It's going to be a long 3 1/2 more years!

All I can see on the horizon, is more liberal whine about how things going in the crapper faster than a spoiled burrito, are not Obama's fault, he inherited it from Bush. Obama's approval rating is going down faster than DonQ without his Viagra prescription, and he is throwing a Luau at the White House. Yes... bombings are on the increase in Iraq as our departure is anticipated, people are being slaughtered in the streets by a radical Islamic tyrant in Iran, the nut in North Korea is playing with nukes and talking about resuming hostilities in the world's longest cease fire agreement... We're completely broke, but spending a trillion dollars to (if theory is correct) lower global temperatures by .024 Fahrenheit by 2100! We are going to spend another couple trillion "fixing" health care, and turning it into the DMV, while putting hundreds of thousands out of work, only to add to the millions being put out of work through all the other "Kneecap Our Trade" insanity being 'fast tracked' by the liberals.... and the Obama's are doing the hula dance in the Rose Garden.

"No one making over $250k per year will see a tax increase!"
Do you all remember that crock of bullshit? Well, now we're finding out the truth... no, you won't have a "TAX" increase, but you will be paying twice as much for electricity, gas, cigarettes, booze, food... and whatever else we can regulate!

.....And now we start to hear the Liberals complain about Obama being criticized. We knew it was coming, but I figured it would take a couple of years at least. I figured his 'honeymoon' might last a year or so, and the mainstream in-the-tank media would cut him some slack for while, and we wouldn't really see any harsh criticisms of Obama until 2010 at least. But here it is... the first real serious questions about Obama policies, and whether they are helping or hurting, and the Libs are wanting to start the whine!

Let's get something straight.... OBAMA campaigned and ran for the office of the President of the United States. He did so on the promise that he could fix the problems, he had the answers and solutions, and his ideas were better than those of his opponents. He was also given the amazing gift of a Congress controlled by his party! This is why people voted for Obama and why he won the election, and ultimately the criteria he will be judged on. Now if you think it has gotten tough for Obama, you are in for a really rude awakening, because you ain't seen nothing yet.

Since you are already playing the "whine about bush" card, I kinda doubt it will be doing the trick for ya in 2010. I think the people will get real tired of that one real fast, and by 2010, if you still want to hide behind the Bush legacy for cover, you will go down in flames.
All I can see on the horizon, is more liberal whine about how things going in the crapper faster than a spoiled burrito, are not Obama's fault, he inherited it from Bush. Obama's approval rating is going down faster than DonQ without his Viagra prescription, and he is throwing a Luau at the White House. Yes... bombings are on the increase in Iraq as our departure is anticipated, people are being slaughtered in the streets by a radical Islamic tyrant in Iran, the nut in North Korea is playing with nukes and talking about resuming hostilities in the world's longest cease fire agreement... We're completely broke, but spending a trillion dollars to (if theory is correct) lower global temperatures by .024 Fahrenheit by 2100! We are going to spend another couple trillion "fixing" health care, and turning it into the DMV, while putting hundreds of thousands out of work, only to add to the millions being put out of work through all the other "Kneecap Our Trade" insanity being 'fast tracked' by the liberals.... and the Obama's are doing the hula dance in the Rose Garden.

"No one making over $250k per year will see a tax increase!"
Do you all remember that crock of bullshit? Well, now we're finding out the truth... no, you won't have a "TAX" increase, but you will be paying twice as much for electricity, gas, cigarettes, booze, food... and whatever else we can regulate!

.....And now we start to hear the Liberals complain about Obama being criticized. We knew it was coming, but I figured it would take a couple of years at least. I figured his 'honeymoon' might last a year or so, and the mainstream in-the-tank media would cut him some slack for while, and we wouldn't really see any harsh criticisms of Obama until 2010 at least. But here it is... the first real serious questions about Obama policies, and whether they are helping or hurting, and the Libs are wanting to start the whine!

Let's get something straight.... OBAMA campaigned and ran for the office of the President of the United States. He did so on the promise that he could fix the problems, he had the answers and solutions, and his ideas were better than those of his opponents. He was also given the amazing gift of a Congress controlled by his party! This is why people voted for Obama and why he won the election, and ultimately the criteria he will be judged on. Now if you think it has gotten tough for Obama, you are in for a really rude awakening, because you ain't seen nothing yet.

Since you are already playing the "whine about bush" card, I kinda doubt it will be doing the trick for ya in 2010. I think the people will get real tired of that one real fast, and by 2010, if you still want to hide behind the Bush legacy for cover, you will go down in flames.

That's funny.

You say President Obama "campaigned...on the promise that he could fix the problems, he had the answers and solutions, and his ideas were better than those of his opponents."

