It's Not An 'Angry Black Man" Thing


Really, it isn't. Honest:

A YouTube video mash-up that attacks Barack Obama on issues relating to his patriotism that has rocketed around the Internet in recent days was created in part by a prominent conservative talk radio producer.

"Is Obama Wright" splices together the most inflammatory language of Jeremiah Wright with a series of other issues that have arisen in the campaign, all of which have been fodder for a series of emails that question Obama's loyalty to the country.


Rather the incendiary video -- which also includes footage of Malcolm X, the U.S. Olympians who raised their hand in the black power salute and the song "Fight the Power" -- is in part the amateur work of Lee Habeeb.

A former producer of the Laura Ingraham Show, Habeeb is the director of strategic content at Salem Radio Network, the conservative talk radio powerhouse that airs programs hosted by figures such as Bill Bennett and Hugh Hewitt


Habeeb declined to reveal the identity of his co-producers, but did say that they are "conservatives who happen to be in media world" and are not working for any campaign. One, he said, works in film and the other is involved in crafting ads.


And despite the inclusion of Malcolm X, the black Olympians and a rap song by Public Enemy, Habeeb claimed he was not being suggestive.

"I didn’t do this to make him like a scary black man."

Of course not.
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This is digusting. But, I knew this was coming.

You could almost sense the glee within rightwing media, and wingnut message board posters when this Pastor thing broke. Seriously, you could almost sense how giddy bush voters were. What were they going to debate, and run a campaign on? Iraq? The economy? Healthcare? LOL

No, no. This was their meal ticket: incendiary videos and tapes of "black power" activists, a racuous black preacher, and allegations of anti-americanism from Obama. All tied to SKIN COLOR, of course.

I am digusting. But, you knew this was coming.

I could almost sense the glee within liberal media, and liberal message board posters when this Pastor thing broke. Seriously, you could almost sense how giddy Obama voters were. What were they going to debate, and run a campaign on? Iraq? The economy? Healthcare? LOL Hell no our race card thingee..we are masters at deceit!

Yes,yes. This is our meal ticket: incendiary videos and tapes of "black power" activists, a racuous black preacher, and allegations of anti-americanism from Obama. All tied to SKIN COLOR, of course.

we are disgusting.

I just dont understand what people are affraid of. What is it they think is going to happen if they elect someone who understands the black anger that does exsist in this country?

Will the time and space collapse?

Will he give give all the cabinet seats to the bloods and the crips?

Will he call for reparations to begin and give a trillion dollars of our tax money to the blacks in this country. (this would actually be better for the country than to give Iraq a trillion dollars of our money and leave tens of thousands of Iraqi dead and millions hating us for destroying their country, at least the money would be a stimulus to OUR country).

Black people are just too scary.

When they get angry and dont sing and dance a constant stream of praise for this coutnry do people get scared?

When you have a father which treated you like shit yet did feed you and give you a bed you Love them but you can not pretend he was the best thing to ever exsist.

Wake up people they have a completely reasonable set of historical reasons to question Americas shiny shiny image in the mind of many who claim this country is infalable.

America has NEVER been perfect and its the ones who remind us of our flaws who are truely trying to make this country live up to its full potential.

Its time to face the facts and say Yes my dad did feed and clothe me but he never lived up to his potential as a human being because he lowered himself by striking out at me to make himself feel taller.

They are America, they are as American as appple pie. They were just the red headed step child which reminded us that they were not here by choice but are here because We stole his Mom from her first husband. They have been treated pretty shitty by America for generations. 40 acres and a mule never really panned out. I wonder what the black community in this country would look like today if that had actually happened?

hen there was things like the Tuskegee airmen. Bright young men willing to fight and die for their country. American as apple pie....Used like lab animals and set up to go home and infect their families with disease. How many babies were infected at birth due to this shit? Babies of American men willing to fight and die for their country.

Grab a clue! They have good logical reasons not to fully trust every Aim of their shared America.

