It's Official


Palin is the Bush/cheney years all over again. She's squashed the troopergate investigation and went from "Hold me accountable, I welcome the chance to testify" to refusing to appear at all, and now has the 8 republicans who previously voted for this investigation all saying it would be "inappropriate" to compel her to.

And we will still, after 8 years of this exact kind of corruption, have people here claiming that palin is a new face who will bring change. LOL. Get out the koolaid everybody!

Delicate Dance
The investigators up in Alaska have come out with their press release announcing how they plan to deal with Gov. Palin's stonewalling of the trooper-gate investigation. It seems Palin has now gotten seven others to also refuse to speak to the investigators (they all signaled their refusal to testify post-Palin announcement). And they've now decided to meet on September 12th to decide whether or not to issue subpoenas to compel testimony. However, they will not issue a subpoena for Palin herself. Why? The press release from the investigators says it's because: "She has told the public that she intends to cooperate with the investigation, indeed, she has told the public that she welcomes the investigation and I have every faith that she means it."
Now, this is a bit artful since just two days ago Gov. Palin made clear that she will not cooperate with the investigation. She is insisting that she will only provide testimony once the committee closes down its investigation and allows the probe to be taken over by the State Personnel Board made up of three members appointed by the governor. So she's saying she's not going to cooperate but they're insisting on taking her at her earlier promises to cooperate.
Now, there's some backstory here that's critical to understand. The point-man for the committee which voted to start the probe is Democrat Hollis French. However, the committee, that voted unanimously to begin the probe has a Republican majority.
So what if Palin just absolutely refuses to testify and continues to stonewall?
TPMmuckraker's Zack Roth just spoke to GOP Rep Jay Ramras, also a member of the committee. And he says no, that even if Palin refuses to cooperate, compelling her to testify would be "inappropriate conduct given the unique political circumstances" and "disrespectful."

Are you in any way related to that other retard Desh that posts from all the other left wing libtard sites and assumes it was handed down by God.
There is a certain irony in posting from a website called Talking Points Memo.
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There is irony in posting from a website called Talking Points Memo.

There is also irony in resorting to the use of a '-gate' already made famous by the Clinton's! Troopergate was when Bill fired the Arkansas state troopers who blew the whistle on his infidelity, wasn't it? Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to come up with a new name here, I mean, isn't there some protocol for naming scandals?

How about the "Palin Made Legitimate Cuts in State Budget Which Happened To Include The Former Wife Beating Husband of Her Sister In Law-Gate?" LOL...Yeah, it is a bit long, I know.
There is also irony in resorting to the use of a '-gate' already made famous by the Clinton's! Troopergate was when Bill fired the Arkansas state troopers who blew the whistle on his infidelity, wasn't it? Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to come up with a new name here, I mean, isn't there some protocol for naming scandals?

How about the "Palin Made Legitimate Cuts in State Budget Which Happened To Include The Former Wife Beating Husband of Her Sister In Law-Gate?" LOL...Yeah, it is a bit long, I know.

How about Alasgate...