It's true

"As he leaves the White House at the end of his second term, the President has a poll rating of only 23 per cent, and is widely disliked and even despised. His foreign policy has been judged a failure, especially in view of the long, painful, costly war that he declared, which is still not over.

He doesn't get on with his own party's presidential candidate, who is clearly distancing himself, and had lost many of his closest friends and staff to scandals and forced resignations. The New Republic, a hugely influential political magazine, writes that his historical reputation will be as bad as that of President Harding, the disastrous president of the Great Depression
"I am writing, of course, about Harry S Truman, generally regarded today as one of the greatest of all the 43 presidents, and the man who set the United States on the course that ended decades later in the defeat of Communism.

If the West wins the modern counterpart of that struggle, the War Against Terror, historians will look back in amazement at the present unpopularity of George W Bush, and marvel at it quite as much as we now marvel at the 67 per cent disapproval rates for Truman throughout 1952
No Kathy this guy still whorships him and this thread was an attempt to claim Bush will be favored in history like Truman was.
No Kathy this guy still whorships him and this thread was an attempt to claim Bush will be favored in history like Truman was.

And what if he is Desh? Will you kill yourself? Didn't think so, me neither.
Dont worry my friend I have spent years watching people get away with all sorts of things.

I just know that once they are no longer in control fo everything at least some of the truth will come out.
Do you really think this band of miscreants can really destroy all evidence of their past doings?

Supposedly they are geniouses. Do you really think Karl Rove will allow anyone to get caught. I mean, its kind of his job to stay on top of things...

Hell, even Clinton was busy burying things after he was out of office, except that on one occassion Sandy Burger got caught swiping documents from the national archives.
LOL - Yes, history has Reflected kindly on Truman.

To use that as an assumption that history will reflect as kindly on W is just retarded. But then, you are retarded so no surprise there.
Bush says we don't have to worry about what history will say because we will all be dead. We only have to worry about what "the true father" has to say. Which begs the question: Who's your daddy?
There are horrendous crimes against humanity and our earth which will last for eternity 4.5 BILLION YEARS which have been committed by Resident George W. Bush, VP Dick Cheney, Director of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and all members of the Executive branch of USA; said crimes resulting from bombs and shells containing depleted uranium - called "dirty bombs" - which were rained down on Iraq beginning 03/19/2003 and continuing to the present time.
Bush says we don't have to worry about what history will say because we will all be dead. We only have to worry about what "the true father" has to say. Which begs the question: Who's your daddy?

That's right! Hell, we're still debating about George Washington, for god's sake.

What a great way to avoid accountability on anything. Actions can never really be judged, at least by this or the next generation; one's "greatness" or "failure" can take centuries to truly sort out, if a verdict can ever be rendered at all.

And it does beg the question of what Bush & his other fundies view of what the "true father" is all about, if "he" thinks the heedless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocents deserves a spot at the front of the line for the country club behind those pearly gates...
That's right! Hell, we're still debating about George Washington, for god's sake.

What a great way to avoid accountability on anything. Actions can never really be judged, at least by this or the next generation; one's "greatness" or "failure" can take centuries to truly sort out, if a verdict can ever be rendered at all.

And it does beg the question of what Bush & his other fundies view of what the "true father" is all about, if "he" thinks the heedless slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocents deserves a spot at the front of the line for the country club behind those pearly gates...

That a great synopsis, and one part of it which is very striking, is that it appears to me to be a form of moral relativism. Ohh, who can really say whether killing people in the Iraq war is right or wrong?
And that is something the right claims they don’t do.
That a great synopsis, and one part of it which is very striking, is that it appears to me to be a form of moral relativism. Ohh, who can really say whether killing people in the Iraq war is right or wrong?
And that is something the right claims they don’t do.

Well after all bush did say that God told him to invade Iraq.
he is just doing Gods bidding.