Yet nowhere do you mention the part where Obama said fixing those self same problems MIGHT TAKE YEARS TO SOLVE.

How come you don't "remember" that part of his promise??

Because you don't want to?
That's funny.

You say President Obama "campaigned...on the promise that he could fix the problems, he had the answers and solutions, and his ideas were better than those of his opponents."

Yet nowhere do you mention the part where Obama said fixing those self same problems MIGHT TAKE YEARS TO SOLVE.

How come you don't "remember" that part of his promise??

Because you don't want to?

Well I guess it's too bad you don't get decades and centuries to implement change. People vote every 4 years for president and every 2 years for congress, and as long as that has been going on, their votes to re-elect are largely dependent upon what was done the previous term. Since it appears Obama's agenda is not going to turn things around by 2010, I am pretty sure the people will hold him accountable. Certainly by 2012, the people are going to be expecting some results from Hope and Change, and if it isn't forthcoming, they aren't going to listen to your excuses.

If our objective were to blame everything on Bush and continue spiraling into the toilet, we could have elected Paris Hilton's little dog! We didn't need Obama to continue in economic free fall, out of control inflation and unemployment. We could have elected anyone to preside over that! Obama was elected to FIX THE PROBLEMS, not blame them on Bush!
Well I guess it's too bad you don't get decades and centuries to implement change. People vote every 4 years for president and every 2 years for congress, and as long as that has been going on, their votes to re-elect are largely dependent upon what was done the previous term. Since it appears Obama's agenda is not going to turn things around by 2010, I am pretty sure the people will hold him accountable. Certainly by 2012, the people are going to be expecting some results from Hope and Change, and if it isn't forthcoming, they aren't going to listen to your excuses.

If our objective were to blame everything on Bush and continue spiraling into the toilet, we could have elected Paris Hilton's little dog! We didn't need Obama to continue in economic free fall, out of control inflation and unemployment. We could have elected anyone to preside over that! Obama was elected to FIX THE PROBLEMS, not blame them on Bush!



You aren't even willing to give Obama a full year.


You aren't even willing to give Obama a full year.

Oh, I didn't even want to give Obama one day! I knew it would be a disaster.

We're not talking about whether DIXIE is going to re-elect Obama or vote for Democrats, we're talking about Americans in general. Pointing to me and blaming me for not giving Obama a fair chance, is not going to justify his failures to the American public, I am sorry. It doesn't work any better than blaming George Bush, because the people know and understand, we are not in charge, Obama has free reign and a willing Congress... there is no excuse if he fails.

Come November of 2010, if unemployment remains high, if the economy is still struggling, or if things get worse in any way, Obama will be blamed for it, like it or not... fair or not... that is how the electorate is in America. Now Obama remains personally popular, so there is some hope for him... but the direction his party and he are taking us, is not popular at all, and if the early results are dismal, you are in a world of political trouble.
It's always fun to be privy to what your brain comes up with as a coping mechanism.

I have almost no doubt whatsoever that Obama will win re-election handily in 2012, so yes, YOU are in for a long 7+ years, and probably more than that, because Republicans seem hell-bent on becoming a permanent minority party.

Did you see last week where a majority of economists now think the recession will end this year? How cool is that? The quick turnaround probably happened in spite of Obama's policies and not because of them, though...right, Dix?

You better gear up for heightened spin mode. You have really earned the years you're about to put in...
Man, just when I thought this board was getting boring Obama gets elected and the conservos check into the nut house. As soon as this economy turns around, they're going to go super crazy trying to spin out of it.
Did you see last week where a majority of economists now think the recession will end this year?

No, I missed that propaganda piece. Was it like the poll which showed the majority of Americans trust the Democrats to handle the economic crisis... only it was skewed 75% Democrat?

I've gone on record myself as saying the economy will briefly get better, it can't help but get better with the trillions of dollars being pumped into it, but this is temporary. Once all of that stimulus money is absorbed, the economy will go right back to where it was before, or worse, because you will have inflation, and we know taxes will increase.

Now you will all be busy having orgasms, and thinking it's because of Obama's policies the economy is turning around. Perhaps it will all work in harmony with the election cycle, and you can dupe people into believing it was Obama who saved the day, but eventually America will discover you mortgaged the house to place one more bet at the track, and your pony ain't coming in.
Do the math Dixie it is not 3.5 more years. The new president take office when?
the election is held when?
Either way it is not 3.5 years.

More like 3.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
The economy will be way better come 2011. And racist mutha fuckers like dixtard will have been crying for 4 yrs. Bush got to much blame and Obama will get to much credit. To which I say the Nazi's time had come and so has the neocon republicans. Obama wins by a larger margin over a weaker than Mcain sacraficial lamb.