Think of how we revere the holocaust survivors. Why do we not revere the survivors of the slavery, Tuskegee or any of the completetly blameless people who were treated in such a completetly evil manner????

Because it was OUR failing. It was OUR country. Not us No we would have scream out and said "dont do that shit in my name". Does it mean that because it was not me that did this to them that their realitives and surviving family members need to forget it and pretend it is NOT part of their family heritage? Do they need to scrub their minds of their family history and replace it with a shiney pretty image which is a lie? How many of you are proud that your great grandfather came here with nothing in his pocket and within one generation he built with his own sweat and hard work a grocery store which feed three generations of his family? Hell yeah you will NEVER forget his story and will tell it to your childern so they have a sense of scarafice and pride in the stock of hard scrable people they are from.

Now realize that many families have a different history. One day my great great grandfather was 15 and tending the crops for his father when some Men he had never seen before took him and forced him to walk for five days. He was then placed in the hold of a ship and never saw even one of his family ever again. He nearly died of the sickness on the way accrossed the big ocean. When the ship found land he walked off it in chains and from that day on He was never allowed to own anything. He worked and worked and worked. He worked till he would fall asleep within mintues of laying in the hay next to the cow in the barn. He looked forward to the food he was given as the only small pleasure in his day. He did this for 45 years until he died of an poorly attended injury which lead to an infection.

Yes a made up story but there are many like it which are true. While your great grandfather Earned everything he worked for My grandfather worked just as hard and every momment knowing he would NEVER see any improvement in his life or his childrens life yet it did seem to make the man who owned him very wealthy.

Why do black people not have the right to be angry for their great great grandfathers injustices.

I am Proud of my dirt poor Irish heritage. They had nothing and were starving so they came here. They worked hard and made their way accrossed the country until they found a little piece of heaven in Kansas and proceeded to settle in and farm and drink , then drink some more , forget to farm and drink some more. This kinda went on until when my grandma and grandpa were in there mid teens in the same town looked arround and both their families were non exsistant. There they were two teenagers who said to each other What the hell lets get married and be each others family. They hated drink so much they never did drink. They had my dad and a couple of daughters and My Dad proceeded to drink.

I can make up a much prettier story to tell people but why?

This is the truth. This is real life.

If I just tried to forget it all I would never retain the messages of this real life story. I would cheat the bravery of the two teenagers who looked arround themselves and said "WTF you want to get married?". They made the best of it. The only problem was that alcoholism is more than just the damage of the actual drug. Its coldness that growing up in a house were people dont function in an emotionally healthy way.

Slavery did the same thing to families. They were growing up since children in a family were there was a master and a bunch of slaves. The societal problems you see in the black communtity are part and parcel of this generational specture.

Many black families have surpassed this ghost. Just like my ancestors were slaves of alcohol and could not let that bottle go until my brave teenage grandparents made the connection for themselves some families have people who still slip back just like my Dad did.

I loved my Dad. Hes gone now but he sure was a dick to me. I have worked hard in my life not to let him pass his ghost onto me. I also remind my Son that this ghost will try to haunt him too and to be very careful.

Please people understand what you see when you see the reverand saying the things you think are crazy ass Hate America shit that it is therapy to remember the ghosts and to keep them in there place IN HISTORY and to make people strong to the idea those ghosts will not be allowed back into our family.

The reverand does not hate America just like I dont hate my Dad. He just cant lie and pretend America was this shiny perfect ideal place. No more than I can pretend my dad hugged me and told me I was the joy of his life. I wish it were true and the Rev also wishes America was shiny perfect and Ideal but only remembering how it ruins things when it fails to live to its potential is what will move it to its potential.

I cant change my Dad , hes dead now.

We can change America in fact we will have to change America or it will die.

So if you insist Pile the hate on and pretend there is only one way to see this.

Or maybe you can be like my teenaged grandparents who said Hey you want to be each others family?
Way too much..............

I just dont understand what people are affraid of. What is it they think is going to happen if they elect someone who understands the black anger that does exsist in this country?

Will the time and space collapse?

Will he give give all the cabinet seats to the bloods and the crips?

