I've added a News Ticker...

anyway to turn it off if we prefer? :/ I find it distracting. Not saying others might not find it useful but it'd be cool to have the option.
Umm the ticker. not your sig scribble.

You are on the wrong thread.

um no.. you are on the wrong thread. You said in this very thread the ticker was good. Then you said the ticker was distracting after I said it was distracting. You are such a senile old fool.
All Contained within the same thread:

Damo: What do you think?
UScitizen: Looks pretty good
Grind: I find it distracting
Uscitizen: Yep, quite distracting
Grind: Make up your mind uscitizen
Uscitizen: Grind you are in the wrong thread.
grind is right. I misunderstood. Grind is always right, except when he is wrong.
But damo is correct in his interpretation of my intent.

damned cat is getting in my way.
I think your sig is hilarious. There has been a night or two where I have resembled this cartoon.
Yes, he did.

he edited that message and if you would notice this mini debate had started before he brought that up.

Secondly, uscitizen has now admitted HIS error, proving once again that I am infallible, and that you were both incorrect.
You are not infallible Grind. Just right in this case.
And on the editing I did not change any content , just added more.

Damo maybe I do need to be an admin so I can mess with Grinds brain :D