negotiations.

And for those that want to call me an apologist, I've already conceded that Obama was completely full of shit on the C-SPAN thing. I agree with you. I'm just examining why he hasn't pressured Congress into televising the negotiations.

Let's put this in a language y'all can understand:

B. Hussein Obama lied through his effin' teeth.
Even worse, he doesn't have the excuse of only being an executive previous and therefore not knowing the regular process.

Of course this bill isn't going through the regular process, because if it did they'd have to allow Rs to actually put forward amendments which would force further votes which would then likely be on CSPAN....

How is the bill not going through the standard process? You just keep making shit up. Stop. You have no idea what you are talking about.
How is the bill not going through the standard process? You just keep making shit up. Stop. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Tell me about the Conference Committee and how that process normally goes.

You keep making up excuses. Stop.

This is legislation that will effect lifetimes, it needs a bit more light.
There are a variety of way for bills to be reconciled. The conference committee process is merely one of them.
It is the one that is most often used and therefore the "regular process", especially for such long-reaching legislation. Basically you are saying I didn't make anything up... Thanks for admitting your criticism of my statement was unwarranted.
It is the one that is most often used and therefore the "regular process", especially for such long-reaching legislation. Basically you are saying I didn't make anything up... Thanks for admitting your criticism of my statement was unwarranted.

Yeah, I was just trying to get a rise outta ya! They're ping-ponging it and for good reason.
Yeah, I was just trying to get a rise outta ya! They're ping-ponging it and for good reason.
That depends. If it were actually popular I'd think they were shutting out the other party in order to take the credit. But it appears as if they know they're going to take a hit in power and are desperate to pass this one thing before they lose a chunk of seats in November, no matter how ugly it is when it finally passes or how it doesn't actually do what the stated goal was....

According to the CBO, in 2019 millions will still be uncovered and there will likely be another candidate running on the "coverage crisis" as DC will likely still be ignoring the actual cost crisis.
That depends. If it were actually popular I'd think they were shutting out the other party in order to take the credit. But it appears as if they know they're going to take a hit in power and are desperate to pass this one thing before they lose a chunk of seats in November, no matter how ugly it is when it finally passes or how it doesn't actually do what the stated goal was....

According to the CBO, in 2019 millions will still be uncovered and there will likely be another candidate running on the "coverage crisis" as DC will likely still be ignoring the actual cost crisis.

They're shutting out the other party because whatever the bill ends up being the Demcorats will own entirely themselves and no Republican will vote in favor of it. That being the case, they might as well craft the best bill they can while giving the Republicans as few opportunities as possible to fuck with it.

Personally, if I knew I was going to end up being solely responsible for something, I wouldn't let anyone else get their hands on my finished product, either.
Personally, I'd be embarrassed to belong to this party that is still hell bent on shoving this bill through with a majority of the American people against it...that is why the Democrats have become the Communist party of the United and Obama has become Hugo chavez Obama..
The Dude would not watch unless he was so ripped as to not want to get up for the remote. Now how the channel would ever stop on C-Span I got no plausable excuse for that