Will he call for reparations to begin and give a trillion dollars of our tax money to the blacks in this country. (this would actually be better for the country than to give Iraq a trillion dollars of our money and leave tens of thousands of Iraqi dead and millions hating us for destroying their country, at least the money would be a stimulus to OUR country).

Black people are just too scary.

When they get angry and dont sing and dance a constant stream of praise for this coutnry do people get scared?

When you have a father which treated you like shit yet did feed you and give you a bed you Love them but you can not pretend he was the best thing to ever exsist.

Wake up people they have a completely reasonable set of historical reasons to question Americas shiny shiny image in the mind of many who claim this country is infalable.

America has NEVER been perfect and its the ones who remind us of our flaws who are truely trying to make this country live up to its full potential.

Its time to face the facts and say Yes my dad did feed and clothe me but he never lived up to his potential as a human being because he lowered himself by striking out at me to make himself feel taller.

They are America, they are as American as appple pie. They were just the red headed step child which reminded us that they were not here by choice but are here because We stole his Mom from her first husband. They have been treated pretty shitty by America for generations. 40 acres and a mule never really panned out. I wonder what the black community in this country would look like today if that had actually happened?

hen there was things like the Tuskegee airmen. Bright young men willing to fight and die for their country. American as apple pie....Used like lab animals and set up to go home and infect their families with disease. How many babies were infected at birth due to this shit? Babies of American men willing to fight and die for their country.

Grab a clue! They have good logical reasons not to fully trust every Aim of their shared America.

Think of how we revere the holocaust survivors. Why do we not revere the survivors of the slavery, Tuskegee or any of the completetly blameless people who were treated in such a completetly evil manner????

Because it was OUR failing. It was OUR country. Not us No we would have scream out and said "dont do that shit in my name". Does it mean that because it was not me that did this to them that their realitives and surviving family members need to forget it and pretend it is NOT part of their family heritage? Do they need to scrub their minds of their family history and replace it with a shiney pretty image which is a lie? How many of you are proud that your great grandfather came here with nothing in his pocket and within one generation he built with his own sweat and hard work a grocery store which feed three generations of his family? Hell yeah you will NEVER forget his story and will tell it to your childern so they have a sense of scarafice and pride in the stock of hard scrable people they are from.

Now realize that many families have a different history. One day my great great grandfather was 15 and tending the crops for his father when some Men he had never seen before took him and forced him to walk for five days. He was then placed in the hold of a ship and never saw even one of his family ever again. He nearly died of the sickness on the way accrossed the big ocean. When the ship found land he walked off it in chains and from that day on He was never allowed to own anything. He worked and worked and worked. He worked till he would fall asleep within mintues of laying in the hay next to the cow in the barn. He looked forward to the food he was given as the only small pleasure in his day. He did this for 45 years until he died of an poorly attended injury which lead to an infection.

Yes a made up story but there are many like it which are true. While your great grandfather Earned everything he worked for My grandfather worked just as hard and every momment knowing he would NEVER see any improvement in his life or his childrens life yet it did seem to make the man who owned him very wealthy.

Why do black people not have the right to be angry for their great great grandfathers injustices.

I am Proud of my dirt poor Irish heritage. They had nothing and were starving so they came here. They worked hard and made their way accrossed the country until they found a little piece of heaven in Kansas and proceeded to settle in and farm and drink , then drink some more , forget to farm and drink some more. This kinda went on until when my grandma and grandpa were in there mid teens in the same town looked arround and both their families were non exsistant. There they were two teenagers who said to each other What the hell lets get married and be each others family. They hated drink so much they never did drink. They had my dad and a couple of daughters and My Dad proceeded to drink.

I can make up a much prettier story to tell people but why?

This is the truth. This is real life.

If I just tried to forget it all I would never retain the messages of this real life story. I would cheat the bravery of the two teenagers who looked arround themselves and said "WTF you want to get married?". They made the best of it. The only problem was that alcoholism is more than just the damage of the actual drug. Its coldness that growing up in a house were people dont function in an emotionally healthy way.

