Its a win-win for Democrats!

But then Joe wouldn't need the dem party so anymore and could vote any way he wished/ But you do make a funny point. all the libs are excited because the beat who????? a long term democrat! LOL That is funny.
i love this

"I am, of course, disappointed by the results, but I am not discouraged," Lieberman said. "I'm disappointed not just because I lost but because the old politics of partisan polarization won today

its not partisan politics when its the same party... lol its called a difference of ideas.
Ha, beat you to it. :D

Nah, my point is... If Lieberman runs as an Independant, there still is no shot for an R there as they have nobody that stands any shot whatsoever running. It will still be a race between two Democrats....
The winner was going to be Democrat anyway. The Rs had nobody...
True, but there are Demcrats and then there are Democrats. More to the point, there are Democrats who simply pander to what they perceive as the center -- i.e. where most of the votes are -- and then there are Democrats who stake out a position on ideals.

You know what's gotten really distorted in American political discourse of the past 40 years? The definition of "moderate" and, along with it, the related definitions of "compromise" and "statesmanship."

Too many people think that being "moderate" means eschewing all ideas that aren't common or controversial. To too many it seems that people out in the flats of the bell curve have to be kept from any representation in government. That's unadulterated bullshit.

Moderation in government does not mean electing only moderates. It's up to the representatives to reach compromises despite their disparate positions. That's their job. That's what government is all about. They have to hammer out the difficult compromises, the ones that lots of people aren't going to like.

We, for our parts, have to accept those compromises.
More competition within the Democratic party = a stronger Democratic party!
So why did they put forward a "show of agreement" (as they called it) in CO where they wouldn't allow any Primary Challengers?
It is funny how the attack lieberman and not the other dem supporters of the war. And by who/////////////Lamont, a trust fund baby, who has shown his lies by attacking Wal mart when he owns major stock in the company, who says he knows nothing of blogs when his support is Moveon and DailyKos and he put black face Lieberman on the web sites..........Nice pick! LOL