It's Not Personal.


New member
The Left in America needs to understand something, to get it through their heads. Most of us, the over-half of the Nation who hold American Ideals and Values SACRED, we don't HATE those of you on the Left, except maybe the few Fringe Radical Ultra-Left, like William Ayers, who DO have so much HATE, that they BOMB and KILL Americans to try and "get their opinions heard". THOSE kinds of Leftists I DO hate, even though I TRY not to hate Anyone, because it goes against what I believe as a Christian. I don't even hate those, like a few on this site, who ATTACK a truly Holy man like the Pope, because they don't like the Rules and Morals he stands for, and becuse they don't like being told what they DO is SIN, like Homosexuality, like lying, cheating, stealing, having sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Barack Obama, for example. I don't HATE the man! I don't even KNOW him! He SEEMS like a typical, Urban African-American man, very ambitious, a VERY GOOD Public Speaker, but a Man that I Pity, for the way he has been Brainwashed and Indoctrinated, practically since birth. He has been taught, by his FAMILY, his FREINDS, his CLERGY, and others, that as a Black Man, he will ALWAYS be looked DOWN on, always have to "FIGHT THE WHITE MAN", in one way or another, and have to make GOVERNMENT be the entity to FORCE PEOPLE to act they way HE wants them to. His OWN WIFE wrote papers, her thesis, about how she wishes to be SEPARATED from the "White Man".

He and his circle ALSO believe that along with All White People, ALL THE RICH, must ALSO be punished. They are the "Bourgeois", and they must be TAXED INTO SUBMISSION. Not having the wisdom to LOOK at HISTORY, and SEE what RESULTS when his Marxist Policies are inacted, time and again. Too NAIIVE, too POMPOUS, to believe HIS ideas can cause harm. Like EVERY OTHER LEFTIST that has come before him, he cannot FATHOM that it will lead to disaster, even though it has been TRIED AGAIN AND AGAIN, and every Nation that HAS "tried" Marxism has TURNED AWAY. Unless they are CONTROLLED, BY GUNS, Like Communist China, or Cuba. And even THOSE nations have people FIGHTING IT UNDERGROUND.

I don't hold anything "against" Obama, personally. I hold nothing against ANY man, that HE DID NOT CHOOSE. I don't hold who his Parents are, who his Family is, where he was Born and Raised, and I DEFINITELY don't hold the Color of his SKIN as a negative trait. To STATE such a thing is the most DISGUSTING, DAMAGING thing that Liberals DO TO THEMSELVES. I'm not going to restate the story of how I grew up, and who my freinds were, but suffice it to say, I have NEVER been prejudiced against race.

What I DO hold against Mr. Obama, is that 1.)he has Weathermen Terrorist Bombers for freinds, 2.)that he gives ALL indications, by his off-the cuff statements(not the rehearsed speeches, but his REAL thoughts), and his associations, that he is Racist against Whites, 3.)that he is a Marxist, and 4.)that he would push his White Grandmother under a Bus, just to wriggle out of an Anti-White Statement, JUST TO WIN AN ELECTION.

Even if I was Card-Carrying Socialist Marxist, and I Hated White People, I STILL would NEVER vote for a Man that would TRASH his GRANDMA, just to win an election, with his whole Political Career ahead.
Hey, I'm sorry, Darlin', but CBS wrote a long article! Didn't want me to leave OUT any facts, didja? You should check this one out ,it's short. Hey Darla, if you don't mind, who was President, when you were born? It's important!
I really think that THIS post, if none other, deserves an answer, from some Liberals. Show me I'm wrong! Show me the Country that TAXED ITSELF INTO PROSPERITY. We, in America, are ALREADY the Greatest Example of Free Enterprise. But inflation, housing, food, gas- things ARE getting a little tighter. So TELL ME, how TAXES and GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS are gonna make things BETTER!