Slavery did the same thing to families. They were growing up since children in a family were there was a master and a bunch of slaves. The societal problems you see in the black communtity are part and parcel of this generational specture.

Many black families have surpassed this ghost. Just like my ancestors were slaves of alcohol and could not let that bottle go until my brave teenage grandparents made the connection for themselves some families have people who still slip back just like my Dad did.

I loved my Dad. Hes gone now but he sure was a dick to me. I have worked hard in my life not to let him pass his ghost onto me. I also remind my Son that this ghost will try to haunt him too and to be very careful.

Please people understand what you see when you see the reverand saying the things you think are crazy ass Hate America shit that it is therapy to remember the ghosts and to keep them in there place IN HISTORY and to make people strong to the idea those ghosts will not be allowed back into our family.

The reverand does not hate America just like I dont hate my Dad. He just cant lie and pretend America was this shiny perfect ideal place. No more than I can pretend my dad hugged me and told me I was the joy of his life. I wish it were true and the Rev also wishes America was shiny perfect and Ideal but only remembering how it ruins things when it fails to live to its potential is what will move it to its potential.

I cant change my Dad , hes dead now.

We can change America in fact we will have to change America or it will die.

So if you insist Pile the hate on and pretend there is only one way to see this.

Or maybe you can be like my teenaged grandparents who said Hey you want to be each others family?

Valium going on in this diatribe!:rolleyes:
I just dont understand what people are affraid of. What is it they think is going to happen if they elect someone who understands the black anger that does exsist in this country?

Will the time and space collapse?

Will he give give all the cabinet seats to the bloods and the crips?

Will he call for reparations to begin and give a trillion dollars of our tax money to the blacks in this country. (this would actually be better for the country than to give Iraq a trillion dollars of our money and leave tens of thousands of Iraqi dead and millions hating us for destroying their country, at least the money would be a stimulus to OUR country).

Black people are just too scary.

When they get angry and dont sing and dance a constant stream of praise for this coutnry do people get scared?

When you have a father which treated you like shit yet did feed you and give you a bed you Love them but you can not pretend he was the best thing to ever exsist.

Wake up people they have a completely reasonable set of historical reasons to question Americas shiny shiny image in the mind of many who claim this country is infalable.

America has NEVER been perfect and its the ones who remind us of our flaws who are truely trying to make this country live up to its full potential.

Its time to face the facts and say Yes my dad did feed and clothe me but he never lived up to his potential as a human being because he lowered himself by striking out at me to make himself feel taller.

They are America, they are as American as appple pie. They were just the red headed step child which reminded us that they were not here by choice but are here because We stole his Mom from her first husband. They have been treated pretty shitty by America for generations. 40 acres and a mule never really panned out. I wonder what the black community in this country would look like today if that had actually happened?

hen there was things like the Tuskegee airmen. Bright young men willing to fight and die for their country. American as apple pie....Used like lab animals and set up to go home and infect their families with disease. How many babies were infected at birth due to this shit? Babies of American men willing to fight and die for their country.

Grab a clue! They have good logical reasons not to fully trust every Aim of their shared America.

Think of how we revere the holocaust survivors. Why do we not revere the survivors of the slavery, Tuskegee or any of the completetly blameless people who were treated in such a completetly evil manner????

Because it was OUR failing. It was OUR country. Not us No we would have scream out and said "dont do that shit in my name". Does it mean that because it was not me that did this to them that their realitives and surviving family members need to forget it and pretend it is NOT part of their family heritage? Do they need to scrub their minds of their family history and replace it with a shiney pretty image which is a lie? How many of you are proud that your great grandfather came here with nothing in his pocket and within one generation he built with his own sweat and hard work a grocery store which feed three generations of his family? Hell yeah you will NEVER forget his story and will tell it to your childern so they have a sense of scarafice and pride in the stock of hard scrable people they are from.

