It's over for Letterman...update


New member
June 16, 2009

Letterman protest draws more media than activists

NEW YORK (CNN) — A protest rally against David Letterman over a failed joke about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her daughter attracted more members of the media than protesters Tuesday afternoon.

A crowd of 15 protesters upset with the late night comic held signs and occasionally shouted as they stood across the street from Letterman's studio.

But they were often hidden from view by the more than 35 members of the media there to cover the protest, and out-shouted by a few very vocal counter-protesters.
Conservatives seem to have built in blinders and continue to believe in Republican myths in the face of overwhelming proof to the contrary.
Like in the other thread they think we sould go back to business as usual.
Just a little economic adjustment they seem to think.

I think we have just seen the intro of what is coming and will last a long time. We need to get used to doing with less.

sure the market is up some, but that is bogus and will flop down again.
We will not recover until jobs increase.
2/3 of our economy is based on consumer spending, not the stock market.
This is a sign that the vast majority of conservatives understand that the apology is all that should have been sought.

I'd ask fellow conservatives to refrain from trying to out-outrage the left, they have many more years of practice, but it is obviously unnecessary.

Work towards the next TEA Party, work towards something that really means something, reject the temptation to be what you sought to end in the past.
This is a sign that the vast majority of conservatives understand that the apology is all that should have been sought.

I'd ask fellow conservatives to refrain from trying to out-outrage the left, they have many more years of practice, but it is obviously unnecessary.

Work towards the next TEA Party, work towards something that really means something, reject the temptation to be what you sought to end in the past.

Like "tea parties" (notice how I unacronymed your retroactive acronym there) weren't 1000 times out-outraging the left. Again, you are nothing more than a pretend moderate who does everything they can to apologize for the extremists you truly support amongst your ranks.
I don't agree with the protest, but I do want to make a comment on the intent of the post.

The fact that there's more media than protesters means it was, in fact, a very successful protest to an extent. It got national media attention and all the protesters had a chance to be heard.

It's just not a very good cause, so it can be easily dismissed. But if you applied the same coverage to a good idea, it would have been a very good opportunity for a movement.
I don't agree with the protest, but I do want to make a comment on the intent of the post.

The fact that there's more media than protesters means it was, in fact, a very successful protest to an extent. It got national media attention and all the protesters had a chance to be heard.

It's just not a very good cause, so it can be easily dismissed. But if you applied the same coverage to a good idea, it would have been a very good opportunity for a movement.

LOL. It gained a lot of media attention, that's for sure. Which just goes to show how irrelevant the conservative movement is today. They can gain a lot of media, sure. That's just because they're massively favored over the liberals. They can gain lots of media over something even completely irrelevant. This is because most conservative refuse to listen objective news, and only listen to that which is massively biased toward their viewpoint.
This is a sign that the vast majority of conservatives understand that the apology is all that should have been sought.

I'd ask fellow conservatives to refrain from trying to out-outrage the left, they have many more years of practice, but it is obviously unnecessary.

Work towards the next TEA Party, work towards something that really means something, reject the temptation to be what you sought to end in the past.

The vast majority of outrage, hate and violence is from the right...

Ahhhh, the TEA Parties...organized by the GOP front group FreedomWorks, Dick Armey chairman, Matt Kibbe president...organizations financed by the largest polluting corporations on the planet, Koch Oil, Scaife Foundations; which is Gulf Oil, Alcoa, Alcan, Carborundum and uranium cartels. Phillip Morris Tobacco Co.

The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion by our founders against oppressive government policies carried out In America by the agents for King George III...CORPORATIONS like the British East India Company, and taxation without representation...

The majority of Americans spoke through their elected REPRESENTATIVES that the pea brain party of large corporatism, the GOP IS the problem...

Did I mention stupidity is also a right wing requirement?

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The vast majority of outrage, hate and violence is from the right...

Ahhhh, the TEA Parties...organized by the GOP front group FreedomWorks, Dick Armey chairman, Matt Kibbe president...organizations financed by the largest polluting corporations on the planet, Koch Oil, Scaife Foundations; which is Gulf Oil, Alcoa, Alcan, Carborundum and uranium cartels. Phillip Morris Tobacco Co.

The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion by our founders against oppressive government policies carried out In America by the agents for King George III...CORPORATIONS like the British East India Company, and taxation without representation...

The majority of Americans spoke through their elected REPRESENTATIVES that the pea brain party of large corporatism, the GOP IS the problem...

Did I mention stupidity is also a right wing requirement?

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Now, now, there are several posters, on this very board, who participated in the 'Tea Party' events and a more sensible, open-minded coterie of free-thinking people you could not hope to find.
Now, now, there are several posters, on this very board, who participated in the 'Tea Party' events and a more sensible, open-minded coterie of free-thinking people you could not hope to find.

Always seek the silver lining. It seems that the vast majority of the people who consider themselves conservative have a clear mind about this. Point out the hypocrisy, then step back and let them go.

Conservatives have a clear mind about seeking the silver lining?


You gotta be fucking kiddin'.

This "protest" has died because nobody is paying attention and there is NO HOPE they can get Letterman fired.

In fact, Letterman is probably sorry to see them go ... they're idiocy has backfired on them ..

Letterman's Ratings Soar On Palin Apology: Beats Conan By 700K Viewers

The right didn't get to be so rejected by being the sane ones.
Conservatives have a clear mind about seeking the silver lining?


You gotta be fucking kiddin'.

This "protest" has died because nobody is paying attention and there is NO HOPE they can get Letterman fired.

In fact, Letterman is probably sorry to see them go ... they're idiocy has backfired on them ..

Letterman's Ratings Soar On Palin Apology: Beats Conan By 700K Viewers

The right didn't get to be so rejected by being the sane ones.

People don't go to protests that they know are a step too far. Again, I present the silver lining. "Conservatives" (the largest self-identified block of voters) are not the "sheep" that the left likes to pretend they are. It isn't the ratings that will matter it is getting those self-identified conservatives to see the hypocrisy.

Personally I can't stay up that late or I'd probably watch Letterman.
LOL. It gained a lot of media attention, that's for sure. Which just goes to show how irrelevant the conservative movement is today. They can gain a lot of media, sure. That's just because they're massively favored over the liberals. They can gain lots of media over something even completely irrelevant. This is because most conservative refuse to listen objective news, and only listen to that which is massively biased toward their viewpoint.

I'm not really that interested in the left-right aspect of this. The protest could have been done by anyone, really. I don't think that the protestors of a late night talk show host really speak for a large group of conservatives. They may be all conservatives themselves, though.

As you know, the conservative and liberal movements have many different factions and interests.