Now realize that many families have a different history. One day my great great grandfather was 15 and tending the crops for his father when some Men he had never seen before took him and forced him to walk for five days. He was then placed in the hold of a ship and never saw even one of his family ever again. He nearly died of the sickness on the way accrossed the big ocean. When the ship found land he walked off it in chains and from that day on He was never allowed to own anything. He worked and worked and worked. He worked till he would fall asleep within mintues of laying in the hay next to the cow in the barn. He looked forward to the food he was given as the only small pleasure in his day. He did this for 45 years until he died of an poorly attended injury which lead to an infection.

Yes a made up story but there are many like it which are true. While your great grandfather Earned everything he worked for My grandfather worked just as hard and every momment knowing he would NEVER see any improvement in his life or his childrens life yet it did seem to make the man who owned him very wealthy.

Why do black people not have the right to be angry for their great great grandfathers injustices.

I am Proud of my dirt poor Irish heritage. They had nothing and were starving so they came here. They worked hard and made their way accrossed the country until they found a little piece of heaven in Kansas and proceeded to settle in and farm and drink , then drink some more , forget to farm and drink some more. This kinda went on until when my grandma and grandpa were in there mid teens in the same town looked arround and both their families were non exsistant. There they were two teenagers who said to each other What the hell lets get married and be each others family. They hated drink so much they never did drink. They had my dad and a couple of daughters and My Dad proceeded to drink.

I can make up a much prettier story to tell people but why?

This is the truth. This is real life.

If I just tried to forget it all I would never retain the messages of this real life story. I would cheat the bravery of the two teenagers who looked arround themselves and said "WTF you want to get married?". They made the best of it. The only problem was that alcoholism is more than just the damage of the actual drug. Its coldness that growing up in a house were people dont function in an emotionally healthy way.

Slavery did the same thing to families. They were growing up since children in a family were there was a master and a bunch of slaves. The societal problems you see in the black communtity are part and parcel of this generational specture.

Many black families have surpassed this ghost. Just like my ancestors were slaves of alcohol and could not let that bottle go until my brave teenage grandparents made the connection for themselves some families have people who still slip back just like my Dad did.

I loved my Dad. Hes gone now but he sure was a dick to me. I have worked hard in my life not to let him pass his ghost onto me. I also remind my Son that this ghost will try to haunt him too and to be very careful.

Please people understand what you see when you see the reverand saying the things you think are crazy ass Hate America shit that it is therapy to remember the ghosts and to keep them in there place IN HISTORY and to make people strong to the idea those ghosts will not be allowed back into our family.

The reverand does not hate America just like I dont hate my Dad. He just cant lie and pretend America was this shiny perfect ideal place. No more than I can pretend my dad hugged me and told me I was the joy of his life. I wish it were true and the Rev also wishes America was shiny perfect and Ideal but only remembering how it ruins things when it fails to live to its potential is what will move it to its potential.

I cant change my Dad , hes dead now.

We can change America in fact we will have to change America or it will die.

So if you insist Pile the hate on and pretend there is only one way to see this.

Or maybe you can be like my teenaged grandparents who said Hey you want to be each others family?

VERY well said Desh.

Here's the thing. You know this, I know this, most liberal and tolerant people know this.

Even some of the smart and educated Conservative bush voters know this: It's entirely possible to be angry at many of the institutions and social injustices of your country. And yet, still be a decent person; a person who spends countless hours serving your community and your fellow citizens.

But, to inject the "fear of the black man" into the campaign, is just too tempting for Bush voters. They know its a lie, but you can see how giddy they've become using the angry black man bullsh*t. I mean, I could tell for months that they couldn't wait to jump on this.

Because, they know they'd lose the election if it was a referendum on Iraq, on the economy, and on Republican stewardship of the country.
who is them? white people? you say you're white. do you have ghosts?

Why dont you read what I wrote?

The point is we all have ghosts cawacko. I think the ghosts of many are involved.

The southern white man will say I did nothing. But he knows that his great grandfather benifited from slavery even if they did not own slaves. This is why the ghosts are so thick in the south. There are places in the south where the black and white people get along just fine and others where they dont. It would be interesting to study the two and see just why dont you think?

I truely think that some have dealt with their ghosts and others just deny they exsist.America is still pretending they dont exsist and Obama is asking us to face our ghosts. Please lets just face them?
VERY well said Desh.

Here's the thing. You know this, I know this, most liberal and tolerant people know this.

Even some of the smart and educated Conservative bush voters know this: It's entirely possible to be angry at many of the institutions and social injustices of your country. And yet, still be a decent person; a person who spends countless hours serving your community and your fellow citizens.

But, to inject the "fear of the black man" into the campaign, is just too tempting for Bush voters. They know its a lie, but you can see how giddy they've become using the angry black man bullsh*t. I mean, I could tell for months that they couldn't wait to jump on this.

Because, they know they'd lose the election if it was a referendum on Iraq, on the economy, and on Republican stewardship of the country.

Thanks Cy , this is why Obamas speech made me cry. There certain things about the black experience that sound so familiar to me as the child of an alcoholic man who had a deep family history of alcohol.
Why dont you read what I wrote?

The point is we all have ghosts cawacko. I think the ghosts of many are involved.

The southern white man will say I did nothing. But he knows that his great grandfather benifited from slavery even if they did not own slaves. This is why the ghosts are so thick in the south. There are places in the south where the black and white people get along just fine and others where they dont. It would be interesting to study the two and see just why dont you think?

I truely think that some have dealt with their ghosts and others just deny they exsist.America is still pretending they dont exsist and Obama is asking us to face our ghosts. Please lets just face them?

Do we face them by voting for Obama? You can argue America has tried to face them with certan policies such as AA.

As Obama also said there are a lot of immigrants in this country who are not white or have just recently arrived in America that don't have ghosts.
why are you afraid citizen?

I am not afrid to vote for a Black president. I do however feel trepidation and such if I venture into a black Ghetto....Kinda a statistical thing there though.

Most fear change and difference.
then there are those who have to belittle others to build themselves up.
Or blame all their troubles on the blacks, hispanics, irish, you name it.
Rascism does not come from just one cause.
Do we face them by voting for Obama? You can argue America has tried to face them with certan policies such as AA.

As Obama also said there are a lot of immigrants in this country who are not white or have just recently arrived in America that don't have ghosts.

Vote for who you think is the best person for the job.

Dont tear down this country with false outrage concocted to dismiss the fact that America can only be the shining city city on the hill if we face the real history of our countrys stumbles. We can be the shining city on the hill if we face the facts and heal the wounds.

We as a country have harmed some of our own citizens and embracing the facts will move us forward.

Insisting that facts get glossed over will kill us.
I am not afrid to vote for a Black president. I do however feel trepidation and such if I venture into a black Ghetto....Kinda a statistical thing there though.

Most fear change and difference.
then there are those who have to belittle others to build themselves up.
Or blame all their troubles on the blacks, hispanics, irish, you name it.
Rascism does not come from just one cause.

I would vote for a black President in a heartbeat (assuming I supported his positions and so forth).

I not so wisely have little fear of going into black ghetto's. It was something I experienced in high school and it gave me a familarity in which I feel I will be safe. Not a real smart attitude to have. I actually get more afraid when I'm out in the sticks. The quiet unnerves me. Must be a city thing.
I would vote for a black President in a heartbeat (assuming I supported his positions and so forth).

I not so wisely have little fear of going into black ghetto's. It was something I experienced in high school and it gave me a familarity in which I feel I will be safe. Not a real smart attitude to have. I actually get more afraid when I'm out in the sticks. The quiet unnerves me. Must be a city thing.

Squeal city boy!!!!

Anyway, I have gone into black areas in NYC and Newark and emerged ok. Much to the amazement of my co workers. Seems many in there think hillbillys are nuts and will kill em or something.
I am still uneasy though.
Im apprehensive going into any area where the people have desperation in their hearts and poverty biting at their heals.

Its not the color of the people, its who we religate to these areas of desperation in our country by ignoring the causes of desperation and poverty.